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Status Updates posted by -Ladon-

  1. I honestly couldn't give you many tips, haven't played tager much you caught on to the crossunders a lot faster than most people did though, that 720 catch on me the one game was solid I'd say pay attention to when me and Lost fight, he has a lot of spacing and good normal use that keeps me on my toes if I'm not careful, his use of 2C is wicked too, usually a fall on tager is free for me but he has it down what to use when. I'll give you credit for being better at Yomi colliders than anyone else though, I rarely see tagers try and predict a GH/Instant air back dash with collider

  2. I just saw those matches daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum good shit getting a perfect last round lol

  3. What is this I don't even...UNLEASHING ARMAGUS

  4. yo just give me a shout when you're on, I just got out of the upstate tourny we had, 14 people showed up for BB and no one had any idea what they were doing except me lol, I'll link you the vids when I get them, I also commentated my buddy's tager match

  5. so you've dealt with millia and say things like ragna has unreactable mixup when you can just hold down back and react to 16+ frame mids? are you mental or something? your logic makes no sense, you're not reacting to the low, you're reacting to the mid

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g8gWAJgZ_c this is unreactable mixup, what ragna has is plenty reactable and can be beat by just not teching, the two options you gave are beat clean by not teching then holding down+back or with standard tech-reversal. you should probably know the characters you're talking about before you make claims like "unreactable mixup"
  7. I liked Litchi's design and the way her drive worked from the trailer before I actually got the game and started seeing BLEED destroy with her, it's a shame he doesn't play much anymore, Litchi was supposed to be my main until I started to actually figure out the game and I saw how much more I liked Ragna, still feel like no character in the game is my preferred character yet though, no one reminds me of Jam from GG yet, go go Makoto

  8. I started to have laggy matches with people who I don't lag against so I ended up clearing up my friends list a bit, you were probably on the ones I removed

  9. mmm I'd probably just play my litchi, my ragna game seems pretty off since I practice about 2 hours daily with BBCS ragna and hazama

  10. if you really want to, I rarely play bbct though
