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Feel free to join Blazblue discord for finding matches and general discussion!

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Discord is a way for users to instant message group chat, it's easy and fast to register. It's kind of like a mix of IRC and Teamspeak but with a more modern UI.

Feel free to use it to:
* Ask people if they want to play some Blazblue games (most people there are on PS3/PS4)
* Ask for General, Character or Combo Advice
* If you just want to hang out and have general Blazblue discussion, there's a good amount of it.

There are good amount of newcomers and veterans in the chat so don't be afraid to jump in to practice, get some games and maybe ask for advice if you are newer.

Link to Join the Discord Chatroom:

Discord has a Mobile App, Desktop App, and Browser App so you can access it anywhere as long as you have internet.

We have weekly netplay tournies on Friday or Saturday evenings if you're interested in thse.

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