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Need ways to be annoying with Zappa.

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I rape his Axl until he starts 5P/2P spam...

See what I mean? You guys resort to spamming and I just play randomly. Wait, isn't that how you're supposed to play Zappa?

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Oooh, got another way to be annoying. When you have the sword out, spam HS and 2HS like a madman and scream HAMEDA whenever you connect. Keeps most people far away from you.

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haha i like this thread but what about ways to cheese your opponent or just do stuff thats hard to deal with i just love ghost j.hs spam lol

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Lately if I have the dog and I'm on one side of the screen, I keep doing 5S, have the doggy growl, and mumbling to myself. Ghoulish vomiting sounds mixed with the guy next to you mumbling and doggy growling is a payday for annoying someone.

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When you play with zappa act like you're possessed and make alot of noise and when ufinish say "what happened?" then fall unconcious.

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Or, simply win just by using Zappa. Dispell any ghosts you gain automatically and just own them with S-ko and the man himself.

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With one of his voice sets I like using j HS over and over because to me it sounds like he's saying "I'm cool like that" and it doesn't have much lag. Similar to how slayer mains use his kicking move (I don't play slayer so I'm not sure which button) just to spam his laughing sfx.

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I like to win matches using his forcebreak. It's pretty awesome. I beat Sol's overdrive (not dragon install, the other one) the other day, and it was pretty epic. Also, as far doing annoying things, I think the best is to just outpoke people with zappa. j.s on the sword is amazing, and for the ghosts you have 5s which staggers on counter hit. With all of them you can throw out random 2p,2k,5p,5k and when appropriate 6p. You do this by running up to your opponent, fd breaking outside of throw range and then pausing just long enough for your opponent to realize you aren't doing anything. Then you throw out one of these pokes and bam: flustered opponent. I'm especially fond of stuffing projectile attacks with 5p. Also with the ghosts you can do the air ghost explosion mixup. After an opponent has been knocked down, run up next to them, and then right as they are standing up jump over them and press H right as you jump over them. Since they are quickly being crossed up, it's almost impossible to reversal super punch this, and the explosions have frame advantage, so it's safe on block. If they start blocking this, then do as above, but follow it up either a second air ghost or 2H or you could airdash over them for a double cross-up exploding either one or two more ghosts (really fast crossup). You can also just jump straight up and do explosion, or empty jump into a throw. All of these things end in knockdown, so you can just do this over and over until they block it, in which case your still safe and you can just do frc ghost tosses. Don't start by trying the fancy mixups right out the gate, as most of the time your opponents just stay blocking in the same direction, and so don't actually switch blocking directions. Save that for when you've knocked them down 2-3 times in a row off the basic cross-up and follow it up with something fancy. Repeat till no one will play with you :'<

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You can also run up and stand right next to the enemy on their wakeup, then do a sudden super-jump crossup ghost explosion just as you leave the ground. Really crazy fast mixup potential.

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