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J-Stars Victory VS: Player's Guide & Discussion

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Yusuke Urameshi

Character Overview


You shouldn't talk, it makes you sound stupid..."


Yusuke seems to have options for almost every situation with his only flaws being a slow ougi, his demon transformation, and his meter charge. Learning to manage your meter and not fatigue yourself is essential to playing Yusuke efficiently.


Demon mode (Raizen controlled)

Yusuke's transformation grants him an attack boost like most (if not all other transformations) but has some drawbacks:

- can no longer use his ougi

- dies after VB mode is over

- can only be activated upon being knocked down


Not being able to use his ougi isn't that bad since you'll rarely get a chance to confirm it but the second two are major problems. With only being allowed 3 deaths on the team, Demon mode guarantees a death on your team. Add on the fact that Yusuke can't really chase down opponents (especially air dashers) and even if you do get a combo, an assist or teammate can easily hit you out of it, you begin to see what makes this transformation so bad. On top of that, Yusuke doesn't transform till he hits the ground so if your opponent knocks you into the air and you purposefully try to transform, you have to wait till he slowly falls to the ground and wastes VB time. Luckily, I dont think there is a move that forces him to transform as long as you're mashing R1 to tech.

Specials and Notable attacks

Spirit Gun (S) - Very fast projectile that can be charged for more damage but has very little tracking properties. Costs a little over 3 bars for either version once it has been fired. Charging/holding drains stamina slowly and becomes fully charged after 1 stamina point has been consumed. Cannot perform any actions besides assist calling while charging. Just like in the anime, be careful about blasting these off. 3 bars+ is a lot to waste so stop firing off rapidly if the opponent is dodging all of them. Safe on block.


Going along with the true-to-anime theme, Yusuke's signature move also happens to be his most useful special in this game. While charged Spirit Guns do a bunch of damage, it's far easier and better to fire off a quick uncharged one which also knocks the opponent down immediately on hit. It's actually possible to combo 3 rolling Spirit Guns (direction+S) if the opponent doesn't tech however I'd advise against it bc of the stamina cost and most people will tech anyway. After Spirit Gun, it's best to either run in (dont dash to let your stamina recharge) or sit back and recharge stamina depending on your current strategy. Lastly, certain combos allow you to fire 3-4 Spirit Guns back to back for more damage (see meter management for more info before using it though).


Shotgun (g.S) - A modified version of the Spirit Gun which fires off a bunch of "bullets" as if it were a shotgun. This move's range is much more limited than Spirit Gun and costs 4 bars.  On the flip side, this move also knocks opponents far away allowing for more stamina recharging and more potential damage from crashing into objects. Unlike the Spirit Gun, this move is also a big "fuck you" to Aizen's shield as it completely ignores it like most g.S attacks. More damage than Spirit Gun but less than a charged Spirit Gun. Unsafe on block.


Spirit Wave (Fully charged g.S) - Yusuke does a gutpunch filled with spirit energy. Takes around a second to charge fully and can hit airborne opponents (tho unlikely that you ever will). A very costly special at 7 bars and useless as there's only one known combo for it with a linked Spirit Gun afterwards. Making it even more useless is that you can extend the combo used for it (instead of doing Wave) then add two Spirit Guns and get more damage for half the stamina you'd use in the Spirit Wave combo. So why use this move? Well it does actually launch the opponent a very short distance then they land in a hard knockdown state (comboable).


Spirit Gun Mega (R3 while in VB) - Yusuke charges up a gigantic Spirit Gun. Nothing special. The move takes damn near 6 seconds to fire and the first couple of seconds before and a second or two after are real time meaning there's no way to solo combo off it and, worse, it makes it easy to dodge. Making this move even more laughable is the fact that it's unsafe if blocked. You can try using this move by switching your lock on to an enemy that's not fighting you and blasting it in their direction. It has no tracking tho so smart enemies will simply jump even if they aren't locked on to Yusuke. The best application I've used is as a pseudo counter. Since most people mash out combos (and even better, the second string of a combo is usually a flurry of punches) you can use the ougi's invincibility to hit someone coming to attack you. This has to be done before the opponent has started hitting you of course (unless you do the actual VB first) but the risk of it being blocked and punished is still a threat. Using it as a pseudo counter also relies on the enemy actually attacking you instead of running away.


(Theory - Yusuke's VB options being so useless makes me feel like he'd go best with a character who can fully utilize their ougi. While playing online, I ended up just not activating VB unless my teammate did it first. Afterwards, I tried to not transform and let my teammate use both stocks of ougi.


Beatdown (j.H, g.H) -  No known official name yet but Yusuke does a diving punch at the opponent and proceeds to pummel them into the ground then kicks them away. Throw-type move (Yusuke can be hit while in the animation tho) and the g.H version has amazing tracking. Everyone I've seen try to sidestep it gets hit. This move also has no problem jumping in the air and bringing someone back down to the ground. Make your opponents fear this move!

Combos (still WIP)


LLHH > HH Shotgun/Spirit Gun (1-3) - Basic combo that uses 3,4, 6, or 9 bars depending on your combo ender. Shotgun and Spirit Gun Double do the same damage at about 3.5 bars. A third Spirit Gun cranks it up to 4 bars of damage.


2. LHH - Yusuke's main BnB starter. Does less damage than the LLHH starter above but has more combo extensions and more potential damage. Ends in a crumple state similar to LLHH but allows HHH to combo afterwards.


3. LHH > Spirit Wave > Spirit Gun - The only combo for Spirit Wave and it involves linking the Spirit Wave which takes a bit of practice. Does 4.5 bars of damage without the Spirit Gun and 5 bars with it. Doing the full combo will exhaust your stamina unless you charged a bit of your second stamina bar. No reason to use this really but it's there.


4. LHH > HH > Shotgun/Spirit Gun (1-4) - Shotgun ender does 5 bars of damage (nearly half health!) for just 4 bars of stamina and knocks the opponent back. Spirit Gun version does 4, 4.5, 5, and 6 bars of damage respectively and leaves the opponent in a standing state (except Spirit Gun x4). That's where this combo gets a little dirty. Resetting them allows you to "grab" them with a g.H afterwards for 2 bars of unscaled damage. Depending on the spacing, it can most likely be back-stepped to avoid but is great to know as most people expect to be on the ground after a combo and the dust from the Spirit Gun shots makes it a bit hard to see.


5. LHH > HHH > Spirit Gun (1-3) - An extra H is added from the previous combo for more damage and sends the opponent flying but not before Yusuke gets a couple of shots in with his Spirit Gun. Does 5, 6, or 6.5 bars of damage depending on how many you fire.


Meter Management

To prevent this you should always be wary of your stamina gauge and do NOT mash your Spirit Gun combos. See all the combos say "Spirit Gun (1-3)" except for one? That's because at most only 3 Spirit Guns will actually combo but the game has no problem letting you fire off a 4th. Mash them out and not only did you just extend how long it'll take you to recover from the combo, you also have to wait for your stamina to recharge before you can block successfully. In combo 4, it's possible to fire off the 4th shot, go into fatigue and recover fully before the opponent can attack but remember this is a team based game with assists. Doing a combo is risky enough, there's usually no need to fire that 4th Spirit Gun and lose the ability to block.

This is where Yusuke's damaging combos are attempted to be balanced. Yusuke, like everyone else, starts off with 1 full stamina bar which is 10 small blocks. All his specials and Beatdown take stamina. Take the last combo for example, it uses 3 Spirit Guns for max damage. That means the combo takes a whopping 9 stamina to execute. Do it with more than 9 stamina and you should be fine. However, the game allows you to use specials even if you don't have the full stamina need to do it. So let's say you did it with 7 bars. You would fire all three shots and probably still get max damage but your character would be fatigued. That means you can't charge, step, dodge, or anything else that uses stamina. It also means that  until you get 4 bars of stamina back, blocking is worthless as one hit will crush your guard and allow whatever else to combo. To make it worse, the game signal's your fatigue by making you flash red.


Lastly, because of Yusuke's huge meter use it's good to charge up his second meter but the damn thing takes so long to charge that getting it full will only result in letting your partner get beat or worse. Because of that, it's best to just forget about the second meter and rely on the normal stamina recharge unless one opponent is already dead.



Until we can figure out actual values of health/damage, I just used Yusuke as an opponent and I used the blocks of stamina under the health bar as my reference for damage. Tomorrow/Wednesday I can probably unlock Arale (who Im assuming has the weakest light punch) and do the old fashioned hit point test -_-.


Gameplay notes/tips:


- As stated in my Yusuke write-up, the game has a fatigue system which is activated when a character uses more stamina than they have available. This is shown by the character flashing a dull red and disallows them from using any stamina based moves until they auto-recharge 4 blocks. Any attack they block will guard crush


- Dark Tournament's platform is actually fully destructible, not partially.


- Aizen's barrier is annoying but beatable. First off, it's usually just a matter of figuring out what you can do against it. Moves like Shotgun and Seiya's energy fist don't give a shit about it. Secondly, it actually doesn't protect him completely. Not because it's 2D but because the whole shield isn't actually physical. Basically the top part allows projectiles and characters to go through. Hard to find a character who can actually use that as a way to hit Aizen but it's possible.


- Kagura assist is bullshit.


- Just Guard is gonna be necessary in this game. Stepping is a good way to avoid potential attacks and far projectiles but when you're facing an opponent using a safe string before commiting, g.H will only get you so far. If they decide to throw in a special after a unsafe string, you're gonna eat that damage. Just Guarding will allow you to get out the string before they can recover and counter attack. You can also Just Guard while doing melee so stay focused even after your opponent vanishes.


- Keep an eye on EVERYONE. This is a team game. Watch where both opponent's are and communicate with your partner if possible. I remember playing one match where one of the opponents was Kankichi. My partner ran across the field attacking the other opponent while Kankichi kept blasting fireworks from across the stage at me. I couldn't get in and although my partner was over there holding off his partner, we ultimately lost because I was getting zoned by an unblockable tracking attack that could have been solved if my partner had just quickly switched his lock and punched/distracted Kankichi till we both were close.


- Ougis are friendly fire enabled. Not sure about all of them, but Luffy's and Hiei's definitely have the ability to hit teammates. So once again, keep an eye on everyone even your partner. If you're on the opposite team, examine the situation. If a character just used their ougi, their teammate is unable to and it also means that character is stuck in a animation. Use that time to charge or get some personal time with their teammate's face EDIT: According to PepperBeef2Spicy, soe (maybe all) friendly fire ougis don't actually hurt the teammate just does the stun/damage animation on them. Same stuff applies but worth noting

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Here's Kenshiro, i'll do a write up of Bobobo later when I spend more time with him. Loving Kenshiro though he's got insane damage and really fun to play. 



[info=Character overview]

"Omae wa mo, Shindeiru"


Kenshiro ican be best described as a lightning bruiser, he hits REALLY hard and is not too slow to boot either (he's kind of a medium speed character leaning slightly towards slow). That being said, Kenshiro is still on the slower side of the cast when compared to characters like Luffy, Naruto and Kenshin. However, although his normals and strings are somewhat slow, he makes up for it in high damage output. His heavy attack string is strong enough to wipe out a good 20% on its own. Kenshiro is also an almost entirely melee character which puts him at a disadvantage against keepaway or anti melee characters like Saiki or Vegeta, Yusuke. Kenshiro only has one ranged projectile attack, Tenha Kassatsu and even then its not an amazing ranged attack. Despite that his normals have surprisingly good range and hitbox size making it relatively easy for him to hit opponents, but the also have long whiff recovery frames.


Kenshiro relies somewhat heavily on his Area of effect attacks like Hokuto Hykyaretsuken (I will refer to it as 100 Crack Fist or atatatata for simplicity's sake), and Tenha Kassatsu as they are a core element of his gameplay. At the same time these moves do tax heavily on Kenshiro's stamina gauge in return for dealing huge amounts of damage. 


Kenshiro's transformation is just him taking off his shirt but doubles his stamina gauge and (unconfirmed) damage output, his ougi Transformation, Musou Tensei i will cover later


To break it down here's a quick pro and con list



-High Damage output

-Normals that have good range, hitbox size and very combo-friendly, as they either knock the opponent extremely far back, or into the air.

-Decent set of air attacks

-Stamina charge time is very short for Kenshiro as he charges very quickly

-Strong set of AoE attacks

-Good assist with atatatata

-Very strong AOE fighter with atatata while dealing massive damage

-Very useful and practical ougi with Musou Tensei



-Very melee centric, vulnerable to keepaway

-Tenha Kassatsu, Kenshiro's only ranged attack is both slow and somewhat short ranged (but it stuns and does heavy damage, can combo off of potentially)

-Kenshiro relies on his AoE attacks and thus consumes allot of stamina.

-Running speed and running recovery frames both kind of slow

-Strings have long animations and thus has big whiff windows

-Doesn't have an amazing gap closer.

-Not every move is useful

Specials and Notable Attacks

O - Hokuto Hykyaretsuken/Atatatatata (North Star Hundred Crack Fist): Kenshiro's signature attack he punches rapidly in a 90 degree cone in front of him with a total of 30-40 punches before finishing with a strong punc that causes a huge knockback, costs 5 stamina bars to use. This move's damage/duration can be extended by mashing O. This is Kenshiro's primary damage nuke attack, landing it in a combo is essential since landing the entirety of the punches does MASSIVE damage.


-After 10-20 seconds after getting hit by the last hit of atatata, the opponent will suddenly take 1 small damage hit and be stunned, this is a reference to Kenshiro hitting hte pressure points and the opponents usually taking the affects of the attack afterwards. Useful in guranteeing your opponent cannot set up an offense without being interrupted themselves.This effect also applies to Zankai Ken

-The last hit of atatata makes Kenshiro invulnerable until the opponent is sent flying.

-This move has a unique property of a Vaccum/Vortex within a certain range outside of atatatata's hitbox, opponents will be SUCKED into atatata unwillingly and they cannot stop it and the vaccum effect acts like a stun. This is highly useful in fights where all 4 combatants are in close proximity. 

Forward + O  Hokuto Tenha Kassatsu: This is Kenshiro's only ranged attack, he sends an invisible ki blast through his finger tips. This attack has medium-short range and has an invisible hitbox but the move does not track and is linear. The startup for this move is quite long and should only be used against opponents who are out of reach or you just want to snipe quickly. Tenha Kassatsu also stuns on hit and if you are close enough you can combo off of it, to make up for the slowness of this move this single hit ranged attack does surprising damage but nothing to the extent of Vegeta's big bang. 


-You press Forward-O to ready it, and O to fire it again this is just to be used to make sure you aim it properly and perhaps bait your opponent to come closer, it doesn't actually increase the damage of the move.

-Just remember this move is slow so use it wisely or you will be punished for it.

R1 + O Hokuto Zankai Ken: Kenshiro stabs the opponent's temple with his thumbs, triggering a hidden pressure point. This move is very risky to use because it has terrible range and is still kind of slow. However, it gives a very long stun time that can be used to setup a combo. Unknown if it breaks blocks atm.




R1 + L: Nunchaku Attack : Kenshiro whips out double nunchaku and strikes his opponent multiple times before kicking them away. This move I don't find very useful, its got an awkward command doesn't have amazing range nor damage and its kind of slow on coming out.


Notable strings


L, L, L, H, - Kenshiro does his light string before kicking them very high into the air, this is Kenshiro's standard L combo that can set your partner up for a Partner-Combo (The one where you both press triangle) If not, this move string can be followed up by Tenha Kassatsu which does good damage. 


H, H, H - Kenshiro kicks twice before delivering a huge knockback punch - while dealing huge damage at the same time, this stirng is very useful if you want to get someone away from you as the knockback range on the final hit is ginormous


H, H, L - Kenshiro's current AFAIK setup for a standard combo as the third hit leaves the opponent close enough for an atatata or another follow up, if continued into another L this string knocks the opponent extra high allowing for a partner combo


R1 + H, H - A double elbow bash that does wonders on opponent's stamina gauge while blocking, Kenshiro's strongest opening move for a combo AFAIK, leaves a stun to be followed up for a combo.


Running + L - Kenshiro runs and does a flying kick, this flying kick unfortunately doesnt have as good of a range as it looks, but it causes a HUGE hitstun that you can easily combo off of afterwards, is 1 of 2 of Kenshiro's primary gap closers


j.L - Kenshiro jumps and does a descending flurry of kicks towards an opponent, his 2nd gap closer - This is better if you're in range and the opponent is either running away or throwing a flurry of projectiles at you, You can slightly control the direction of which Kenshiro kicks at. If you land and hit your opponent you can combo off this. 



Ougi: Musou Tensei

"Those who dare challenge the ultimate Hokuto Shinken Technique: Musou Tensei, know only death."


Musou Tensei, (Nil-Thought of Rebrith)  is Kenshiro's ougi. It is both a transformation and an actual attack. There are a couple changes to Kenshiro while in Musou Tensei 


-While in Musou Tensei: Kenshiro's heavy attack string is changed to have the first attack a small amount of invincibility frames, is now a very long ranged dash and does more damage. 


-Musou Tensei in general seems to amplify all of Kenshiro's damage by a small amount


-The most important feature of Musou Tensei is invulnerability:  Kenshiro's standard dodge is replaced by a unique dodge where he creates afterimages instead of actually moving, while dodging Kenshiro does not use stamina, and becomes completely invulnerable to all damage while dodging, his blocks in Musou Tensei also no longer consume stamina (unconfirmed) Kenshiro's Musou Tensei movement also allows him to pass through enemies and some character  created obstacles like Bobobo's Don Patch or Aizen's force fields. This dodge is also much faster in movement and recovery frames to start the next dodge.


-Pressing R3 again while intiate Musou Tensei's attack based on the final punch delivered on Raoh in HnK, Pressing R3 will thrust Kenshiro a small distance forward very quickly, if the punch connects Kenshiro will turn around and do a high damage (at least 60-70%) rush punch that also knocks opponents back. If Kenshiro does not connect with this move he will end the Musou Tensei state.


-For whatever reason Musou Tensei can only occur while Kenshiro is shirtless (Transformed) thus, if you are not shirtless when Victory burst is used, Kenshiro will pop his shirt first and then proceed into the Musou Tensei transformation automatically, he's still invulnerable but do note that it takes longer to get into. 


-Note that Musou Tensei is only invulnerable while dodging or blocking running around or attacking while in Musou Tensei still makes Kenshiro vulnerable. 


-Musou Tensei's unique attack can be comboed into but it is difficult since you have to do it while under the effects of the Musou Tensei transformation unlike other characters who can do a combo, victory burst then use it straight away. 


-If people are stupid, they will try to hit Kenshiro while he is in Musou Tensei, this will allow for very easy punishes and even using Musou Tensei's super, smarter opponents will try to run away espscially by jumping, but you can still chase them down. 


-Personally I like to stalk my partner's opponent and wait till he attacks and then use the Musou Tensei attack, after entering Musou Tensei I for teh most part move around using almost only dodges since its invincible.

Combos WIP

L, L, L, H, Tenha Kassatsu 


H, H, L, Atatatata


L, L ,L, L Atatata


R1+H, H -> H, H, L -> atatata


Unique: Kenshiro /w Ichigo assist 99% combo (Ichigo's multiple slash assist) 


R1+H, H -> H, H, L -> atatata -> wait around 25-30 hits) -> Ichigo assist call -> atatata






1 - atatata - This is proably the best assist to use for Kenshiro, it gives the same function as atatata but as a way to hitconfirm opponents or to lockdown enemy players in chaotic situations, if Kenshiro whffs he will not continue to punch and disappear.

2. Tenha Kassatsu - Somewhat useful if it connects but is very linear like the Kamehameha assist and is therefore dodgeable

3 Hokuto Zankai Ken - Only useful as a combo extender, dont expect to use it in neutral




General tips for Kenshiro


-Kenshiro is a melee character, getting him in is essential


-Be cautious of just straight using Kenshiro's run to get in, its not that great and leaves him very vulnerable to ranged or counterattacks, instead try jumping or just walking


-Should always powerup at the start of matches, Kenshiro's charging speed is very fast compared to most characters and as a stamina heavy character he needs it


-Tenha Kassatsu should be used for specific situations, it is not a move to be spammed, try using it to finish off someone far away, or interrupt an opponent hitting your ally.


-In cluttered battles with all 4 players in close range, Atatatata is extremely useful in gaining the upperhand as its vortex, large hitbox size and high damage are all incredibly useful


-Sometimes you have to respect opponents' speed, Kenshiros normals are not the fastest in the game


-Use dodge to move around primarily in Musou Tensei, and make sure you won't get hit when you go for a Musou Tensei punish


-Musou Tensei can save your life if you're very low as it makes you practically unkillable, use this to stall for your partner to gain the upperhand


-Kenshiro does really well when paired up with a character who has projectiles and or long range thus can help Kenshiro deal with keepaway/provide ranged support.


-Kenshiro has extremely high damage potential if he can gang up on someone during a non-cutscene ougi attack (Gintoki's ougi, Toriko's Ougi) as using atatata while an opponent is getting hit by a partner's super is tons of damage. 




v my Day 1 Kenshiro 99% combo with Ichigo


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Good to hear that Bobobo write-up is on the way, I just tried him for the first time, and he's simply amazing.


Zebra stuff is still happening (gotta test some setups first), but for now, I guess it's worth mentioning that the Naruto route has Gon and Yusuke as partners. And now we have all the teams in the game.

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I usually figure out characters solo before I move on to assists so I completely forgot to add that section. I should be able to get an assist and teammates section done by tmw.



EDIT: Did a bit of testing and actually it seems like everyone has the same health. Yusuke, Arale, and Kenshiro all die after 32 raw L hits from Arale (done without allowing the health to recharge). I even tested one of Yusuke's combos and it did 6.5 bars of damage on Yusuke, Arale, and Kenshiro.


Something I found odd during testing is that each character would fall and go into recovery at 27 or 28 hits. I saw something like this while playing online where a character fell out of my combo for no apparent reason and didn't know what to make of it. At first, I thought it maybe one of the game's ways of making sure a character isn't killed with an infinite and/or to prevent 100% combos but Pepper's video shows a combo doing 99% damage without the opponent falling it....

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What combos work and what combos don't depend on the kind of hit stun you put people in and when you put them in that kind of hit stun. Regular hit stun, crumple state, etc. A general rule is to use as few hits as possible, but multi hitting moves that lock the opponent in place almost always set up for huge damage when used with a support move that does damage.


One other interesting thing to note is that some legit unescapable combos actually reset the combo counter due to opponents being unable to block in in the air. H·H·H strings also always do a ton of damage so starting a combo from that or comboing into that always leads into a lot of health lost.

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I can't really figure out any combos for Sasuke so he seems pretty bad at damage. I was thinking maybe he's made to pressure opponents by knocking them faraway and doing Fireball Jutsu. Fireball Jutsu aimed at the air has an insane amount of tracking and he can dash after his regular Fireball Jutsu but there doesnt seem to be any point since if it hits he cant combo off it and he cant dash into a guard break so he cant use it to setup unblockables.


He does seem to be glitched tho as VB can be a second away from ending and it'll still let him transform AND ougi meaning he can let his partner use both ougi stocks then use his for a third super.

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I have half of Bobobo and Kenshin written up, i'll post them later


Obviously subject to change my opinion tier list


*Do note this game is a team game so tiers dont weigh as heavily as they do in 1v1 games.


A+ Tier




A Tier














Pegasus Seiya



B+ Tier







B Tier




Younger Toguro




Tatsuma Oga & Baby Beel

Joeseph Jostar

Meisuke Nube



B- Tier

Johnathan Joestar




Boa Hancock





Taro (I've only seen him once, almost no one plays him)

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But we already have a Kenshin guide. I believe you better discuss it with SoBa rather than making another one from scratch.

From what I've heard, Taro is a pretty strong character, kinda like a mix of Bobobo (his granny is basically Don Patch on steroids) and Korosensei (great mobility that deals damage). Then again, I've never seen one, either.

I'm trying to learn Toguro, but I just don't get his gameplan at all. It feels like all of his attacks are geared towards keeping your opponents away, but since he's slow and has short range, you often end up chasing the opponents you've just blown away. Add to that his unremarkable damage, the counter that's vulnerable during its first frames, and the transformation that can only happen during VB, and he just doesn't feel threatening at all. Which is a pity, since his character is so damn cool.

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It would probably be better to just read his Kenshin write up and add to it.


- According to Pepper tho, he hit an opponent who just respawned using Ichigo's ougi and the opponent was left one hit away from death. Seems that the game really may have a system to prevent 100% kills tho I may have seen a video of one assuming it was a true combo. 


- Cross break enders use the characters specials but don't actually consume stamina. Damage is undetermined so far


- So far, jump combos seem to be useless besides the DBZ characters as no launch stuns long enough for a character to jump and combo.


- Goku has the ability to just guard WHILE being hit. Not sure if SSJ is needed.


- Hiei removes his headband/bandage and reveals his third eye before he is able to charge. This turns all regular sword attacks into Sword of the Darkness Flame attacks giving them more hitstun. Not sure how good this is but it atleast lets you combo off his g.L which may be invincible.


- Bobobo's g.S is a great move for guard breaking opponents but costs 5 blocks and he's only allowed to have 1 full bar (10 blocks) of stamina meaning it uses half of his stamina. It also isn't a true guard break, just a very good attempt and usually wont break the guard of anyone with 3 extra blocks charged up. IMHO, his guard break should be used for damaging blocking opponents while his g.S should be used (wisely) for setting up his ultimate.

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Sorry guys I haven't been as attentive to this thread as I should be! >.< But yeah I'll update it with everything you've all noted by the end of this week :x


And yeah, if there is anything that needs to be adjusted or added to my Kenshin guide (there are certainly some notes I know I need to add) then please let me know ' 3'

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im a bit new here but for those that know Sadeyo im his buddy thats currently working on Tsuna hopefully ill have information ready to post soon although what i can tell you right now is while he is strong and has many combo options a lot of these leave him with little to no stamina 

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Okay, I think I'm happy with what I've got so far. So here you go, a write-down on Zebra, fresh out of the oven, with extra cockiness on the side.

Zebra ver. 1.0

Character Overview

Zebra might be built like a brick house, but don’t be fooled by his appearance and assume him to be a melee fighter. He’s big, slow and can deal tons of damage, that much is true, but rather than trying to get close to the opponent, he prefers to keep his distance with a wide array of traps and projectiles, similar to the likes of Nero Chaos or Justice. He does not build stamina easily, but that is compensated by the sheer power and versatility of his tools. Given enough time, Zebra can build an impenetrable fortress and punish cocky opponents with combo breakers, stuns and lots of hurt at any distance.

Zebra is a powerful character with low barrier of entry, but high skill ceiling. Playing him effectively requires not only good spatial thinking, but a well-built team and a competent teammate, as well.


Zebra recharges his stamina (g.X) by taking out a chunk of manga meat and eating it. Its recovery rate is slow, but accelerates over time, and you even restore about 10% of your health gauge over the last 30% of the duration. The speed isn’t the only drawback, though: there is also long recovery, long minimal and limited maximal duration (Zebra can’t restore less than 3 stamina stocks and more than 1 full gauge, though he can have up to 2 of them), and the fact that Zebra gets so concentrated on eating, you can’t see anything that’s happening around you (keep your eyes on the mini-map!).

Obviously, the advantage of restoring health isn’t really worth all those disadvantages, but it’s not all that bad for Zebra. Unlike Toriko, he can safely eat behind his walls and traps, meaning that even if he does get interrupted, he can punish it with a simple combo that blows the opponent away. And if you get to eat all the way through, your setups can easily get ridiculous. Of course, your teammate better be smart enough to watch your back rather than getting into a 2v1 and making you feel guilty.


Voice Missile (S) – Zebra shouts out a pink projectile. This move actually has four different versions, so let’s check them out one by one.
S – the quickest and the weakest of the four. Costs 3 stocks of stamina, takes 2 stocks on block, deals about 10% damage. Simply put, damage is not why you want to use this one: it’s a much better fit for interrupting charges and getting the enemies off your teammate. Its tracking is also not too bad before the shot, but who cares when you mostly use it on immobile targets? Can also be used in midair, but there are no differences other than Zebra’s position.

– the big bad missile. Costs 4 stocks of stamina, takes 9 (!) stocks on block, deals about 20% damage. Stopping you from spamming this is going to be the main reason the opponents might dare enter your magical realm – especially since its recovery is incredibly long even on hit, so they might get cocky and try to punish you. Which is why you don’t want to use it without a good wall or two between yourself and the opponents – and you certainly don’t want to shoot one enemy and let the other one approach you. You also probably don’t want to shoot this one when there are any destructible obstacles nearby, since they stop the missile for good, and the opponent might use it as a cover. Just shoot the small missile to destroy it, and then go for the big one.

SSSS - mashing the button makes Zebra shout out four small missiles one after another. The first and the last ones are shot straight at the opponent, while the second and the third go to the right and to the left, respectively. The move costs 4,5 stocks of stamina, with each missile dealing 10% damage (40% in total) and removing 2 stocks of stamina on block (8 in total). Since the missiles' trajectories make it difficult to land all of them, this move is better suited for when you want the enemy to stay where they are - for instance, when your teammate wants to land their Ougi. The start-up and the recovery are slower than on the regular version, but still shorter than of the charged one.
j. – rather than shooting the big missile, Zebra shoots three small ones. Costs 4 stocks on stamina, takes 2 stocks on block per hit (6 total), deals about 20% damage in total. Since this barrage has better tracking than the ground one, it's more similar to the charged ground missile – it doesn’t even have to hit to bother your opponents (as long as they run around and do nothing, you’re fine), but if it hits, it gives you some nice damage, too. Its recovery also isn’t as big as the ground version’s, though it’s still enough to be punished if the enemy is close to your landing position. Also, it can sometimes shoot forward instead of downwards even if you’re locked on the enemy, so if you’re not sure whether you’re close enough, better leave it for another time.

Thunder Noise (t.S) – Zebra shouts out a yellow ball of electricity that floats above the ground before him (you can shoot it farther by holding down Forward). If an enemy gets close enough, the ball activates and stuns them with lightning. Costs 3 stocks of stamina, takes close to zero stocks on block, deals about 20% damage. You can have up to 5 balls set up at the same time, though it would require bonus stamina to set them up before the first one disappears. This trap is your main weapon against melee opponents: unless they can hit you outside of the trap’s range, there’s no safe way for them to get you from under it. A smart opponent might hit you with a launcher or another attack that puts you out of commission for a while, so even if they can’t do anything, you also can’t really combo them after the stun or do any setups – and the trap is gone after it activates, so they end up with a slight advantage. Basically, standing in a trap doesn’t mean you can get cocky – block their offense, laugh at them as they get stunned, then blow them away with a combo. And if they try to block the trap, just go for the grab.

Otokabe (Sound Wall) (g.S) – Zebra shouts out a thick wall of pink energy that blocks projectiles before him. Costs 3 stocks of stamina. You can have up to 4 walls set up at the same time, though it would require bonus stamina to set them up before the first one disappears. If the opponent touches the wall, they lose 5 stocks of stamina, some health (about 2%) and are put in a long hit stun, waiting for you to get the combo going. This one is obviously an incredible tool to have against zoners such as Vegeta, but its applications against melee enemies are nothing to sneeze at, either. The setup is pretty damn fast, so you can use it on reaction to the enemy’s gap closers, such as Sasuke’s Chidori or Goku’s rush. You can also use it similar to Thunder Noise, literally standing inside the wall (it’s thick enough for that) and punish anyone who’s cocky enough to try and hit you out of it. And if you happen to get the opponent in a corner, a single wall can deal lots of unblockable damage. Note that performing strings on the opponent carries them through the wall, so alas, no silly juggles here.
Lastly, a short reminder of which attacks the wall can and cannot block.
+ All of Vegeta’s projectiles
+ Kamehameha (including Gintoki’s)
+ Tsuna’s X-Burner
+ Joseph’s machinegun
+ Kenshiro’s Tenha Kassatsu
- Long-ranged melee attacks (such as Sasuke and Madara’s Susanoo)
- Koro-sensei's rocket
- Frieza’s Death Ray
- Arale’s poop on a stick (Why? Because cartoon logic, that’s why)
- Attacks that come out of the ground and from above (such as Akainu’s eruptions)
- Bobobo’s Don Patch throws
- Saiki’s lightning
- Melee Assist attacks
Note that any player worth their salt knows about their attacks that can pierce your walls, and won’t hesitate to use them as often as possible. Add to that the fact that a lot of them can hit you without getting too close to Thunder Noise, and Zebra has to play much more carefully against such opponents.

Sound Bazooka (g.L) – Zebra makes an explosion of sound around himself, blowing away all nearby opponents. Costs about 1 stock of stamina, takes less than 1 stock on block, deals about 10% damage. This is a great “Get off me” move, especially since it has some invincibility and can’t be dodged that easily. The main reward that Zebra gains from this is space and time, so use them to eat or lay down your traps.

Power Slam (g.H) – Zebra grabs the opponent and slams them down to the ground. Costs 4 stocks of stamina, deals about 20% damage. Unfortunately, unlike other guard breaks, this is a rather poor combo starter, since it causes hard knockdown rather than stagger. Then again, a knockdown is a fine outcome, too, since it gives you time for setups. Can also be used in midair, though there aren’t that many cases where you’d want to use it – I mean, you can’t block in midair in the first place.

Key Strings and Normals

L(L)HHS – Zebra kicks the opponent, blasts them away with his voice, and shoots a massive Voice Missile after them. Note that even though you only press S, Zebra performs the charged version that’s guaranteed to hit (unless something’s in the way, of course). This is the string that you punish people with, and it does everything that Zebra needs (that is, deal lots of damage and blow them away so they have to get through your obstacle course again). However, keep in mind the recovery and stamina consumption of Voice Missile: if the second opponent is too close, you might want to drop the last hit and rather do some setups instead. You can also drop the second hit for about the same reasons, though that one lifts the enemy off the ground, which can be useful in combos.

HHHS – the same string, but it begins with the slower and more damaging H rather than L. You can go for it if the opponent is stunned, but if you start it too late, the stun ends before the string ends, so they get knocked down and the end of your string goes through their wake-up invulnerability. Ergo, it’s vulnerable to online lag, so be careful.

LLLL – the mini-version of the first string, with less damage, smaller Voice Missile, and less stamina spent. Still decent for a quick GTFO, but it’s the weakest string you have, so use it if you really, really want to end it quickly.

H(H)L – the cross-break string. You usually don’t want to leave your pillow fortress by teleporting after the opponent, but there are times when your teammate needs to get into a better position, and this string does it well (you don’t have to follow up your teammate’s attack, after all). Don't forget H's slow start-up.

Running + L - Zebra blows the enemy away with a clothesline swing. Used to get the enemies off your teammate's back. On one hand, it's cheaper and more effective than Voice Missile, but on the other hand, it brings you right into the red zone, and you don't want to stay there for too long.

j.L - Zebra falls down with an axe kick. The hit stun isn't long enough to get the combo going, so it's mostly just a jump-in attack.

j.H - Zebra falls down with a body splash attack. This one knocks the enemy down, but since the range of it is as small as it gets, you don't really have much space for any setups. It also stops your horizontal momentum, which has its uses when you want to avoid jumping into a really bad position.

Just Guard - Zebra staggers the enemy with an intimidating pose. Pretty good when compared to other Just Guards, but alas, the reward that Zebra gets from it isn't that great. It's still very important to do it at every opportunity, though.

Ougi: Meteor Noise

Zebra shouts out a gigantic pink energy ball that strikes a wide area before him with lightning. Can’t be blocked and deals about 50% damage. The worst thing about this Ougi is the camera angle – it just won’t let you get a good look of its area of effect at all. You’re going to whiff with this move an awful lot before you get used to it, and even after that, its long start-up leaves enough time for the opponents to get out of the way. Its start-up is invincible, sure, but I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t hit the enemies right before Zebra, so you might only punish long-ranged attacks with it. By now, you’re probably thinking that you’re better off leaving both Ougis to your teammate, but there are actually some cases when it’s perfectly usable, and that is when Zebra’s traps come into play. Obviously, opponents can’t dodge it when they’re stunned by Thunder Noise, and neither can they do it when their paths of escape are blocked by Sound Walls. Overall, it’s a pretty standard Ougi: you can’t spam it left and right, but it’s not too difficult to use properly.


Assist Actions__________

Voice Missile (30 sec cooldown) – Zebra appears in midair and shoots a single Voice Missile at the opponent. Nothing to write home about, really: the cooldown is long, the damage is low, and even the range is worse than of some other Assists out there. It can be useful as an interrupt for midair combos (like those of Goku or Tsuna), but even if it does track them well, it’s still way too weak to bother.

Sound Wall (20 sec cooldown) – Zebra appears to set up his wall. One of Zebra’s strongest tools, available to any character? With a pretty short cooldown, to boot? Sign me up! It’s actually even better than the one you’re using while playing Zebra, since the setup is independent from your character, meaning that you can prolong combos with it – or break out of the enemy’s combos, though that one kinda depends on your position. And don’t forget that the wall stays on the field for a while, effectively reducing the Assist’s cooldown even further.

Assist Partners__________

Hancock – the reigning queen of Assists, Hancock’s Pistol Kiss does many things well at an insanely low cooldown (15 seconds). If you’re not too sure on which Assist to pick, you can’t go wrong with her.

Zebra/Aizen – what would a setup-based character want? Why, a setup-based Assist, of course! You can double the amount of walls in your gameplay – or just leave the wall-building to the Assist and spend your stamina on more important stuff, like Thunder Noise.

Kagura – the fact that her attacks knock the enemy down might be a downside for the combo fiends, but for Zebra, the fact that she keeps the opponent occupied for so long is invaluable. A single call for Kagura gives you more than enough time to set up two or three traps and even have a quick snack afterwards.


Zebra’s combo potential is pretty low without an Assist: none of his normals stagger, and only one chain (HHL) is a launcher, and that one can’t be followed up by much (a regular Voice Missile is probably all there is). He has a single stun in Thunder Noise, but its long start-up means that it can only be used as a starter. Lastly, there is Sound Wall… and that is where things get interesting. Lots of interactions with it are yet to be tested, but you can already do stuff like this:

LL > g.S > LLHH > S – the timing here is a bit tricky, but if you do everything correctly, the wall re-stands the opponent as they’re hit by it, so you can start the string going again. And if you drop the combo, it’s not too bad: the opponent either tries to punish it (and runs into the wall on their own accord), runs around it for a less cocky counter-attack (which is a bit difficult when Zebra himself can go through the wall just fine), or passes the momentum to you by blocking or running away. And you get to set a wall relatively safely out of the whole deal, which will stay useful for quite a while.


The next combo follows the same idea, but has more links to practice:

LH > LL > g.S > HHHS - a longer combo with more tricky links, but the reward is better, too. If you want, you can switch the last HS for L and go for the cross-break.


If you have a bit more stamina, the combo looks like this:
LL > g.S > LL > g.S > HHHS - basically, it leaves behind more walls for you to use later. As with the last combo, you can switch the last HS for L if you want.


Lastly, a combo for when you want to keep your stamina for other uses:

LH > g.S > LL > g.S > g.L - Sound Bazooka is a fine finisher if all you want is to get the enemy away from you and have enough time and stamina to set up some traps right away. Of course, you can leave out the second Sound Wall if you want.

Next in line: Kurokami Medaka! And after that, it's most probably Nube.

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OK you guys ready? Bobobo-bo-BOBO!



Bobobo Bo-Bobo & Don Patch (Poppa Rocks, Don Patchi) 

General Overview

"Call me, Bobobo..but it's bobobo,BO-BOBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




Bobobo Bo-Bobo is the main character and protagonist of Bobobo Bo-BoBo, he is a master of Hanage Shinken (Super Fist of the Nose Hair/Super Snot For You) where he has the ability to manipulate his nose hairs into extremely painful and surprisingly powerful nose hair whips used for various purposes.  Additionally lthough not stated directly he is also a master of Hajike (To Wig Out, to Go Crazy), Hajike allows the user to manipulate time, space and minds (Reality warping) in order to confuse and annoy the opponnent into submission similar to Deadpool's preferred personality. Bobobo the Golden fro'ed fighter fights against the Evil Harukage Empire (Chrome Dome Empire) an evil empire that has taken over the Earth by way of forcing everyone to be bald. Along with his various friends, who he sometimes uses for human shields and human weapons. Bobobo is an idiot and switches between a Kenshiro-like badass demeanor and the mentality of a 10 year old playing house. 


Don Patch: Don Patch is the deuterotagonist of Bobobo and is Bobobo's "Best friend", he is some kind of fusion of Pop Rocks candy and Sonic the Hedgehog. Don Patch is the leader of the Wiggin Gang, a group of Hajike practiioners like himself. As a result of being a master of Hajike, Don Patch is more insane than Bobobo is. As a result, Don Patch is aware of the fourth wall and constantly tries to gain more screentime on the show as he truly believes that he himself is the true main character and protagonist of the series. Which often results in him fighting with Bobobo or other characters out of jealousy. His insanity has also caused him to develop split personalities such as "Patches" who is a female, angry housewife motherly kind of figure and "The Love Thief" a stoic, knuckle cracking badass. He can also transform into Super Patch when he feels great sorrow (A parody of Super Sonic) in which becomes stoic and comically serious but as a result becomes greatly more powerful and notably extremely fast. He is oftne used as a meat shield for Bobobo




Bobobo is without a doubt one of the most unique characters in the game that has a strange playstyle. Bobobo's unique trait is that he can call Don Patch as a sort of 2nd assist but with a much lower cooldown along with the team shared assist. As a result Bobobo can move independent of Don Patch and both can hurt the opponent. Bobobo plays well at a medium-distance from his opponent or up close, While Bobobo has ranged options he is not a pure keepaway character but at the same time he is not entirely rushdown either. Bobobo works really well as a lockdown and pressure character i've found as his set of multi hitting attacks that locks opponents in blockstun or unable to move does amazing things for debilitating your opponent. While Bobobo has allot of lockdown moves (Oranges Assault, Don Patch Flurry, Hanage Flurry, Hanage Smash) he has a couple low points


Bobobo while having some of the fastest meter charge in the game he is one of the few characters with only 1 stamina bar available as he cannot charge past his intial bar. This also means Bobobo has no transformation. Bobobo is also very meter hungry as his Specials are essential to his core gameplay. His normals are also very combo-unfriendly and very slow, they're range and hitbox size is decent but they're still pretty slow and the incoming dash is not that great. 



-Don Patch assist

-Some of the best lockdown and pressure

-Decent attacks from all ranges, both ranged and melee

-Good dash

-Decent Ougi

-Very fast stamina charge

-Works well with anyone and benefits everyone



-Only 1 bar of stamina

-Really subpar normals. 

-Don Patch assist calls cost allot of stamina

-Low combo versatility

-Low Damage overall



Specials/AoE Attacks


O - Hanage Flurry: Bobobo walks forward while spewing a flurry of Nose Hair whips, mashable for more damage before finally blasting the opponent far away. This attack is similar to Kenshiro's Hokuto Hykyaretsu Ken in that its a big hitbox flurry of attacks that traps opponents and blasts them far back. The difference is that you have slight control over Bobobo's walking directon while performing this move. Which is good for tracking opponents who are trying to dodge, but once you hitconfirm its best to not touch any directions or else they will leave hitstun because you start whiffing. This move hits around 20-25 times and does decent damage, nowhere near as much damage as Kenshiro's atatata. This move also has much more range than Kenshiro's atatata and is almost a ranged attack in itself.


Forward + O: - Orange Assault: Bobobo and Don Patch throw a barrage of Oranges at an opponent before Bobobo kicks Don Patch at the opponent which stun locks further before exploding launching the opponent into the air and doing more damage., the first hit stun locks which gurantees the rest of the oranges. This is a medium-ranged ranged projectile attack which has great tracking except on opponents who are moving exceptionally fast. The amount of oranges thrown before kicking DonPatch is influenced by mashing O. Unfortunately the attack itself does not do great damage outside of Don Patch exploding. Don Patch's explosion is Cross breakable. Good move for interupting opponents attacking alies, or harassing enemies. This attack also doesn't have great anti-air capabilities as the oranges only go so far up.


R1 + O: Don Patch Flurry:  Bobobo's most well known move in this game. Bobobo summons Don Patch who begins tracking the targeted opponent while unleashing a huge hitbox sized flurry of punches. Don Patch lasts for about 7 seconds before disappearing all the while punching his opponent before knocking them far back with a huge punch. This attack costs a hefty 5 stamina bars, but is well worth it. While Don Patch is attacking Bobobo is free to do any action that does not require Don Patch such as his Hanage attacks. Don Patch hitting the opponent is great for Bobobo to either: Combo off of it for more damage, stamina charge, or help an ally. If the opponent is blocking Don Patch it does hurt stamina gauge and Bobobo can do an unblockable setup with his guard break throw. There is no cd on this move ecept for when Don Patch is out or Bobobo lacks usable stamina, therefore after knocking the opponent down Bobobo can call Don Patch again. The weakness of Don Patch flurry other than its stamina cost is that Don Patch can be ran away from which wastes Bobobo's stamina so he can't chase either and usually running away from Don Patch is what smarter players will do. However, if Bobobo stays near Don Patch most of the time Don Patch will defend Bobobo thus making it difficult to hit Bobobo at melee range when Don Patch is out.


j. + S: Hanage Flurry (Jump): Bobobo jumps in the air and performs Hanage Flurry while in the air. The attack is the same in properties with two key differences, instead of Bobobo being able to walk forward or left or right he remains stationary in the air and can stead rotate left or right. And instead of performing the Nose Hair attack straight ahead like an anti-air he spews nose hairs downwards like Killua's Narukami. Doesn't seem to have great range or much use yet. 


R1 + H: Nose Hair Smash: Bobobo's guard break, he, at a decent speed grabs his opponent with his nose hairs before lifting them up and smashing them down 2x.While unlike other guard breaks taht are actual normals, Bobobo's guard break is a unique throw which has great range and can be used to great effect when combined with the Don Patch flurry to create an unblockable setup. Does decent damage and doesn't cost allot of stamina to use.




Ougi: Hanage Shinken Ochou (Super Fist of the Nose Hair: Nose Hair Alley


"It's time to finish this! Super Fist of the Nose Hair Secret Technique! Nose Hair Alley!"


Bobobo's ougi is Nose Hair Alley, and is pretty good Ougi. Bobobo pauses briefly and then shoots a mass of Nose Hairs in a 360 degree radius all around him including vertical with great range (about the range of Oranges Assault) hitting opponents multiple times annocking them down. This ougi is blockable and can't really be comboed into outside of special circumstances. This Ougi works well as an interrupt or defensively as the startup time is very quick allowing it to be used defensively. It can also be used to great affect in cluttered fights as the range of the attack is large enough and wide enough to be a threat to anyone near bobobo at all regardless of height. 




Notable Strings


L, L, L, L, standard Bobobo keepaway string which hits the opponent far back before launching a short Oranges flurrry and blasting them high.


H, H, L L, (Ciaotzu Suicide Parody) Bobobo's best damage string. Something to note that people don't usually know is that the 3rd light, Bobobo kicks don patch at the opponent, you HAVE to press L again in order for Don Patch to latch on to the opponent to explode. The final two parts of this string involve Bobobo kicking Don Patch onto the opponent and Don Patch grabbing/stunning them mid air and after a brief pause, exploding. This string does amazing damage if all parts connect and is crossbreakable, however the final parts leave Bobobo kind of vulnerable as he has to pause and say "DON PATCHI!!!"


j. + H, Bobobo jumps and swings Don Patch like on a swing set in a cylical vertical motion. This attack has great vertical range and can be used as an anti-air, if the opponent is grounded Don Patch will be launched at the opponent like a catapault. Just note that the move while it has great vertical range is kind of slow and has poor tracking.


Dash + L: Bobobo throws a flurry of Tissue Paper/Napkins around which stuns and allows for a combo, Move has a huge hitbox and deceptively long range. 




-Bobobo is meter hungry, try to be wise on how you use his meter


-Hanage Flurry can be used during Don Patch flurry to do great damage but its hard to get all the hits to connect and can be a waste of stamina


-Bobobo can call Don Patch to save him from being hit by multiple opponents or a single opponent who is going in for the attack


-Bobobo's normals himself are slow and his guard break cannot start a combo, keep these in mind


-Orange Assault is a great projectile at medium range but the projectiles will dissipate at a far ranges and they're not good anti-airs


-If an opponent is blocking Don Patch assault, you can open them up with Nose Hair Smash, thus creating an unblockable setup.


-Bobobo can stamina charge while Don Patch flurry is being used thus setting up for more stamina or an additional Don Patch Flurry


-Don Patch can be jumped away from so make sure to use it as close as possible.


-Orange Assault stuns opponents for a long time.


-Bobobo while he has great tools, he has overall low damage therefore he has trouble killing opponents quickly keep this in mind as if your partner is losing its hard for Bobobo to make a great come back


-His Ougi is good in chaotic situation with all 4 players and make sure you're in capable range


-Bobobo can use his Ougi off of Don Patch Flurry but you have to be very very close as Don Patch will gradually push them away from Nose Hair Alley's range.


-Bobobo's ougi has fast startup.



Combos WIP


Don Patch Flurry -> H, H, H, 


Don Patch Flurry -> H, H, L, L (All hits need to connect or they will drop out of hitstun)


H, H, L -> J. H


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That spoiler tag's broken, man.

I've been using the Lala assist a whole lot in the lab (feels more efficient than to sandbag Toriko/Zebra all the time), and I noticed that after using her, the first hit that lands on the opponent sends them flying, so you can't do any combos to them. Is it unique to Lala, or is it a common Assist mechanic? Gonna check it out later.

Also, are there still no decent Japanese wikis on this? I'm trying to translate the name of Medaka's syringe toss, but I don't recognize the first two kanji.

A little tidbit for the first post:

Planet Namek (Dragon Ball Z) - an uneven stage with a high plateau on the west, a road in the middle and a lake on the east. Fighting underwater has no special conditions (other than Koro-sensei's stamina charge and potentially other character-specific traits), however, you can only lock on the underwater opponent if you yourself is underwater, and vice-versa. This can easily lead to dropped combos if you launch the opponent out of (or into) the water, as well as some degenerate gimmicky tactics, such as Sasuke using Amaterasu with little risk.

And are we going to update the network ID list? Feel free to add me for some games.

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OK, everyone who has written a guide so far should have it up in the opening pages (BoBoBo, Killua, Korosensei, Zebra, Yusuke, Kenshiro) Once we have a base for everyone I'm going to have to go back and do some editing :P


I didn't want to upload the player lists without a user's consent, but yeah just say so and I'll start updating that.


Also Planet Namek also affects Luffy (and I would assume the other One Piece characters?) by removing his Stamina regeneration.

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Is it ok if I made a guide video? Cause I can do luffys and tsuna as well as roroni kenshin bt writing luffys will take sometime also im nt good with punctuations an all that

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I'm already fixing small typos in my Zebra article, but I guess putting them into the first post should only happen after I finish it (though honestly, I'm not sure what to add there other than maybe some general tips and tricks).

Translated that Medaka move, the guide should be ready around tomorrow.

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Fixed that spoiler tag, it really bewildered me for awhile because the spoiler tag was right, but the info tag was the one that was messed up.


uh, probably gonna do Ichigo later on. 


I can also do guides on videos as well, i'm quite capable in that department. 

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We've been looking at Shoya Hinata's assist wrong this whole time. I should have known better since he's the main character from Haikyuu! which is all about volleyball.


When you call Hinata during the special Cross Rush launcher, he volleyball spikes them downward allowing you to follow up by yourself without the need of your actual partner.

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I received my copy a couple of days ago and so far I'm enjoying this game it's a lot of fun. Great work guys with the thread I'm happy that this game has support behind it to help it become better and evolve. Once I have the time I'll write up a Medaka guide and a Naruto one

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