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[AC+R] Justice vs. Venom

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Discuss the matchup between Justice and Venom here.

Matchup Summary

Justice's Tools

Venom's response to them

Venom's Tools

Justice's response to them

The verdict of this matchup

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This match-up used to be unwinnable when Venom's pool balls straight up beat Justice's Missiles, but now, Justice's missiles straight up beat Venom's pool balls! He either has to hit a ball at a strange angle or wait until he gets momentum if he wants to zone. Once he has his ball fortress out, the match-up switches and Justice can't summon missiles since a pool ball will hit her in recovery. P missile is probably her strongest one for counter zoning since it eats his BNB fireball, P Ball > 5P. A good Venom will also have extremely good rushdown but Justice's mix-up isn't half bad either, plus she wrecks guard gauge with 6HS > P missile FRC. Both characters have bad defensive tools against each other. Both characters have a really annoying f.S in ground footsies.

Overall this match-up is probably even, perhaps slightly in Justice's favor since it's easier for her to gain zoning momentum now.

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