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Noob mechanics

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Hi. I'm new in the forum, and I'd like some advice on BBCF. I'm not new to fighting games, but I only played some Soul Calibur and Tekken as a kid, and only just by button mashing. Now I want to get "good" at BB. My problem is this: I'm playing Ragna at the moment. I know his main commands (even though I can't pull every single move) and I know some easy combos. But the things is that I don't know how to approach the game. It feels like I'm just mashing. Is there a "standard way of playing", or should just play more until I get comfortable with the character and see how to play with it? 

PS: This question is not about playing Ragna well. I'm refering to the game in general, using whatever character.

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Well, most of it will come with experience. And there isn't much in the way "standard play" that encompasses all characters. Hakumen can tend to be defensive oriented and Noel offensive, but both can play offensive and defensive, respectively, depending on who is playing them and what character they are playing against. It tends to be best to develop your own style of play and get good at that, but most of all be flexible and adaptable. 

Watch some gameplay videos and watch how people play your character. Look at some frame data sheets and see what each move is good for. You might find something useful hiding right under your nose.

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