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[Xrd] Slayer vs. Ramlethal

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I personally think Slayer probably has the best defensive options in the game against her.

You are not specifically telling what you have problems with but her being airborne like crazy, j.PPPPPPPP and 5PPPPPPP I'd assume are 2 things. I have not found anything really reliable here. Learning how to air throw properly helps since Slayer is bad in air-to-air battles.

You can BDJC all of her oki so that's sweet.

2KPP has 7F (without IB!) gap so learn to press buttons.
2KPK has 1F without IB, you can 1F reversal backdash this string. You can make it a habit to just backdash after 2KP.

Her 2KKK is free after a Mappa. You can BDC Bite or BDJC. Try using P Mappa alot more if they spam 2KKK after. Afaik it has 6F startup so you can't press buttons.

2HS vs 2P abare if they tend to disrespect alot, especially in corner if you ever get her there.

You movement has to be good to not be locked down and not ler hur run the pace 100%. It's easier said than done but at least it's something to think about.

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Thanks for the notes. They're a big help already.

In my own experience and watching lots of Ramlethal footage, she's just so impossible to air throw. I dunno if I should be double or super jumping first or what, but I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this.


Really wish there was better stuff after landing Mappa. I suppose I could go for Blitz Shield if I'm 100% sure. I'll try BDC Air Dash more.


I feel like I get locked down even if I Back Dash when she's throwin her Oki setups on me. I get out of the initial mixups, but the swords and her nonsense whiff cancel strings just keep me locked down.

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Yeah it's not easy. You are playing a bottom tier characters versus one of the top 5 characters.

If you look at any good Slayer they are for the most part struggling against any other good player/character so.

Knowing the ins and outs is what helps me a lot since the level here is rather low getting around the stuff that gets abused helps so much.

I played a few matches earlier today and against this specific person 6HS made my day. I could catch alot of jumping and moving around. But if he instead would have opted for more f.S and ground combinations I would have been at a loss if not adapting again. Also 6P beats f.S rather clean that's nice.


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