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[CP] Litchi vs. Kagura

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After playing couple of Good/Decent Kagura's that know what they are doing.

I've been able to abuse 2 things.

That being :

1)hard knock down , in to 2D staff set followed by a 41236D to make them block whiles i do overheads

2)Seeing as litchi is hard to get in to , Kagura's use the large 4[8] Black projectile to find a point of entry. Max 6B range can Hit him out of the Start frames of that move (where the black is out but hasn't reached litchi's Hurt box) . So the one combo I've used the most vs Kagura's has been the 6B[m] CH in to IAD J.B[m] > J.C[m] in to combo.

Those are the things I've come to take advantage of so far. Since kagura's are just there waiting to do 2[8] DP (And i don't blame them its damn good + CH combo-able)

Spamming overheads on kagura's seems to be the best - even if they block the overhead - they are forced to stop charging down[2] up and are forced to press Back [4].

This is what I've got so far.

As for neutral . Litchi's 2D staff Set and launch can hit kagura out of the start up of his projectile - after doing this a few times , Kagura's try to chance their routine , maybe go for a J.C which can be Itsuu' A'd but there have been times where the hit stun on Itsuu clashing with J.C has made the Itsuu A lag , so I tend to do Itsuu C to catch them before they hit the ground - and get Fatal CH's so Itsuu's do help.

In relation to his Air Stance in to the black gale Cross up , Itsuu B can hit them out of it because of Itsuu's weird hit box where it hits behind her. But i try not to rely on it too much because if the itsuu is too late - he could do a cross up in to a grab.

Another thing about his neutral and his large projectile is that kagura's like to run with the dark ball similar to lambda running along side her Swords running along the floor.

I've dealt with it by doing 2D staff set in to 41236D which challenges and wins vs the Large dark ball BUT A WORD OF WARNING if the kagura option selects for the Hiryuusengeki (6D~C Where he lunges the sword forward) it has Super Armor against Projectiles. so you could possibly get hit if you try to rush in to him , so you may wish to jump IAD to possibly get in since that move has a large window of frame recovery or block - whiles the 41236D (after 2D staff set) rips his Super armor off after a few hits. (i've noticed after his super armor flashes red - he then loses the super armor and gets hit by the last few hits of 2D staff set 41236D)

You can Dragon Punch out of his most of his D drive strings excluding his Ryuuhashou (5D~A where he stabs the sword in to the ground and Punches it at you). That move has super armor to everything Except Lows but i haven't tried to poke him out of it , i usually block it since its -19 on block and wait for the kagura to dash forward (after that move kagura's dash forward - i think its Auto but i'm unsure)

now in the case of respect that Ryuuhashou 5D~A , DP'ing after that move is an option but if you respect him too much, he could go for a Ryuugekisou (5D~B - his command grab) or even a normal grab . so keep an eye on kagura when he's very close.

That's all I have from my experience. I hope that helps or gives you any idea.

Imo this match up is around 5.5/6 to litchi's favor but i won't say back that opinion up 100% because i haven't faced enough kagura's - i've only played around 12 Decent Kagura's that know that stuff. I'll come back with more info if I can find anything else.

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I never thought about the whole going for overheads on staff pressure to force his 2charge.

Otherwise, everything else seems to be similar to how I handle the match up so far. There is a lack of needed respect in terms of block->DP next stance action. I've played around a bit with IBing Backdashing/Command Backdashing but it seems more moot against this dude, especially when DP gains you momentum back and easier to do/react to.

Either way, our Kagura players need to stop switching back and forth so I can really try some stuff too. :P

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you can play dry vs kagura and win - because his only sure way to run in is when he uses that giant ball. But you can neutralize it or you can just avoid it completely

Some kagura's do the giant ball in to :-

That LARGE hit box anti air looking swing - when he slashes the air

Does the lunging D drive forward stab (the projectile super armor)

Or try to jump along side you and IAD > Grab

a double jump can blow his options lol

If you see the kagura do an obvious normal during the course of that large dark ball - you can even Itsuu - B - C lol. But ofcourse - kagura's after seeing that (if they learn) won't try to repeat their mistakes. if not , you can kinda rinse and repeat the stuff i mentioned and get punish him for trying to get in.

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For this matchup i really like using 3C>vertical 41236D oki in the corner


you can get hit by the flash kick and still get a 3.5-4K meterless combo into the same situation. or you can get a safe 3C/6A if kagura blocks the first 2 hits before the staff goes above him.



and in neutral i like to spam itsuu a LOT because there just isn't much kagura can do about it. And j.D>41236A/B if he shoots a projectile. Its repetitive and easily punishable if predicted but does its job.

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Always end corner combos with 6C vs Kagura whenever you can. Sealing his DP/super is too worth it.

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So in the situation that your DP was baited,what can I do vs Kagura when pinned?

They seem to go for any D into [4]6B and it feels obnoxiously safe,I can't seem to poke or jump out of it.Worse case I get pinned by 2D~B,[4]6B,2C repeat.Any advice would help?

Tricks I tried:Just guarding the second hit of 2D~B and jumping,421C(hold as well),2A/B and even OD Punish,which will just get me hit by his fireball.I tried barrier guarding but that seems to move him far enough that its even harder to get out,including pole hopping which if you manage to will be punished in most cases by his 6C/DP.

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