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About WonderTom

  • Rank
    New Blood

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  1. WonderTom

    [VS] General Discussion

    Okay guys, I need you to tell me not to cry on this game. I love it. I just adore it. I read the forum the wikis and watch every videos and consider myself quite knowledgeable about the game, even if a lot of guys are better than me because they clearly are better. But I haven't been playing for two months, and my last session on ggpo was a disaster, I could do my combos alright in training mode but fighting a guy online I seemed to loose to everything he was doing (and that was a mirror match !) and drop every hit confirm. It was kind of laggy, but not much. Do you think I shuold just drop it, or have you noticed too some absolutely unfair situation when you were ggpoing ?
  2. WonderTom

    [VS] General Discussion

    This was a great podcast. Why not try to do it weekly or monthly ? 1 guest at a time, possibly a character or mechanic breakdown each time.
  3. Well, they “have not announced a new Darkstalkers game”, but could this mean that they will "annonce an old game" ? I'd be entirely satisfied with a Vampire Savior HD Remix, the game is perfect as it is.