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[CS2] Hazama vs. Tsubaki

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Low to ground J5D > 5D works wonders. Tsubaki has a lot of trouble moving around chains without charge. She's either gonna jump or do one of those grounded running specials. (236X?)

If you're in the corner and she SJ charges, just hold back. Her dive will beat you out of trying to chain her.

Learn to watch for her unblockable and either SJ barrier or gold burst that shit.

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If they're even a bit close to you, I'm pretty sure you can command grab her out of the unblockable, because it extends her hitbox.

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Crossup 2C goes behind her DP and beats it for a CH. Use it a lot because Tsubakis love mashing DPs. Use CA if she starts pressuring you. Don't try mashing against Tsubaki's blockstrings unless you have meter to do smart reversal Houtenjin cause half her pressure is made to frametrap. :8/:

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Remember that with your chains you can also, to an extent control her charge. If she tries charging in the air, you can easily shoot her down, and charging on the ground, while much safer, can still be dangerous for her. So, while don't spam your Ds, keep them pressured. The less charge they have, the better, and if you catch them in a charge you get a free CH off D...which could give you anywhere from 1800-5500~ damage. Make that charging dangerous for her!

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Zidane once told me to just hold up back AB on her pressure. Lol

If she does the D version ground rush thing, input 214214 slowly, then press B.

I think you can also 2B under her various DPs. Im not sure if that's range dependent though.

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Not too big on Tsubaki or a master at this matchup by any means but she's pretty easy to zone. You all should get into the habit of using a raw 623d if she's air charging because it is awesome and her "rush in" moves are annoying. Sometimes they cross up on block too. Her 2c is a good anti air and if you just fly in without confirming a chain while she's charging you'll probably eat one of these.

Zidane definitely had the right idea, but watch out for air grabs.

3c is very viable in this match. 2c aa for most of the time and 5a if it's a sloppy approach.

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Remember that with your chains you can also, to an extent control her charge. If she tries charging in the air, you can easily shoot her down, and charging on the ground, while much safer, can still be dangerous for her. So, while don't spam your Ds, keep them pressured. The less charge they have, the better, and if you catch them in a charge you get a free CH off D...which could give you anywhere from 1800-5500~ damage. Make that charging dangerous for her!

She doesn't really need to expose herself in order to charge - quick taps at fullscreen or near fullscreen will recover in time to block chains, and low altitude jump charging is in a 'no chain' zone unless you're nearby (in which case, she shouldn't be doing it.). OTOH, her air charge has landing recovery, so you can punish that if you time it right.

Jumping back with AB is not a good idea when IN her pressure thanks to the mandatory no jump-barrier time, but jumping around a lot is excellent in neutral, because your ability to attack from the air is much better than her ability to chase you up there.

3C is definitely good because it goes under her 5B. =(

You should only be able to command grab her out of 22D if you've got extremely good timing, because while she's CHARGING 22D, her hitbox is actually reduced, and only starts to extend right before the attack.

Still, this matchup is definitely in your favor due to your superior air game, and the threat of the reversal houtenjin.

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