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Everything posted by shtkn

  1. i just reinstalled it on the server and tried on my phone; it looked okay to me. try again and if it still doesn't work, i'd suggest you reinstall tapatalk on your device
  2. the notification thing is a feature of html5 that the software uses yes, i am aware of the issue, but i can't fix it until i hear back from tech support. i can't update some skin data after the upgrade.
  3. shtkn

    XRD Matchup Directory

    faust v faust thread added
  4. if you want to discuss venom's sexuality, take it somewhere else more appropriate or else you're getting banned
  5. shtkn

    BB Matchup Directory

    nu threads added, and the nu v haku thread fixed
  6. ok, cache fixed, hopefully its' faster for everyone.
  7. yes, the site's been slow for everyone, the caching system stopped working when i installed shoutbox, i'm looking into fixing it
  8. so this doesn't sound like a browser issue, as i use opera and chrome and can use the shoutbox fine... could it be an isp thing? not sure... can you try using the shoutbox link at teh top of the forums (the link next to calendar) and see if that makes a difference?
  9. you can see new messages without refreshing, i just tested it. it took like 10-15 seconds for it to get the update. the side scrolling is due to someone posting a very long url. aside from editing the post to shorten/remove the url manually, not sure hwat else i can do. just wait for the message to disappear into the void as the shoutbox history is only 200 messages long @StylisH what do you see when you try to enter a message? what do you mean by "won't even post"
  10. unfortunately, there's nothing i can do about that, it's a part of of the new text editor. i don't see any options for enabling/disabling bbcodes
  11. shtkn

    P4 Matchup Directory

    Select characters to search for threads. If no threads are found, please create the thread and post in here that a you made a matchup thread (provide link) so we can update this first post. vs Select Characters Note to moderators:
  12. Long time no see. This is Nage again. It took a bit of time, but this article will also be about "What I Was Thinking During Toshin Gekitotsu" Please take a look at the videos below. (match videos linked) Today, I'll cover the second match. I already wrote about the first one, so please take a look at that one too. (blog post linked) *What I was thinking during the match I'll be using the Youtube video with the key display. The second match starts from around 2:50. 3:02 Blue burst -> Here I bursted against Volcanic Viper. I took damage, but I was being mindful of avoiding getting knocked down, so I used the burst here. 3:10 Drill cancel into drill -> To throw off his antiair timing, I used the drill cancel once here. Kazunoko's 6P ends up whiffing, and the drill hits him. Faust's ability to throw off antiair timings with moves like drill cancel and air bag throw (j.236P) is quite strong. After showing my opponents all these various air options, I'll even start going for things like jump forward j.P jumpins. 3:15 Dash blitz shield against the jump pad -> You can't throw items while the jump pad is active, so I used a dash blitz shield to get rid of it so I could throw items again. 3:16 Pogo -> It is a mystery... 3:20 Airtech j.K -> It's usually difficult getting return off of this, but you can use it to stop your opponent's dash like I did this time. 3:34 YRC -> Like I wrote in a past article, this was "inputting dead angle with 3 buttons." I ended up getting my turn back using this. (Link to article) 3:47 IAD j.K against Gunflame -> I feel like there are situations where you can react to Gunflame (not actually sure), but this situation was basically just a read. Faust can make Bandit Revolver whiff by crawling under it, but I think my reasoning is I felt sure he was going to do Gunflame, so I went for the IAD (not actually sure about this either lol) Usually I keep the IAD option in mind when my opponent has less than 25% meter, but this time he just barely got 25%. I didn't confirm it at all. After that, I was aiming for the [j.K > j.S > j.P > j.H > 2H > Pogo ... ] combo, but I was thinking I'd mess up, so I switched to an easier combo instead. 3:57 f.S into buffer YRC -> After I whiffed, I went for a 6P, but Kazunoko backed off. I feel like I overextended here and chased him too far. In the end he backdashed to put some distance between us and KO'd me. This was the first round. Overall, things weren't really working out, but I was able to do things that I'm usually able to do (like IADing over Gunflame), so I don't think I felt too nervous after that. 4:16 Burst -> Up until then, I was showing him that I burst after getting hit by certain moves [ed: he's talking about the Volcanic Viper burst point from earlier], so I foresaw that he wouldn't read my burst in that particular situation. (Link to another article: "Nage's Philosophy on Blue Burst") 4:32 Getting airthrown after airteching -> I knew this was a situation where he could pick me up with 5K after airthrowing me, but unfortunately I was just kinda mashing airtech here. Basically, since these two rounds weren't going so well and I was already up by a game, I wanted to see if I could challenge him with that airtech. These were a couple of reasons I did it. In this situation, I wanted to confirm if he could actually do the 5K pickup, but I wasn't looking at his meter, so it was a very "ah crap" moment when he did the RC. Seeing me suddenly stop spinning the stick around at 4:38 is kinda funny. The second match happened kinda like this. I got pushed into the corner, and even midscreen, I found myself kinda falling back and giving up my space. Bearing this in mind, I started the third match. I'll write about the third match onward in the next update. Until next time!
  13. shtkn

    P4 Matchup Directory

    mitsuru threads added
  14. shtkn

    BB Matchup Directory

    thanks for noticing, thread added
  15. yes. xrd has it as well, and they likely will have similar features.
  16. shtkn

    BB Matchup Directory

    haku threads added
  17. shtkn

    XRD Matchup Directory

    pot threads added
  18. shtkn

    [Xrd] King Ky - Combo/Setup Listing and Discussion

    you can try running slightly after you land from j.S > j.H
  19. i'm not willing to take that chance i'm afraid. you can insert javascript (which i use for teh matchup thread), so i'm certain there's a lot of room for abuse if i let anyone use it. I'll look into this, but I didn't change any settings in here other than the timer, so there's probably not much i can do...
  20. shtkn

    BB Matchup Directory

    izayoi v tao added
  21. there's not much i can do for hte editor... BBCode gets converted to html once you save the post, and I'm not going to give everyone html posting privileges since it's too much of a security risk imo i do not encounter these layout issues you speak of, i'm not sure why you do, must be a browser thing, in which case i can't do anything until either a software update fixes it or your browser does. I use chrome fyi the forums link is not something i will fix. the forums are stored in a folder called forums, and the sotware has multiple components, including the forums. we have other folders for other things like the wiki. your ocd will just have to cope. the sidebar takes the last 10 posts in teh forums, and last 5 in the front page... idk is this really a big deal? i'll fix hte location thing later