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Everything posted by FoxyAreku

  1. FoxyAreku

    [CS1] Tsubaki vs Tager

    I always end up with 5 charges in this matchup. Of course that's vs. online tagers. >_>
  2. Can you add me to the XBL gamertag list? I'd appreciate it. :3

  3. FoxyAreku

    [CT+CS1] Noel vs. Arakune

    Fought my first Arakune online yesterday, he's been really rare for me. I got him down to only a sliver of health left when I had full, he then cursed me and took out my entire bar. Maybe I should work on dealing with curse...
  4. FoxyAreku

    [CS1] Noel Guide

    Been doing that since I started CS cause CT habits die hard. You can only do the throw cancel once though I believe, and you should really do it just if you wanna be flashy or something, cause you'll usually get slightly more damage from only doing one 6C then doing JD into haida.
  5. Was about to say, an infraction for helping? You silly. :v: No big though~

  6. "Because real competitive players don't act like fanboys/fangirls. " This made me laugh for a whole minute, thank you for brightening my day. Been pretty boring so far. :3

  7. I haz work during the week sadly, so unless you are awake after midnight (central) we may have to wait till the weekend. But sure I'll send you a friend request when I get home. ^^

  8. Hoorah thanks for accepting the friend request. Thought we'd get along, you seemed funny. Maybe we can play CS sometime? :3 Cheers.

  9. No objection! I definitely like fighting her more then Haku. Especially with the NoelxTsubaki dialogue. Just as long as we both don't pick tsubaki, mirror matches always suck. D: We should play this weekend or something, I feel I'm actually decent at CS. :3

  10. Must say, I love your avatar on here. XD

  11. FoxyAreku


    She's not insignificant, especially now that she's in the NOL. Really, no character is insignificant in the plot anymore. They are all the 'chosen ones' after all. And yes, Litchi is pretty deep. She has a detailed backstory, she puts on a cover of a normal doctor, but has so much to her. She also has the most options available to her in gameplay. Though you can make the argument that no one in this game is *amazingly deep*, I wouldn't have much to say to that. I'm just saying Litchi is one of the deepest characters in this game. Buuut I'll drop it, I don't wanna upset anyone over something this silly. :P
  12. FoxyAreku

    BB:CS Match-Up Chart

    Was order sol low tier in GG? I never kept up to date with those lists, but if he was then maybe it's more the charging playstyle then anything...
  13. FoxyAreku


    That's kinda blowing things outta proportion, we were all having a pretty calm conversation about it. Not sure why it was annoying people. The reason people like Litchi is because she's arguably the deepest character in the game, both gameplay wise and as a character. Also, her joining the NOL was a huge plot twist, I didn't see it coming anyway. Nothing hinted to it. *shrug* I don't understand people. And yes, Kokonoe is cool.
  14. FoxyAreku

    BB:CS Match-Up Chart

    I wouldn't be talking, Tager player. :P Not like there was any question Tsubaki was low tier, you act like this is some big discovery when she's never NOT been in the bottom of the barrel, her damage needs a serious buff. The list is decent, though Arakune should be higher.
  15. FoxyAreku

    The Losing Streak Mentality

    I used to be this way back in CT, I'd lose all the time and it really hurt my ratio. I got tired of it so I eventually just went into training mode for several hours and embedded all those combos I saw other Noels using into my muscle memory, as well as making a couple of my own. I didn't lose very much after that. It really helped alot and I'm still doing decent in the sequel now.
  16. FoxyAreku

    [CS1] Lambda General Discussion

    Would be nice if it could be updated to prevent confusion like mine. XP Sorry about that then~ Didn't feel like reading through all the pages to see if it had been brought up.
  17. FoxyAreku


    Litchi isn't evil, just selfish when it comes to saving Arakune. I'll leave it at that. I would like her to succeed, but realistically she probably won't. :/ Moving on...w/e
  18. FoxyAreku


    She let him...after telling him not to go about 10 times and saying he wouldn't be able to win... :P
  19. FoxyAreku


    This. It's not that Rachel doesn't want to help, it's that she can't.
  20. FoxyAreku


    I really think that's taking the lazy way out. Not every fight is canon. I know Noel has never done anything bad of her own will. Ragna isn't that bad either, he's just out to destroy the NOL (and who can blame him for that with people like Hazama there?) :P Rachel is pretty good too.
  21. FoxyAreku


    Oh hey that's right, Bang and Tao would want to save Litchi. Maybe even Tager, derp how could I forget that. I know Kokonoe SOMEWHAT cares for Litchi to.
  22. FoxyAreku


    Litchi doesn't care about their goal though I think, she is just so hell-bent on saving Arakune it's making her kinda blind. Above all though I'm just really worried Litchi may die at some point, especially after seeing her bad ending. Though, after playing Tager's story and seeing how much Linhua looks up to Litchi, it would be pretty epic if Linhua adopted Litchi's fighting style and replaced her, if it happened. Not saying I want it to happen, just if Litchi has to go, that's how I would want it. Why do my favorite characters in games always die or have near-death ailments? Ever since I played Final Fantasy 7....
  23. FoxyAreku


    You forgot Jin, since they have a romantic side going on. But I can see what you mean. I think Noel would want to save Litchi to, assuming their "friendship" and Noel's panda fetish is part of the canon.
  24. FoxyAreku


    The impression I got was, as you put it, "The Wanderers" were going to stop the NOL and save Tsubaki and Litchi from Hazama's influence. Wouldn't that be the best out of all of those, or did I misunderstand the ending?
  25. FoxyAreku


    Why the Litchi hate? She's a very good person, she may be a bit selfish in her goal to save Arakune, and may have some problems with priorities, but I think how she always puts others before herself and is a doctor makes her pretty good. Doing one bad thing=/=being a bad person.