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About Never

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    New Blood
  1. Never

    [CS1] Lambda General Discussion

    lambda is a zoning character and as such is balanced the problem is that several top tier characters have excelent mobility wich naturally overcomes zoning this combined with their damage, safeness, etc. makes for very tough matches so its not so much shes not a good character its more about the top tiers being unbalanced. Even nu would find cs tao, bang, and haz diffucult.
  2. Never

    [CS1] Lambda General Discussion

    I've tried this before and i believe you can only crescent feint from the first j.d into another j.d then finnish the combo as you normally would and the only trick to it is immediatley pressing D after the feint.
  3. Never


    In training mode when trying to improve execution is it best to always focus on specific combos and situations and be perfect at those things or experiment and try different things even if they're not the best damage wise etc. To increase overall ability
  4. Never

    [CS1] Lambda-11 Combo Thread

    Lol 4D i meant 2D im tired.. Anyway that combo you listed is what i was looking for my executuion is pretty bad but il get it sooner or later. thanks for being patient and answering my poorly asked scrub question
  5. Never

    [CS1] Lambda-11 Combo Thread

    Thanks for reply i usualy do 5c mash 6c 236c etc but i guess im not doing it at right height because 236c sends them to other side and i can only connect 4dd, air combo
  6. Never

    [CS1] Lambda-11 Combo Thread

    I was wondering what are good combos after a gold burst for midscreen and corner i always choke and end up with 2k ones.