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About HamsterJohn

  • Rank
    lol shark


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  • Location
    NOVA (Northern Virginia)
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  1. HamsterJohn

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    This. I'd rather have ASW blast a port out by the end of the year and THEN count their monies and decide what to do with the franchise. The game is balanced enough for many (lol Anji players can suck it) and it's the most FUN revision of them all. Barring bad netcode online play will keep us busy for a bit.
  2. HamsterJohn

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    Even though I wouldn't mind that, I seriously doubt Chipp nor anyone will have major rebalancing (but then again all I really wanted was netplay; HD upscaling is just icing for me).
  3. HamsterJohn

    [CT] Ragna vs Jin

    j.D is also special cancelable, fyi. If he's facing away from you he should ice car away but if he's still in front of you he could ice car you (lol) or 236a/b/c/d.
  4. HamsterJohn

    [CT] Jin Combos and Glitches

    Thanks. Trying to learn the more pressure-based combos than some of the noobie ones found on the tutorial disc and it certainly takes some getting used to compared to simply gatling everything.
  5. HamsterJohn

    [CT] Jin Combos and Glitches

    I can't seem to dash after the 1st j.D. Is there supposed to be a jump install, something else or am I doing something horribly wrong?
  6. HamsterJohn

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol General Discussion

    He sux, that's all u need to know.