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  1. These are iconic quotes from SF, i bet you wouldn't want "hadouken" translated as soulfist ki-fist or whatever. Just like how i really don't want May saying mrDolphin after 12+ years of "iruka-san" and "taishtakotonasasoudane", but even if i have to play in english i really don't mind at all.
  2. Eh? Is not really much different from her original sprites Anyway i really really want to see the Slayer vs Bedman fight
  3. Oh, just the usual "muh metal" nonsense everytime a new character gets released. Anyway i didn't like him/her at first sight and also the whole "easy to pick up" thing sounds a bit discouraging.
  4. I take anything over the Bridget meme. Hope you understand that the physical appearance of a character is quite a big deal for a LOT of people. In that regard HoS is in fact "just Sol", which is kinda lame for some people.
  5. Yes but you needed specific corner enkasu setups, because doing random knockdown into mist FRC didn't give enough advantage for an unblockable. In XRD he "seems" to get unblockable setups out of almost everything near corner on every match (again from what i've seen so far).
  6. I don't even like Jack-o, but would play her only because of the damn lovely ghosts and overall unorthodox fighting style (that's what made Zappa fun). Johnny's bacchus sign setups are kinda out of control from what i've seen so far (not that i've seen much). Hated Jam's voice back then in X, still hate it in Xrd.
  7. Man i really hate Jam... since forever. Some of her new animations look really really smooth though. Any news on the character poll?
  8. ???? That souds way different from what i remember.
  9. Kinda agree with Blade. Honestly, Bridget is a literal meme character, there's only a handful of players who actually care about him. Sad thing is he has a high chance of winning.
  10. I'm actually glad they didn't go the "teehee you have to relearn everything every year" route. It gets annoying pretty fast.
  11. That's not a palette swap, Is a complete different costume.
  12. I don't like what i'm reading regarding Johnny so far, thanks anyway fernman. Backup just in case http://i.imgur.com/GnAqbXw.jpg
  13. Seems like FAB was seriously abusing the new Blitz attack... and i love it :V
  14. Command grabs are never breakable. You can break Tager's 360 only if it is a pink throw (throw during hitstun/blockstun).
  15. +Throw breaks +No more DT That was quick. Didn't expect something like that in the second iteration. However, Johnny's lack of divine blade make me sad, how am i supposed to anti anti-air and bait shit, also 3H... but who cares, he is back!