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Everything posted by Honnou

  1. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Missed you last time dude. what happened? No bi-weekly today...possibly seeing GANTZ's one time premier tonight at Daly City Century........Possible Saturday evening gathering, stay tuned.
  2. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Scratch that. Gathering will occur this THURSDAY from...say, 8pm-whenever.
  3. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Thinking about a HUGE Saturday gathering. Post if interested.
  4. Didn't get this joke until just now. And seeing as how my last order from Brokentier was about $100+, I'm fine on shirts for now :3
  5. playing i-no gets you laid guide complete ok, after this next NCI I will write some more. sorry for the lack of info here XD
  6. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    BIWEEKLY CANCELLED Moving to Bretts house, contact TheBrett for info.
  7. Watch Batman's work be for naught as Nor Cal fails to show up on time and no tournament, even MB, can finish on time XD
  8. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Sorry my biweeklies have been turning into personal Bi-Sleeplies for me...didn't get any sleep the previous night so I had to pass out. Hope everyone had fun and made it home safe. It was especially cool running into Sev at New People. What luck lol.
  9. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    House opening up soon, around 8pm...come at your own leisure. BRING SETUPS :O
  10. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Flacidbro, shtkn and others may be special guests tonight
  11. http://j.mp/hAKera Meanwhile, GG stream from Honnous :3
  12. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    SPECIAL NOTICE: House has also opened up TONIGHT (wednesday) from 7:30pm for games and misc. shenanigans get hype
  13. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    PLEASE bring setups and related materials (sticks, power supplies) for the gathering. I don't want people arriving and saying "how come there is no ________?" You want to play it? Bring it, just in case.
  14. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Thursday night gathering from 8:30pm whee.
  15. MAKE IT HAPPEN PEOPLE I can't go to frosty faustings anymore on the 8th, so I especially want to see NCI go through and see EVERYONE come in and show their support for chun's hard work and more importantly the community. faggots.
  16. Unlikely to make it anymore. Too much real life ;( sorry mike
  17. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Sounds good bro!!! GG TONIGHT and FINALS are OVER (for me :3)
  18. you guys all suck at all games except scott at David May Cry series let's have fun sucking together. yes homo. the end.
  19. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Something big happenin this Friday night from after 9pm...stay tuned. EDIT: Legendary Announcer and Guilty Gear Host JAKE THE BURRITO DASHER will be making a guest appearance...other Daredevils expected as well. Starts from 9:30pm. Show up early for castration at your own risk. >
  20. needs moar cali players fo sho I'm seriously considering this, as Mike already knows. If I can get a cheap ticket and housing, I'm so down. :3
  21. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    GAMEPLAN: Everyone is meeting at New People @ Japan-town for 7:15 REDLINE Show. I'll be working til 8pm and join in midway. Afterwards: RAMEN RUN ?! get hype Prolly reach the house before 10:30pm for some late night session.
  22. Honnou

    Honnou Bi-weekly GO! Stay sharp in summer!

    Next biweekly for thursday will probably be the last one until finals are over, around the 15th-18th... Let's rock.
  23. What does that mean? Also, no NCI for me this month. Have fun.