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Everything posted by GreekAngel

  1. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    More combos. More routes. And some 5A fatal routes exclusive to S.Yosuke.
  2. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura - Gliding

    I'm a scrub cuz I didn't do this on day 1. Enjoy learning these angles of attack guys
  3. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    Hey look, I made a thing. Enjoy <3
  4. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gzuDECNC1E Forgot about this combo, because people CAN get hit by this. Here ya go.
  5. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf8_K925yKw&feature=youtu.be Hey look, some shadow combos for people to learn. Yaaaaayyyyyyy
  6. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    I am the 20. All the 20. BE THE 20!! FUCK THE 20!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVNw0Bq4auA&feature=youtu.be
  7. GreekAngel

    [Xrd] Sol Badguy Gameplay Discussion

    Don't even know where to place this, don't even know what I'm doing, dissect this at will, I'm out. PEACE!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KneikJS-pLY&feature=youtu.be
  8. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    Double posting because if you guys wanna keep track of the combos I made for Yosuke, or 1.1 combos for Yosuke and S.Yosuke in general, just watch these playlists here. Normal Yosuke: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5rnHuBLVzfc4NuEGSTVCMg_zTBSHeJrl Shadow Yosuke: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5rnHuBLVzfdFxDm8QlKukplRffFWOXcY
  9. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvGys2hhmJA&feature=youtu.be IT HURTS!! IT HUR- IT HUR- IT HUR- DAMMIT!!!!
  10. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko-eL60gSJ4&feature=youtu.be D Suku confirms man.
  11. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBIV05iRsp0 Did another thing. Enjoy.
  12. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ8Ler8Uv10 So is this viable for the future?
  13. Somehow a combo idiot savant.

  14. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg8pD1JyQws I can officially say I have exhausted this character as far as I know. MERRY CHRISTMAS YA YOSUKE BASTARDS! <3
  15. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    You just mash A+B around 7 to 8 times. Just gotta really mash it.
  16. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    Combo is still possible if you D suku. Its just that you won't be using it in neutral alot due to D suku's recovery.
  17. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    I will get to work on the shadow combos when I have the time. Until then, we still have the unblockable which is universal. I SHALL WORK ON IT SOON!!!
  18. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    Its character specific. Mostly tall characters. I like to think of it like this: If Sho can jump loop a character, Yosuke can do IAD JAJBJA on them.
  19. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Junpei Iori - Gameplay Discussion

    So you guys have trouble with Junpei challenges? I'mma just post these here for you to solve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCGbBEflkag&feature=youtu.be&a My Solution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDvK5W040S8&list=UU4ybv5_4TpKgqkl14itcq0A Game's Solution. Alright, I'mma leave you guys be while I lurk the forums on how to actually play this character. PEACE!!!
  20. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    They are still in the game. Throw OMC tent, and AoA OMC tent work as unblockable setups. Shadow Yosuke does it all the time
  21. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z4smUGAMPo&feature=youtu.be I made this. Have fun.
  22. GreekAngel

    [P4AU] Yosuke Hanamura Combo Thread

    You gotta be REALLY close to the opponent. You can pretty much Omit 5B or 5AA, depending on what you want and you will still get the combo fine.
  23. GreekAngel

    [UNIEL] Under Night In-Birth Q&A Thread

    I don't think I have seen this asked yet, but can you only do one jump per combo? I tried doing some of Gordeau's double jump combos and I don't think I can jump twice in the same combo.
  24. GreekAngel

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    BBCP Bang Shishigami CMV Ridge Racer Bang. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gHRWjpEEI