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[P4AU] Chie vs Akihiko

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I have a friend who mains Akihiko, and it's really stressful to play him. I'm not very good, so I'm trying to learn both the game and the matchups behind it, I feel like this friend in particular plays pretty transparently but even then, I almost always end up getting beat out by his A mashing. Is it just that good, or should I go about playing safer with Tomoe and zoning?

I bait his Furious A. and 5A frequently, but in neutral I still tend to lose more I feel like. I do approach pretty haphazardly usually though.


I'm no expert but Against Akihiko I'm usually just really patient, letting him do what he does seems inevitable, I've tried zoning with Tomoe and all I get is a broken Persona rather quickly. Finding an opening and then going for a knockdown swings the tide in your favor because it allows you to now put the pressure on him and baiting his DP is GG. Countering your friends Mashed 5a's is a good option too if they're as easily telegraphed as you describe.

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