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George Costanza

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About George Costanza

  • Rank
    Doritos and Sprite
  • Birthday 09/24/1985

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    Canada, Ontario, Mississauga
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  1. George Costanza

    [Xrd] News & Gameplay Discussion 2 - Console is Out!

    Honestly, Raven looks pretty good even without use of his meter. Which also makes me wonder, how the hell are you ever gonna bait someone into hitting you during stance? It seems like you would really have to slow down your own momentum. Early impressions though so whatever,
  2. George Costanza

    [Xrd] News & Gameplay Discussion 2 - Console is Out!

    Raven movelist I believe there is some 5 on 5 going on right now but I doubt there is a stream
  3. George Costanza

    [MB] The Maxi Boost General Discussion Thread

    If it aint announced by the end of the year then I'd give up hope at that point. It's obvious they're more focused on FORCE being the home experience then anything else.
  4. George Costanza

    [Xrd] News & Gameplay Discussion 2 - Console is Out!

    No no, I meant if he was always planned to be in the game why put him on the poll? Like SoWL said, maybe they just had THAT little faith in him winning. But it's still odd. What if he DID win the poll? Would we have gotten Dizzy or something?
  5. George Costanza

    [Xrd] News & Gameplay Discussion 2 - Console is Out!

    So they put Raven on the poll And then put him in the game? Don't get me wrong I'm glad he's finally playable but I can't help but question what exactly was going on with that poll.
  6. George Costanza

    [CF] Blazblue CENTRAL FICTION: News and Gameplay Discussion

    I've never been more excited for Blazblue, the console release wait is gonna destroy me.
  7. George Costanza

    [CF] Blazblue CENTRAL FICTION: News and Gameplay Discussion

    Is Lovegety Station still up? It's been a while but that is where I first played CS when it came out.
  8. George Costanza

    [MB] The Maxi Boost General Discussion Thread

    They're just TRYING not to use the Shuffle Alliance at this point
  9. George Costanza

    [FB] General Discussion Thread

    No idea if anyone was in my room today but if so thank you for the games and putting up with my terribad Qubeley
  10. George Costanza

    [MB] The Maxi Boost General Discussion Thread

    Wrong thread.
  11. George Costanza

    [CP] News & Gameplay Discussion (Old)

    Why the hell do you care so much about people's opinions on the game? It's a Japanese game, therefore it's susceptible to Japanese tropes just like Western games are susceptible to Western tropes It comes with the territory. Nothing's gonna change because "WAAAAAAH! BOB MAKES FUN OF ME FOR PLAYING ARCANAAAAAAAA!" or "BAAAAAAAAAAAW PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE ARE PLAYING MY FAVORITE GAAAAAAAAME" People will play what they want to play If they play Blazblue because of Edgy the Bloodedge, Yandere little bro, delicious flat chest, traps or GAMEPLAY. Then so be it
  12. George Costanza

    BlazBlue Question Thread - Ask your questions here!

    I've been out of the CP loop for a while now, so I'd just like to ask. I've seen an indication in some fights that says "Same attack combo" or something along those lines No surprise it happens when a player uses the same attack twice in a combo but I'd just like to ask is it a penalty or a bonus? What does it do exactly?
  13. George Costanza

    [CP] News & Gameplay Discussion (Old)

    full curse, and recurses back 1/3 of the meter by the end of the combo. I... thought... It's the second day so let's lax a little. That being said since when as Arakune not been a pain in the ass?
  14. George Costanza

    [CP] News & Gameplay Discussion (Old)

    GONNA MAIN BULLET GONNA SUCK ASS WITH HER GONNA GO BACK TO HAZAMA THE WHEEL OF FATE SPINS ON! Actually quite excited for this, I haven't been this pumped for Blazblue since the original CS.
  15. Damage output looks super weak and not sure what to say about her normals. But damn man, those supers F'ing crazy. Also ArcSy keeping the tradition of having the super all powerful character nonchalantly lie down when they get knocked out