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About _rFX

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  • Birthday 12/25/1990

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  1. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Randomly join a lobby. Sees squirrel mirrors. Gets excited. ...Then the room closes and the dream dies. I guess it was a fun match to watch though.
  2. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    So few rooms up and yet, they're all 3-4 bars but they're all private Quit playing games with my heart BB. Can I convince anyone here to wanna play me...or nah? /notdesperateatall
  3. I love that guy. Maybe he's not the absolute best or anything, but he's really entertaining.
  4. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Yeahh~Think I've only seen one or two of those. Ever. So that was really cool. Wanted to get in as many games as I could, lol. It's almost inspiring. :8/: Gotta get better so that the rare 4-bar unicorn won't get bored and scamper off. Figuring out how not to repeatedly slam my grill into swarms of bees might not be a bad place to start...Face is still swollen from the sting of those 8k combos.
  5. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Why does this post have to be so relate-able
  6. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    These tight-knit clicks. Blazybloo High School sure is rough going. No one ever wants to have lunch with the new kids. but I brought pizza damn it! SIT WITH ME.
  7. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    ...Anyone wanna play a few against some random incompetent squirrel? Don't all line up at once now
  8. Pls no CG or low-quality anime astral. The in-game animations are so much better off.
  9. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Eh. Don't suppose anyone here plays Makoto...who would be willing to waste their time on a few matches against my own sub-par squirrel'ing...? Feel like it might help if I could fight someone who actually uses the character, but the only other Makoto's I've ever seen were newer and somehow even worse than me, if that's possible(how, I don't even)
  10. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Hmm... *recognizes PSN tag from like 10minutes ago* *reads post* ...... *sigh* I'm so bad at this.
  11. _rFX

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Wouldn't that just be like, a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors acted out by two big burly dudes groping each other every time they happen to guess right? Every grappler would have 1 billion(!) HP, and all non-grab options wouldn't even make a dent in it. Would not play. Sounds fun.
  12. I wonder if Terumi will have a run... If he can't Tarzan around the screen, and his attacks are described as short-range, he's gotta have a run...doesn't he? Some other crazy unique movement option would be more interesting, but if he's supposed to be easier than Haz, it makes it sound like he'd be more standardized. Really curious, and shooting in the dark is kinda fun, but meh. Either way; guess they'll show him off in time. Zzz. /fullcircle
  13. Dive-kick Houtenjin? ...Would they like, bounce off the floor Flubber-style, or just get whack-a-mole'd into the ground? Either way, I'd be pretty okay with that.