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Xrd option select, special move or faultless defence!

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I just tested this... it's really easy, i though it'd be something more like USF4 proximity OS.  I hope they patch this out in Revelator. 

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Question, since I don't own Xrd to test it:

You can FD brake run, so does the OS work by doing run->motion+tap FD twice?

The first FD would break you out of the run, then releasing would possibly allow you to go into proxy guard or not, then the 2nd tap would still be a valid input for the motion but would give you the OS.


If this does work you could expedite it by holding down the button that isn't for the special move, so if you want the special with S you could do FD with [K]S, S.


Yep this works. You actually have to input the full FD command though. So something like 214K+S, K+S. It's pretty easy to do though.



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I had an odd situation where a recording I made, would backdash if I had done something, FD if I had done nothing. I could never replicate it though, it was me trying to do 6321464H+S. Messing around with just 464H+S wielded no results either.

EDIT: If it means anything, I made it so the dummy would do the OS as he was landing from a jump.

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Quick note about OS triggering against some moves like Dandy Step :Millia's Digitalis (214K) Sin's Leap and Elphelt's roll trigger the OS BUT Millia's j214K,Zato's Break the Law, Venom's Teleport and Bedman's guard point dash don't trigger it.

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I had an odd situation where a recording I made, would backdash if I had done something, FD if I had done nothing. I could never replicate it though, it was me trying to do 6321464H+S. Messing around with just 464H+S wielded no results either.

EDIT: If it means anything, I made it so the dummy would do the OS as he was landing from a jump.




Quick note about OS triggering against some moves like Dandy Step :Millia's Digitalis (214K) Sin's Leap and Elphelt's roll trigger the OS BUT Millia's j214K,Zato's Break the Law, Venom's Teleport and Bedman's guard point dash don't trigger it.


This is most likely because those moves don't trigger proximity guard. Wait taunt triggers proximity os... it also trigger proximity guard?

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This is most likely because those moves don't trigger proximity guard. Wait taunt triggers proximity os... it also trigger proximity guard?


Yeah my goal was just to list how non-hitting moves affect proximity guard ! Also can't seem to trigger proximity OS with Sin's taunts and respects, maybe this is char specific ?

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Anyone here that can quickly test this as Sol?


6234+P+HS, K


Idea here is that you do the Proxy OS with VV, and should FD come out, use the buffer of the 623 for a Wild Throw instead.

I hope my understanding of the Input Engine is wrong/not efficient enough and that this doesn't work.


EDIT: Ok, its official. It works. Its tight to press tho.



This principle can be applied to all characters. This way you dont just have a "special move or faultless defense" OS, but also possibly a "Special Move A or Any Move B" OS.

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