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About daisuke86

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  1. rather than 5B>6A>GH(1h) online I do 5B>6A>hjc or jc depending on the charater>then BE into the corner if I'm close. If I'm not close enough then I just do the air combo>ID. It seems to be easier to do the hjc online than it is to do the GH(1h)>5A

  2. i cant do 5B > 6A combos online. 6A > GH(1) > 5A is impossible for me on netplay. my jin is decent online, but when i use him i get so nervous because i'm not used to him, then i start dropping combos, but of the two, my Jin has better fundamentals. I RTSD too much as Ragna and leave myself open too much

  3. ack I'm stll working on my DS loops...I keep dropping them because I go for too much on my dash that my C doesn't connect. Atm with Ragna I just do 5B>6A combos and ID combos. But for Jin all I can do is the good 'ol basics.

  4. lol I my Ragna > my Jin. I can do DS loops without dropping them online, unlike DP loops

  5. I suck pretty bad too. I've only been practicing Ragna and only had like one session of Jin practice. So it'll be all good since we'll both suck together XD

  6. lol okay. I suck pretty bad too. Haven't played since the day after the update. I'm relying on mostly fundamentals to win ATM.

  7. bleh my parents threw the chores on me. Maybe monday? I've been sucking really bad lately, maybe I'm in some kind of slump. I need more practice -_-

  8. lol I haven't been playing much CS2, but sure I'm up for some matches

  9. we should battle online tomorrow. I'll try to be on for most of the morning :D

  10. every time I tried to play a ranked match people left...maybe because I wasn't direct connected? so I had bad lag...

  11. why is PSN so free at BB? I kept getting AHs before the outage. I counted 14 straight victory AHs on ranked on players of 240 PSR and greater. Am I gdlk or is PSN just meh?

  12. that sounds nice...harharhar 6A...just sucks when I brainfart halfway through my block chain lol

  13. lol yeah, and his 6A is +4 on CH. *squeals*

  14. awesome can't wait to see how awesome his 4 frame jump is XD

  15. We should have BBCSII 5/15 or so.
