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[P4AU] Elizabeth vs. Junpei

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Junpei is an interesting matchup for Liz.


He's fairly low damage pre-Victory Cry which lets us breathe a little easier than usual, so don't worry quite so much about getting one-shotted, and strategically conserve your burst. Post VC, he gains a grab bag of buffs that make him considerably harder to deal with, so your best bet is to do what Liz does best: Turtle like crazy and deny, deny, deny him his super-mode, taking advantage of his attempts to gain momentum. He will make mistakes, and when he does, put the fear of Thanatos into him.


The major thing to watch out for in this matchup is Trismagistus, who Junpei can use to shut down our distant zoning/harassing game or allow him a safe approach. The bling-turkey can be hard to deal with, but there's a few of things to keep in mind that make it easier.


-Deathbound is Fatal Recovery! Bait it from afar and punish him hard for it to keep it off the table.


-Hitting us with Tris doesn't build Junpei's Victory Cry tally, which is what he really wants - in effect, it doesn't really get him anywhere. If you keep him at arm's length, you can count on him wanting to close in to finish the job and build up runs, so be patient and learn to expect the vectors the bird will approach from. Once he's persona broken, you can pick him to pieces at your leisure.


-Tris's air summoning animations are lengthy, and a lot of Junpei players like to jump to safely use JD/J2D before they rush in. Learn to recognize the animations, and punish with A Zio.


Damosu has a match against a Junpei player that shows some neat ways to counter him here: http://youtu.be/JJ_0Qgz3SJY?t=5m6s


I'm certainly not a pro, but I hope my experiences help a little.

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