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Posts posted by 2nd_God

  1. Thanks buddy, your a real pal. :thumbup:

    @Blade - These guys should help you get a better grasp of clsn boxes, ect. ( http://mugenguild.com/ ) They've even gotten specialty code threads for situations like 'bursting', 'instant kills' and 'triangle wall jumping' .


    Hey Penguin... What version of mugen are these for? I'm running High-Resolution (Mugen+Plus) and I can't get any of them to work.

    Also, the Jin you have hosted in that download is Jin from MvC2 (not the kisaragi from bb)

  2. lucky you.. I've recently switched to mugen hi-res.. and all I have is low-res characters.. which causes hi-res to crash..


    150+ some characters.. is NOT fun to sift through looking for chars that won't break your game..

    so far i have about 80 confirmed that will work on hi-res as well..


  3. Wow, those guys are really.. annoying.

    >_<' Remind me not to watch the entire video if you ever link one again.


    So, back on topic






    too avoid double post syndrome


    This has been mentioned too much recently, so I'll put it here to shut you guys up.

    Quote from: MUGENFAQ

    Can you play mugen online?


    Mugen will not run as a true online game. You can play it VERY badly through various support programs. This is not at all recommended as it requires giving someone else full access to your computer. Using these programs will work for playing someone miles away. However you will only have access to the characters on 1 persons PC. The lag will also be very noticeable. At least 1 second between key presses.

    Quote from: MUGENFAQ

    Why can't we play Mugen online?

    Lack of source

    We do not have the source code for Mugen. In fact no-one does aside from Elecbyte. Without this we cannot add any functionality to the engine that's not already coded in. Hi-Res is a modification of an existing feature. Online would be far more than that. You are of course free to try and recode Mugen and give it online functionality. But this forum will be unable to support you in that endeavour.

    Quote from: MUGENFAQ

    Will you port MUGEN to Dreamcast/PSX[/etc.]?


    M.U.G.E.N has been compiled for DOS, Windows, and Linux by Elecbyte solely for the instruction set x86_32/80x86.

    Quote from: MUGENFAQ

    Will you release the source code for MUGEN?

    The source for MUGEN is not available for public download.

    When Elecbyte closed up shop, they didn't leave the source(s) along with them.

    Because of these factors, the only console currently capable of running M.U.G.E.N without emulation is the XBox. XBox can run Linux, has a Pentium x86 processor, and has a system capable of running M.U.G.E.N at or near full speed. The Wii, PS3, and XBox 360 have capability to run M.U.G.E.N should they be able to run Linux and have a PowerPC emulator available. This forum does not support running M.U.G.E.N on the XBox or any other console for that matter since most are infamiliar of the installation procedure.

    PS3 running Windows 98 on Yellow Dog Linux which may be able to run M.U.G.E.N http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=87681.0

    Looks like theres no help from the mugen creators after all.

    At least we can still dream. :/ At this point if a mugen style fighter appears on console it will have to be named something completely different all together. :(

  4. Thats true, Unlimited Jin is also immune to projectile attacks while using Ice Car.

    You won't be able to do that on the MUGEN engine.. at least not with-out placing the name of EVERY specific projectile attack available in the game in jin's cmd (so like, what.. another 2000mb of code lines?)

    then there are moves with the same name or untitled

  5. HaHa. I see what you did there. That was fairly clever.

    Wait, what type of game are you making with the M.U.G.E.N. engiene? Just a generic fighter or something? Is it already in production? When will we be able to see it?

    I've always wanted to make a mmorpg/fighter hybrid.. Kind of like that Maple Story game.. but mour mature themed graphic content.. and sprites mour resemblant to the one I posted earlier in this thread (just above aliens post actually)

    Or It's still undecided actually.. I've always liked snk style sprites myself. Guess it's all up in the air yet.

    Problem is I have literally.. NO programming experience what so ever. So that leaves me with concept art and sprite work.. not the most convincing angle to attract programmers.


    Back on topic, however.

    I'm not even certain where to begin after getting people to back us.. maybe some random game developers forum? (those are usually full of people looking for work)

    I'll bet microsoft could pull it off. That or SquareEnix? I dunno.. I don't usually like square fighters.

  6. New shirt idea for all the Noel mains:


    "What's important is the back." - Mori Toshimichi


    Chibi of Noel from YuYu and Sesame (I'd happily pay the commission charge tuesday, for a cheeseburger today)

    or if we want to do some copyright infringement, Noel's drive seal


    // mour on topic

    A picture of Tao i her R1 grabbing animation (with Gii smooshed in her arm's and X's for eyes)

    Text Reading: "Fluffy-Wuffy, Yay for Tao!"


    OOORR, Tao in one of her frames during the special where she dances on 1 foot before getting her attack/speed boost..

    text reading: "Are you hungry?"
