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About LunarisSkye

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  1. Aaah Akira plays the White Ragna (color 3), he wasn't doing that good that night, he was kind of off. But thanks for tuning in to the stream :3 Our Tager player is Tokyoboi.....he really scares me ;__; Teiga.

  2. I watched long enough to see Black Relius lose to a Bang. Then I fell asleep ;) Sorry! The level of play looked pretty good though, caught some nice tager play. I thought I heard the commentator say he was Akira, actually, don't know if I saw him play any

  3. I'm the only Black Relius in the group. My bf AkiraS/AlligatorCountry plays Relius but it's more like...casual. He plays the normal/blue one. I'm the only black one in the HI scene :3

  4. What color is y our Relius? I saw a black Relius on that stream briefly but didn't hear the name announcement.
