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About ParryPerson

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/04/1984


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  • Location
    Shreveport, LA
  1. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    a lose the Dizzy sword penis robo avatar.
  2. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    Not even worth it. Sorry.
  3. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    "Vegta" isn't exactly a scrub when he's making you call stuff cheap that isn't when you get beasted by it....
  4. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    The Shreveport scene needs cohesion. Kobe if I throw a tourney I know you are down for GG but you suck in everything else, get to playing so we can get more entries!
  5. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    Or we can drop that trash and play MVC2 ST or hell even 3s.
  6. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    Seriously man, I will play GG, but you have to want to play other stuff to Kobe, non-stop GG was killing me.
  7. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

  8. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    alex.... no I never met him, I didn't know he knew you guys, he's trying to learn Marvel (and I hope he sticks with it). and yeah I saw your room........... but I don't think I saw the floor lol.
  9. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    with a custom arcade stick being 160 and a HRAP2 being 99, PS2 being 130, 130 for a 20inch flat 4:3 aspect CRT from wal mart isn't a huge investment, as for a place, his room is pretty small, yes, but he's taking this seriously enough now to not play on a laggy TV. his current TV is great for a computer monitor/movies but it suffers from lag, which will own you if you learn on it and then go to a tourney expecting the timing to be the same. There is a reason the top FPS players use CRT. in fact if you want a good test, pop in a shoot 'em up game with a ton of stuff going on (mars matrix/giga wing 2) on that LCD and look how fast everything falls apart, it just can't keep up with everything going so fast. CRT is still the "better" choice for competitive games with it's extremely high refresh rate and no lag. Found another player in Shreveport, he's "Kurumster" on here and SRK. you get on that stick Kobe and start beasting!
  10. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    I heard SOMEONE is getting a CRT, about time! Honestly it was really frustrating trying to land even FRC's on your LCD mang.
  11. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    we do, but what you have to do is put yourself out there and make an active effort to play. You can't just sit around and complain and not do anything. whoever you are, if you have a myspace add yourself to www.myspace.com/NLAFGC
  12. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    at home. I'm out with a cold but I have 3 days off from Circuit City. I'll be by soon....
  13. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    cons are low tier. Real Tourneys are the high tier. EVO = Slash, better keep that Slash game fresh. ArcSys DID issue a "sorry" about all the horrible bugs and lock ups and glitches in AC, I wonder if they will re release it due to all of them.
  14. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    cons are low tier. Real Tourneys are the high tier. EVO = Slash, better keep that Slash game fresh. ArcSys DID issue a "sorry" about all the horrible bugs and lock ups and glitches in AC, I wonder if they will re release it due to all of them.
  15. ParryPerson

    Louisiana Players

    doomscyther is just lazy! He has a HRAP2! I'm going to go over and duct tape it to his hands! EDIT: He knows I hate hate hate cons