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Sol vs Potemkin

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Pot main here. I'm having a real hard time with this match up. And there are so many Sols!

Basically I'm struggling to find holes in his pressure.....where can I Pot Buster or jab him out? Any other tips?

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Dotnova gave me a lot of input on this thread on how to correct my play and how to properly approach the matchup. Vid is worth a look for reference to his notes if you could stomach how confused I was on those vids. Thankfully I now get good results whenever I play against that sol offline and I'm at lvl19 on the jp server (1-3f latency) if anyone cares about that.


I can't think of times where it was ever a good idea to abare sol with standing or crouching jabs. You should respect his normals then prepare for an answer when he commits to something. Getting safejump OS down perfectly will make your life in this matchup much easier. Other than that, your damage is going to come from reactive stuff like punishing volcanic.

Well if you want some busters, I usually rob sols online/offline when I instant block bandit bringer. I haven't tested if it's guranteed because I've had loonies that successfully volcanic or backdash after bringer gets IB-ed but in most cases where pot IBs it while sol is pretty  high midair, I'm confident it will work. 

I guess one very common potbuster trick while on the defense that you can do is after a backdash but don't rely on it too much.

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16 hours ago, Reki said:


That's awesome, thanks! Sounds like I'm having the same problems you were. This should help a ton.


EDIT: I play on the Japanese server too (I'm in Korea), though I rarely play ranked. And I hate mirror matches haha.

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