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About Jesuszilla

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/17/1991


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    Austin, TX
  • PSN
  1. is that happ stick a 360 or ps3 stick?

  2. Jesuszilla

    Post up your arcade stick.

    Both of mine. All buttons are Sanwa. Felicia's has a Sanwa stick while Jotaro has Seimitsu. Jotaro was modded with a ChImp for dual compatibility and Felicia has a MC Cthulhu with RJ-45 mod.
  3. Jesuszilla

    Big Bang Beat Revolve

    Well I stand corrected then!
  4. Jesuszilla

    Big Bang Beat Revolve

    Well TBH they seemed to make the game even worse with each update so this doesn't surprise me, and I wouldn't be surprised if the "final" product was just as terrible. Also, not EVERY character who was in BBB was in BBA― Heita is one notable example, from what I understand. I dunno about that Rachel ripoff, but the fact is, the ripoff is not just the looks... she has a stuffed animal that looks just like Gii.
  5. Jesuszilla


    Daimonmau's stuff is really... ugh. Except Bebum Ryo, it's hilarious and quite possibly one of the most awesome characters. I've also made some CvS2 stuff so check out the site link in my profile!
  6. Jesuszilla

    [VS] General Discussion

    Pretty obvious who I use (actually, I tend to randomselect). VS really does need more love. Hell, VS2 and VH2 need even MORE. I can't get that stupid GGPO or 2DF shit to work. Only P2P Kaillera with nFBA, so just PM me if you give a shit.
  7. Jesuszilla


    Problem is either poor AI code or the lack of coded AI to begin with. If it has its own creator-programmed AI, then you'll need to find the var they used to enable the AI. Then you'd have to find where it triggers the movelist menu and add: triggerall = Var(x) != (whatever the value is for "on" in this case) If it has no creator-programmed AI... you'll probably need to use winane's tutorial to at least use the activation code. Easiest is probably the "impossible commands" method. you just add a shitload of commands to the .cmd like... [Command] name = "IMPOSSIBLE" command = ~x,x,c,y,x,y,z,c,b,y,a,x,c,D,~DF,a,~x,c,U time = 1 Vary it up, and the more you have, the more likely it is to activate. You can keep them all the same name, or not (don't think it matters much). Keep in mind that should you change the name for each one that there's a limit to the number of commands you can have. Then you add an activation in -2 that triggers when that command is made. Follow Winane's tutorial as I'm not very familiar with making AI as I've never done it. But you just want the activation code. Also make sure that you use a FREE variable that isn't being used elsewhere. ctrl+F is your friend. Again, this is if it doesn't have a programmed AI.
  8. Jesuszilla


    ... Pay no attention. At all. Not to mention you just pinpointed exactly why he picked this section. More people read it, therefore it's more likely that someone will pay him attention. Err... I got nothing further. Let's just get this topic back on the right track.
  9. Jesuszilla


    Or you could just not pay any attention to him.
  10. Jesuszilla


    Depends on what you mean by "assist" although here wouldn't quite be the place to do it since there are several forums for that if you're really that interested.
  11. Jesuszilla


    nice debug flood typically the first symptom of MUGEN diarrhea for those not in the know
  12. Jesuszilla

