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Blazblue: Short Stories and Novel Discussion

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Bloodedge lost the Power of the Azure, the Azure Grimoire, not the container, the dark stone. This thing alone is practically useless.

So I don't think Nu alone can become the Beast.

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Ah, so she already took the Grimoire from him basically. But then why did the Black Beast pause for a year from absorbing Ragna... unless Nu just was that happy Ragna joined the fun.

I think that one bad end where Ragna overloads on the Azure Grimoire has him turning into the beast and practically destroying most of the world before he's put down. If that's the case then I wonder what Nu brings to the equation.

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The Ragna-only Black Beast barely lasts an hour. Hakumen puts him out of his misery pretty quickly. The Black Beast also wasn't pausing for a year to absorb Ragna, Ragna was fighting it from the inside.

Ragna as Bloodedge loses his arm because that's the only part Nu needs to form the Black Beast. Nu's basically the catalyst that makes it as strong and durable as it is - without Nu the Black Beast barely functions.

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What makes you think it barely lasted an hour? Was it said in the ending? I was under the impression it was an indefinite period of time during which he could have unleashed all sorts of carnage.

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Wow. So much information in one day! I just wish I knew what happened in the last two... ;w;

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yea i wish someone like Baka-Tsuki was translating them but his hands are full enough translating other novels

Baka-Tsuki is a community of light novel fan translators, not a single person.

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It's a shame that we are losing so much plot, probably there is no market for this, but I'm pretty sure that it will not cost that much to translate them, after all, they are not that big, like below 300 pages each with the illustrations.

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I guess it's best to put it here, but in the art book pseudo-material thing that was released previously last year (during C80, I think? uh.) there was a poem written in the very first page that was centered on Jin/Hakumen in Rachel's POV, I believe. It doesn't really reveal anything new, but my friend and I translated it a while back. Some of you may be interested, so here you go:


A Poem of the Beginning of the End

むかし むかし とても とおい みらいに

ひとり えいゆうさんが いました

Once upon a time, in the distant future

There was a lone hero.

えいゆうさんは こわれた せかいをなおす ために

とても ひっしで たたかい ました

うでをなくして あしをなくして からだもなくして


さいごまで えいゆうさんは たたかいつづけました

The hero fought desperately

To fix the broken world.

He lost his arm, his leg, his body—

And even the one he loved the most.

But the hero still fought even to the very end.

そして とうとう えいゆうさんは じかんで こえて

せかいを なおしました

And finally, after much time had passed

The world was saved.

なくしたものは もどらなかったけれど

だいすきなひとも もどらなかったけれど

Despite knowing that what was lost would not be returned

And the one he loved would not be revived

えいゆうさんは せかいを なおしたのです

The hero still saved the world.

かぞえきれない たたかいを して

かなしいことが いっぱい あって

だいじなものを たくさん なくして

He fought countless battles

Filled to the brim with sorrow

Without the many things that were important to him.

それでも なかなかった えいゆうさん

とうとう ないて しまいました

Nevertheless, the hero never shed a tear.

Until at long last, he finally broke down.

せかいを なおしたのに

こわれた せかいを なおしたのに

えいゆうさんは なきました

Even after saving the world

Even after saving that broken world

The hero cried bitter tears.

いままで なかなかったぶん

いままで なかなかったぶん

いっぱい いっぱい なきました

For all the years that had gone by

For all the tears he hadn't shed

Endlessly, endlessly, he cried.

おおきなこえで いっぱい いっぱい ないたあと

せかいを なおした えいゆうさん ねむって しまいました

After he had cried for a long time

The hero who saved the world fell into a deep sleep.

つかれて いたのかも しれません

とっても とっても かなしかったのかも しれません

Perhaps he was simply tired

Or perhaps the sorrow was too overwhelming.

あおい せかいで

どこまでも あおい せかいで

えいゆうさんは ねむって しまいました

All throughout this bright blue world

The hero continued to sleep.

どこでも あおい せかいで

えいゆうさんは ねむって しまいました

Throughout this world of Azure

The hero continued to sleep.

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Double post, sorry.

Hmm so Phase Shift 4.

Apparently the ending scene that WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT basically sets up Celica for possibly becoming a playable character in the future.

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If you really want specifics...

Kokonoe summoned Celica to the game-present era. Also, Celica initially mistakes Kokonoe's voice for Nine's. That's all I can confirm from reading the jBBS spoiler thread since there doesn't seem to be any context of how and why Kokonoe did it apart from user speculation. It's basically just a cliffhanger ending that says "To Be Continued... in the games".

As it is now, it sounds dumb, but people in Japan have been requesting she become playable and this could be taken as a sign that she will. And they could always explain it later

Really though, that's just a very brief bit at the end of the novel. Phase Shift 4 apparently also further explains the origins of the Nox Nyctores. Nine made the rest of them using cores (which are human souls BTW) taken from Take-Mikazuchi (the original Nox), she took about half of the cores from it to make them. After the Dark War and with the exception of Yukianesa, Bolverk, Ouroboros and Rettenjou, the Nox had their cores released and their powers sealed. This explains why Relius had to put Ada into Nirvana, Ada became Nirvana's new core allowing it to be activated.

Also, when Terumi killed Nine, he killed Trinity at the same time and shoved them both into a cauldron. He manipulated Trinity using her feelings for Kazuma in order to do it. Nine died because her best friend was a ditz in love with a fake man.

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Apparently the ending scene that WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT basically sets up Celica for possibly becoming a playable character in the future.

No offence to anyone who likes the PS novels because I also like them and all but that's REALLY REALLY STUPID. Goddamn it Mori. I knew he'd try to shoe-horn Cealica into being playable when she became vaguely popular... ugh.

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Fanservice corrupts sanity :roboky:

Kokonoe is necromancer now, huh. Poor Hazama. Whole job is screwed to hell. Dunno why they love this girl so much. Sigh. Well, another meat to beat, i guess.

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If you really want specifics...

Also, when Terumi killed Nine, he killed Trinity at the same time and shoved them both into a cauldron. He manipulated Trinity using her feelings for Kazuma in order to do it. Nine died because her best friend was a ditz in love with a fake man.

Well... I guess that explains his interaction with her in Arcade Mode, but still... PS4 just sounds like a whole lot of "alright, time to throw darts at some adjectives and nouns and make me a story out of 'em!"

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Double post, sorry.

Hmm so Phase Shift 4.

Apparently the ending scene that WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT basically sets up Celica for possibly becoming a playable character in the future.

Based Mori knows what I want.

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Double post, sorry.

Hmm so Phase Shift 4.

Apparently the ending scene that WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT basically sets up Celica for possibly becoming a playable character in the future.

I don't object to that possibility at all if it happens but

How would Celica even fight? Last I've heard she wasn't really the combat type. I'd rather Kokonoe have grabbed Nine if she can pull others from the past.

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given her popularity over there, I guess it was inevitable.

So noel's no longer the main heroine then? Looks like celica's mori's new waifu.

Plus now that celica's possibly a character (playable or otherwise), aksys has a proper reason to translate all the novels for her backstory.

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Also, when Terumi killed Nine, he killed Trinity at the same time and shoved them both into a cauldron. He manipulated Trinity using her feelings for Kazuma in order to do it. Nine died because her best friend was a ditz in love with a fake man.

...There are no words to describe how fucked up that is. Terumi has just evolved from master troll to the very essence of trolling itself.

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