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Kazuki Slice

[Xrd] Ky Kiske vs. Potemkin

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'Round Start:
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'Combo Notes:
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Ky v. Potemkin

This matchup is a clear 6-4 in favor of Potemkin, as Ky has the same problems that Chipp has in this matchup. Ky is the fly that is trying to ticky-tack the flyswatter, with the knowledge that one momentum run could end the round. Not quite as mistake intolerant as Chipp, but you also don't have as many attack options as Chipp either.

Opening at round start

Unlike most other characters, for Potemkin, there is only thing to consider in the start of the round: Do I 2D or crouch block? There are no other decisions to consider. 2D beats everything Potemkin has except for Mega-fist. If Potemkin tries to Hammerfall, you jumpcancel the 2D when it hits into an air FD block, then land and punish.
Because Mega-fist is Potemkin's only option to beat 2D, he may do that sometimes, which is why the only other decision is to crouch block. If he does it, you can respond with gold burst, or if you have sharp reflexes, HS VT.


Your best poke in the entire match is surprisingly, Jump HS. You should space yourself just outside of jump HS range and use this, and intermittently do far S, 2S, 5HS or Stun Edge to keep Potemkin guessing. Potemkin only has one real answer to jump HS, and that is 2S, but he has to slowly inch in and get it. If he starts to do that, then you can do counterhit air S SE, FRC, airdash to suddenly seize an initiative and do some actual damage.

Potemkin cannot recklessly jump in because Ky's jump p, jump k, 2HS, and 6P will keep him out. However, special mention should be given to jump D, which you should either 1) backdash out and punish with 2D, or 2) if you are very sharp, run past him and 5HS for air counterhit.

If he does a fireball reflect, you have to make that a non-issue quickly by either blocking or double jumping over it. Sometimes, you can stundipper underneath it to surprise potemkin as well.

If he slide heads, airdash HS will earn a combo. If he hammerfalls, depending on your situation, backstep away, do the weird 5S->2S->5HS string to hit him out, or block, in reaction to FRC/hammerfall brake/full hammerfall.

As indicated above, basically you are fencing him out and trying to hit him with a ticky-tack if he tries something.


You have to attack as if you are a fly trying to attack a flyswatter. Essentially, your play should be riskless, and you should pick up ticky-tack damage off of Potemkin by constantly moving and keeping him guessing, and going for various katame patterns. Especially, on knockdown you should either go for the safe air mixups (e.g. air backdash S), or from a throw, a CSE and then attacking with a katame pattern.

One example katame pattern is, from 2D distance 6HS -> jump D/FB D -> air CSE, and occasionally mixing it up with 6HS -> 2D instead. Potemkin has to guess which one you're going to do, and either 6P or block. If he 6Ps and you 2D, you can combo immediately into ground HS SE for good damage, so Potemkin is forced to be somewhat at a watch and wait mode. If he tries for heavenly, you can actually just gold burst in reaction.

Another katame pattern is 2S -> 5HS and either SE or not SE. Potemkin has to guess, and if he guesses wrong, you can run up and do it again. You can't really pick up that much damage from this, but again, you are really trying to just ticky tack him to death.

Though you have to push the initative when you have it, don't push it too hard. Again, the main concept should be riskless offense by sticking and moving for low damage.


The goal is to escape quickly with backstep, or one frame jump and to re-establish your distance back into neutral.

However, RTL is also a surprisingly effective option against Potemkin. If Potemkin does a slidehead from half screen distance or less, then that should be an automatic punish with RTL by using the "psychic RTL" trick that I mentioned. For example, if he tries to slide head on your getup, then you can auto wake-up RTL. If he does it off of a 6HS or mirror, IB the 6HS/mirror, then RTL or backstep out.

VT FRC is also somewhat awkward for Potemkin to deal with, though this should be used sparingly, and only in reaction to movement or pokes.

If you get caught off guard by the slidehead and can't react quickly enough from 6HS/mirror, you can actually DAA or burst to avoid the slidehead, if you time it right.

Don't be afraid to part with meter or burst to end Potemkin's offense, as you can pretty much die off of one momentum run. Again, always go for a a stick and move type of play.

The first match of this vid is a good guideline as to how Ky should handle this matchup. Overall, this match will be long and drawn out with you hitting potemkin a lot, and potemkin trying to land a haymaker to end the round.


This matchup might not necessarily be 6-4, but I personally haven't played it. So feel free to make adjustments.

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