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[CP2] Litchi Faye Ling - Critique Thread

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Posting Rules
  • Keep on topic! Due to the nature of the thread there will be lots of gameplay discussions happening in this thread, but despite that, this is not a general gameplay discussion thread. This thread is for the sole purpose of player improvement and critiquing, so keep anything unrelated to that in it's respective thread located elsewhere in the forum.
  • Absolutely no flaming, hating, insulting, or trolling is permitted. Although some people can be a little harsh in critiquing, this thread is to be as informative and encouraging as possible to players seeking guidance in here. Remember that everyone isn't going to be as good as you, and if you are a strong player coming here to critique, then don't be a self-righteous jerk by putting down the other players.
  • Video embedding is okay, but if you are posting multiple videos with different examples please just provide links + Time Stamps please.
  • When critiquing a user's video, if possible, try to provide timestamps for each section of the video you are addressing. It makes it much easier to explain things in detail, and it also helps the user being critiqued understand which instance you are referring to.

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