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Zakuta Asura

[^C] Baiken [COMBO]

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I saw a post saying you can't follow-up on TK YZS (RC) or something in another thread.. forgot which. I just saw Sharon did it on the HOS. It's as normal. Nothing changed there.

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The change was that she could only do it in the corner - he only did it in the corner. He did YZS RC j > [s-D] against someone outside of the corner (good ol' XX combos) and by god, it's going to take ages to find the clip.

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I'm sure everyone can tell the different between Sharon and some other Baiken player :B I also think he'd use his own colour, seen as it's available...but all of Baiken's colours are really good.

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I get the impression from the vids that, you may be able to do j > [s-D] > ad > [H] > land > whatever as a combo. Might require an FRC though...if it does connect then H should leave the opponent under enough hit stun to continue with a combo...like 6P > jc > [s-P-K] > jc > [s-D]. After the 6P connects you could attempt an air grab to reset the damage or continue for the guaranteed damage plus knockdown.

Also, seen as j.K is slightly quicker than j.S, it might be better to use that instead of j.P during the j.P-S-D air gatling to add more height to the combo, or, remove the j.P-S and make it j.K-D instead. Might work, but you'll lose out on the damage.

Have no idea what would really work after Tatami > FRC > iad > j.D. I guess FRCing the j.D into Tatami will work for a quick dust loop. S(f) may connect after j.D without the FRC. TK YZS looks as though it'd work too.

Air tatami on CH against someone in the corner, 6H > Tatami > FRC > iad > j.D combos need apply for additional damage (with whatever combo that works) or just standard Tatami > Loop or Tatami > FRC > Loop.

Few theories... ^o^

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tatami FRC iad.j.D in the corner may not be worth it anymore. Maybe tatami FRC j.D ad.j.S-j.D is all we get to work with?

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There are more than one good baiken players in Japan right now, it could be any one of them. It's hard to tell styles when he's still trying to figure out everything new :P The best dustloop I've seen is tatami frc jump close j.S j.D airdash j.S j.D FRC tatami jump j.S j.D airdash j.S j.D I don't think that tatami frc iad j.D is worth it at all anymore.

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one variation i saw to the ad.j.S-P-K -> air combo in Slash was something Beru did in the big 23on23 matches: ad.j.S-P-K -> 2D -> air combo of choice Hopefully this'll work in AC with the Sakura FRC 6HS -> iad.j.S... combos.

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The combos I posted in the ^C Baiken Strat thread:


Launch (at corner, FRC) -> j.S -> j.D -> a.D -> j.S -> j.D (FRC) -> Tatami -> j.S -> j.D

Not sure if you can continue again after that. hmm

Sakura (FRC) -> 6HS -> IAD.p -> j.S -> j.P -> j.K -> combo

And yeah the Baiken in those 90 videos or something is Sharon.. :D I can tell.

The strongest baiken is definitely Sharon. The second, IMO, would be Bell (Beru).


BTW additional info on TK YZS (RC) -> Tatami -> combo

It seems that you can't do it on heavy characters anymore, for whatever reasons that I don't know. The changes to YZS (more recovery) shouldn't apply here since you RC it.

Anyway, i saw sharon doing TK YZS (RC) -> Tatami -> Combo on a Robo Ky several times. AND THEY ALL FAILED. I think it is because Tatami doesn't float opponents (who get hit) as high now. That's one of the changes to tatami right?

So yeah, while it is possible to do it on HOS (saw in vid), it's not possible to do it on heavier characters.


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one variation i saw to the ad.j.S-P-K -> air combo in Slash was something Beru did in the big 23on23 matches:

ad.j.S-P-K -> 2D -> air combo of choice

Hopefully this'll work in AC with the Sakura FRC 6HS -> iad.j.S... combos.

the hitbox on 2D has been changed, from what I've seen. There is a time when anji is close to the ground, baiken attemps 6HS 2D and the 2D whiffed, they probably made the hitbox smaller. As for that, I'm not sure if ground combo-> tatami FRC run up 2D j.S etc. is possible anymore.

Also I find it hard to believe the baiken in those videos are sharon, he doesn't make that many input mistakes..

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Exactly. Pure combos were flubbed, also, NO THROWS? How can you use Baiken an not use throws. >:0

In any case, you can indeed combo from normal throw in the corner. Just ask Testament for confirmation.

I still think that in some cases it'd probably be better to go with ad -> [K-D] or ad -> [K-S-D] in loop combos. j.K will also leave you closer too...well, who knows!

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Hmmm I think it's safer to assume that the 2D whiffed because some Anji's move's properties or something? I dunnoe o_O And how did the Baiken in the video make input mistakes.. ? I didn't really noticed anything.

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And how did the Baiken in the video make input mistakes.. ? I didn't really noticed anything.


edit: i'll give you a hint -- why would Baiken do 2K-5Sc... and stop.

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And how did the Baiken in the video make input mistakes.. ? I didn't really noticed anything.

many times

oh snap, you can youzansen FRC midscreen and air dash j.P j.S j.D, just saw her do it to potemkin o_o; You should be able to do this without j.P as well.

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WTF. Look at the 90th video of Baiken. At the 01:08 point onwards. it shows Baiken throwing testament at the corner and following-up with 6HS -> j.D :O seems like it's do-able on some characters like testament and ky. It does not seem to be able to do on Anji, however.

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Damn. Is there anyway to find out who is that Baiken player? I'm still convinced it's Sharon.. ^_^

Are you talking about the Baiken player in videos 55, 53, etc? I think that's Sharon as well. I'm sure there are many other good Baiken players in Japan, but the one in those videos just seemed like Sharon's style.

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