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[P4AU] Yukari vs Kanji

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Please use this thread to discuss and contribute to this matchup. Information will be added to the main post as information comes. Keep in mind that strats will be changed as the game evolves.


The Neutral Game
  • Long Range


  • Mid Range


  • Close Range



  • Your Offensive Options


  • His Offensive Options



  • Your Defensive Options


  • His Defensive Options



Match Summary


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I got a few notes from Tahichi for this match up:

  • 完二の特性上、ゆかり2Cが機能するのでどんどん使う。
  • 相手の起き攻めにはハイジャンプ仕込み直ガがリスク少ないのでそれを中心に。
  • 耐えてをしゃがんで避けた後は2Aでもいいから必ず反撃!
  • 弓をタックでGPとられても、ゲージがあればsc超弓で貫通する。

I'm quite out of it ATM but if anyone could translate this, it would be awesome.


EDIT: (Thank you Omecross and OmnixTSC for the assist on Translating)


Abuse Yukari's 2C since Kanji uses the air a lot.

Use falling j.D after Super Jump arrow enders for safer okizeme.

Always punish Kanji's Dive attack with 2A.

When you have meter, Super Cancel Arrows against Primal Force's Guard Point to punish.

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So I have had the chance to play this match a fair amount at this point so I thought 'd throw my two cents in. This is a pure zoning match up, we should all know this by now but it's something that I still fell needs to be stated. Kanji can and will straight murder you if you get near him so don't do it. With that said, even with the addition of the shoulder charge, this match up is still not all that bad. 214C/D cover a lot of the the aerial space Kanji uses to get in so use this to protect you from his jumping command grab (the name of the move is slipping my mind at the moment, sorry). Kanji's evasive action is also not super awesome so if the kanji doesn't know the match up you can get away with 236A when they approach from the ground, though know that once they learn the timing they will EA it every time. As I mentioned before Kanji's big, new anti zoning move is his shoulder charge so when you include it with his lightning he now has two meter-less options to stop your zoning flow. We obviously just have to get away from lightning when we see it but when he shoulder charges all we can do is block. As far as I know at the moment nothing we have will beat his D shoulder charge but if you block you can take away a persona card with a quick 5A. Finally, the one thing I've been doing to escape the corner when he gets close is just do D flip and that seemed to work. I don't how ever know if that's a truly safe option so be weary. In summary, pester with 214C/D, pew pew with B and when we get close to the corner flip the out of there. Also don't be afraid of negative, we die so quickly to him anyhow so if you feel you can get better zoning or you just need to get away badly, in my opinion, it's worth it.


Like I said before, I don't think this match up is bad for us, honestly it feels like one of out more winnable match ups. If we set up zoning he seems to have a hell of a time getting in and we can pretty easily pick apart his health slowly. Just remember he needs all of two hits to send us to the morgue so priority number one in this match up is to always stay the hell away.


I know this is all kinda scatter brained but I shared 'cause I wanted to know how others felt about the observations. It's a match up that's pretty prevalent in my scene so I want all the help I can getting better at the match up. 

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