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[CP] Iron Tager Combo Thread

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Remember these are just basic combos nothing extensive or fancy. We still haven't even seen any Fatal combos yet, and only a couple basic CT and OD combos. However it is nice that they are finaly working out the new BnBs to replace the old AC combos from extend. There is still new stuff to be discovered with CP Tager so there is still more to look forward to.

Exactly! Because this is basic and non-extensive and not fancy, it makes it therefore more viable. Knowing that on my worst combo day I can get that kind of damage makes me happy because of the possibilities of the future when the fancy and extensive stuff is done. All I am waiting for now is any tech that we can use against the retarded matchups that make no sense *cough* MuNu *cough* and then some that I left out.

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What's really impressive about that combo is that it worked at midscreen without magnetism. Holy shit. Baiting anti-airs with j.2C will actually be worth the risk now.

Does 5B > j.2C still work on fatal? That could lead to even more damage, especially in the corner.

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Hm, between that and GP, anti-air baiting might be a big new thing for us. Get 50 meter first and you can even get some good damage out of GP thanks to its decent P values, but clearly j2C is the holy grail.

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Dat Valk match! Looks like SB being air unblockable needs to happen. Tired of one hit or combo runaway Valks that we can't do anything about. That part of this game just makes it look so stupid. This is a whole new game and Arcsys somehow still screwed it up. Starting to seem like just another revision. Sorry just kinda angry.

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I'm not sure where you got the idea that the BB team suddenly knew what they were doing. :^P But you can't get mad until it's been really broken down.

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Dat Valk match! Looks like SB being air unblockable needs to happen. Tired of one hit or combo runaway Valks that we can't do anything about. That part of this game just makes it look so stupid. This is a whole new game and Arcsys somehow still screwed it up. Starting to seem like just another revision. Sorry just kinda angry.

Dont be Angry, Yumura just forgot that this is how your supposed to beat Valk now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc3epNfr9Y4&feature=youtu.be#t=10m24s (This never gets old.)

Also this is the way were supposed to beat NU, and we don't even need to use any of the new combos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC3gJhV6aHU#t=8m28s

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Yeah, I was looking for an air driver in that Valk match. Also, could you wait to do air spark until AFTER he flies over your head? Or would he just always block it easily? The amount of control he has over his wolf form when it comes to stopping and reverting is ridic. It's like he never has to really commit to anything.

Also, why do I feel like sledge spam isn't going to fly against Nu in the long run...

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Here is some solid gold straight from jbbs: http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/45148/1354660684/

Both combos are non magnetized

think this one is midscreen

J2Cfc>5C>6C>J2C>5B>6A>6B>J2C>5B>6A>Asledge>5C>6A>Koreda>Spark diagonal>OD>Wheel>Terra Break>Gaje 7452 damage

think this one probably is closer to the corner

J2Cfc>5C>6C>Bsledge>5C>6B>J2C>5C>6B>J2C>5C>6B>Asledge>Hammer>2C>Koreda>Spark>OD>Wheel>Terabure>Gaje 7900 damage

Looks like they discovered alot of new info in december. lm gona ask hakimiru in the translation thread if he can look it over.

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koreda = collider

for whose who didn't know (like me)

interesting anyway, even if J2C>5C bugs me a little

Oh sory it was google translate engrish. i should have fixed them. Plus its Fatal Counter J2C>5C so j2c bounces them up off the ground to 5C height incase that wasn't clear either.

Both non magnetized

think this one is midscreen

Fatal Counter J2C>5C>6C>J2C>5B>6A>6B>J2C>5B>6A>A sledge>5C>6A>Atomic Collider>Spark diagonal>OD>Wheel>Terra Break>Gadget 7452 damage

think this one probably is closer to the corner

Fatal Counter J2C>5C>6C>B sledge>5C>6B>J2C>5C>6B>J2C>5C>6B>A sledge>Hammer>2C>Atomic Collider>Spark>OD>Wheel>Terra Break>Gadget 7900 damage

Now it would be nice to see if they could work a Crush Trigger in there to break 8k damage.

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New combo here from yumura. i hope simialar things can be done against everyone not just tager.


Also alot of cool air to ground to air combos from tiku. really good fights against carl and wins the majority.



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New combo here from yumura. i hope simialar things can be done against everyone not just tager.


I think we really need to investigate that (Mag) ...AC, 6C > (22D), 5B link some more, that looks like it could be our new ACx2 if it works consistently. Also, Ac seems to allow gadget finger on the bounce when it didn't before, I have to wonder if this is just a property of AC or does any groundbounce now enable gadget finger? If so, there's probably some very flashy and technical combos we could potentially do since it's essentially a mist-cancel with attraction thrown in. Maybe something really hilarious like [5B > 2C > (22D)]xn

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