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Testament vs Potemkin

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I need to learn some anti-Potemkin strats, or Raekwon is going to rape me worse this weekend than he already is. SOMEONE PLEASE HALP

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You have to abuse f.S, 5P , nets and, obviously, HS EXE. You Have to stress him. Don't attack or pressure him recklessly : He will pot bust you: Don't rely to much on trees: pot have slide head remember. This Match is really in Testy favor: badlands loop Is REALLY simple on him and remember: if you curse him, you win( crow will mess with hammerfall a lot). One more thing: don't be predictable. to stop hammerfall pressure spam 5P and nets. I hope better players than me may help you.

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Never get too close potemkin maintain a distance ,use frc EXE to start a combo, NEVER! jump in front of him, since pot doesnt move very fast use warrant, badlands loop is very easy on him, use grave digger its useful against pot, common sense to use nets and curse him. Well I hope this helped if you still lose thats an incredibly good pot player.

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Never do random stuff against Potemkin. Random GD and random BL are big no-no's. Also, Warrant should be used at most sparingly, probably not at all unless he does something stupid obvious like giganto extension outside of a combo. The problem is that Potemkin can chain his normals into PBuster which will beat out your warrant and kill you. I suck quite majorly at this matchup, but my opinion would be to try and hold your ground as best you can. There's not too many reasons to let Potemkin drive you back and if you get into the corner chances are you just died. Get some airnets out to get better control of airspace, but be careful about trap placement on the ground. Too many random placements will probably get a slidehead. Probably best to keep them to mostly after connected pokes. Never rush in unprotected. Use an EXE FRC before you try anything bold, like getting close to him. While at neutral, try not to be too hasty and always be on the lookout for slideheads. If you see one, start dashing immediately, Testament's forward dash has feet invulnerability and will go over it. Then you can do for example 2HS > BL > 6K > BL > HS > BL > HS > BL for some good damage. btw all loops on potemkin follow that pattern, you can start it with any grounded string to HS > BL, followed by three more HS > BL. It's indeed easy. If he starts doing the evil shit (i.e. okizeme Gigantor > UB Slidehead, meaty slidehead, etc.), you can dead angle gigantor if you have the tension, but better is that you can often do a reversal nightmare circular to deal with it, giving you one hell of a punish. Finally, don't drop combos. Just don't. If you do an invalid combo chances are he'll tech, buster you and then you die. It sucks.

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You gotta utilize your pokes, it's not so hard to keep Pot away.

It is consists of smart use of 6K, 6HS, air nets, some trees, S EXE Beast and HS EXE Beast when he's near you but not in buster range.

IMO the most important tool to keep pot away is K-CURSE > AIR POT it nullifies his air game, abuse that shit. When he get cursed it's the time to make him fall and get hit by a crow attack you can usually follow to a combo easily due to his hitbox.

Try to get as many knockdowns. But never stick a poke without a net on oki since he'll probably backdash buster or just buster if it's not meaty, same goes to an un-meaty net.

always remember that if you end a combo with 2D follow-up with P-curse, since badlands will hit once and he'll tech and buster your ass.

HS EXE beast after 2D is pretty pointless to me, doesn't worth the 25% since damage is low, it's better to save it for S EXE FRC for more pressure later on or HS EXE FRC as a defensive manuver.

Master the Potemkin loop! string to (5HS, badlands) x 2-3 run-up net him and oki (you'll have enough time for that). There are more variations to the loop, play around that and find what you find most comfortable. It's important not to mess it up.

From the matchup discussion thread

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

And Ansem, yes, Raekwon is an incredibly good Potemkin player. He's actually one of the mods of the Potemkin forum here :kitty:

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Shounen tree plant to j.D cross up works WONDERs on pot's huge hit frame. you dont even have to get it perfectly for it to work.

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I just played the matchup a bit today, and after reading through some posts in this thread Im convinced that one of my bigger mistakes was placing traps outside of using them at the end of pokes/gattles. You may be able to dash over slidehead, but that means absolute squat if he catches you while your placing traps, (not to mention it will eat any trees you planted). The only time you should be planting traps is in the air, on the ground you should be looking for slideheads actively and maintaining your space with good patience. Using 5P sounds like a great idea to escape pressure, Im probably going to try that a bit. I allowed myself to fear good gatling strings into > whatever mixup and I even tried jumping out a lot. BIG NO NO. Ill try 5P next time. K curse IS useful, but don't be paranoid with it. The insane startup/recovery means you can eat a slidehead plus lose valuable space. If you feel you have the frames then by all means, establish it and keep him honest.

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