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West Coast Canada IV: "Ah yes, 'Guilty Gear' - we have already dismissed that game!"

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NO MORDINNNNN, fuck I'l miss that nerd.

Man I'm reading about the alternate scenes you can get. The renegade shit is FULL ASS renegade.

You can murder Mordin to sabotage the cure. Alternatively if everyone else is dead or you didn't save the cure data in 2, Mordin survives, genophage cure is fucked, yet somehow you get support from both the salarians and krogans.

This game is crazy.

Edit: Looo spoilers.

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Man I'm reading about the alternate scenes you can get. The renegade shit is FULL ASS renegade. You can murder Mordin to sabotage the cure. Alternatively if everyone else is dead or you didn't save the cure data in 2, Mordin survives, genophage cure is fucked, yet somehow you get support from both the salarians and krogans. This game is crazy.


Conrad Verner is an astonishing culmination of things from ME1 and ME2.

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final game choice:

- red explosions

- green explosions

- blue explosions

u mad bro?

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No, but a lot of other people seem to be. What are your thoughts on the ending? Obviously you're not as upset, as I suspect you were privy to the plot details beforehand.

I can kind of understand the frustration and despair that others must feel though. It's like buying one of those Choose Your Own Goosebumps books, and reading through all the various plots, and different choices only to end up at page 97 every time.

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No, but a lot of other people seem to be. What are your thoughts on the ending? Obviously you're not as upset, as I suspect you were privy to the plot details beforehand.

I can kind of understand the frustration and despair that others must feel though. It's like buying one of those Choose Your Own Goosebumps books, and reading through all the various plots, and different choices only to end up at page 97 every time.

I say

Let's wait until the end of the month when BWE releases official statements on it.

That said, I also think it's kind of ridiculous to say that no decisions matter because there is a 3 button choice at the end; for one, you don't even get 3 buttons if you don't have enough lolstatslol, but the entire game leading up to it is full of reflections of things you did in previous games which also affect the lolstatslol. If a bunch of Fallout 2 epilogue screens would suddenly have "made your decisions matter", then that's kind of loltastic.

"Making your decisions matter" vs. "this ending is lolwhut" are two different things.

Now, I do think that the Rachni choice should've figured in more grandly for sure, though.

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piece of advise, shut your mind during your playthrough, don't give thoughts cause the ending is gonna shit your brain if you do.

I just got shitted.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THE ENDING? why is Joker so good that whoever the fuck is left alive is rewarded with Joker's dick.

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Yeah, pre-ending DLC. Which I wonder who actually wants to play.

Also as shit as the ending is, I still thinks it was really cool that they had Buzz Aldrin voice the old guy at the end. Was pretty fucking random to see that in the credits.

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