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[CS2] Bang Info/Discussion/Question Thread

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Airgrab> Dash>3C>2A>5B>jump cancel>jb>j4c>j623B>dash<5B

That's insane. I was watching videos and thought you couldn't get more than a 3C off an air throw... This is awesome. Wonder how hard the dash timing will be.

Also, couple questions, presuming you guys know. Is the stuff about increased pushback on normals true? If so, sad panda. Also, what are 5D's properties on air hit as compared to now? Is it similar to what it is in CS? That is, in combos when I would use 5D now, does it still do the same thing? Not that I really can lead into it like I could because of the 623B changes. Though I suppose the small wallbounce could allow it near the corner.

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It's very true. We will need to utilize xx 2B 5B a lot in blockstrings. It will be a lot of frame traps now. Certain situations will arise for high low, but not as often.

You won't use 5D in most combos, period. The exceptions are seal combos like cornered 6D 623B 2B 5D TKj623B etc or mid/near cornered 2D jD d2B 5D TKj623B (extra 5D if near cornered for 4 seals)

About Air grab 3C d2A 5B jB, almost definitely character specific, if not, throw a party.

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Yo Dacid you might want to check out the newest videos on pktazns channel. You might be pleased. Also I saw tkj623B 6C jD in the corner

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actually 5D isn't 100% bad in combos, i mean sure you don't get that corner carry but it does force standing and your in the advantage in the air.

i guess when you are kinda close to the corner but can't get a corner combo, it'll probably be more useful there

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In regards to the pushback Bang's normals have now, the buffed recovery on 5a will come in very handy if you want stagger/dash back in to continue the blockstring, you might even catch people mashing.

I'm still confused as to why many people haven't been using 2b 5b much yet though.

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2B 5B utilizes 2B's forward movement without ending your blockstring, as you can mix up off of 5B but not 2B (2B only has frame trap possibilities), so, 2B 5B is very useful for avoiding the pushback problems. However, it is slightly higher risk in general, but not much.

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Combine the + frames from 5b and the instant block nerf, Bang's new pressure game seems like it'll be really sound once it gets properly figured out.

Also, I think that Arcsys are trying to force us to be much more conservative when using nails to continue pressure now. By adding the 2b 5b gatling, like Dacid said, we might be able to use the forward momentum from the 2b to make up for the pushback on his normals now; and then mix up from 5b.

Edit: also isn't 6a jump canceleable on block? Add that to its buffed speed and we have some quite nice options there as well.

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Buffed speed, but lower range.

But it does hit low as an option.

Isn't 5d needed for crouching bnb though?

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Even though we were told 2C is techable I've never seen it teched instantly, which makes me believe the tech time was just decreased to the point you can't follow up. So perhaps 5C 2C 2B will be possible on fatal.

edit: nvm im an idiot. probably wont get anything even decent outside of the corner.

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Yeah, I saw some of his other videos. It makes me so sad, that guy figured it out before anyone, but he's not as good at hitconfirming the best hits (EX, looks for 6C jD when it can't work a lot) as others. :/

He's a great player to watch though, always thinks up more ways to get more seals in.

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