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Everything posted by zaeris

  1. zaeris

    AC: Matchups

    Guess im too agressive in my game play. Here is a match recorded for my final matched up vs jam. I think my issue to "know when to FD" since anti-air > Me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_b6UjVn5gc&feature=PlayList&p=027D1504796B4D03&index=14 Can anyone give me suggestion on how to improve my game or to somehow expliot Jam's weakness if she has any? p.s. Please be thoughtful when critisizing
  2. zaeris

    AC: Matchups

    Hello I'm new here. I'm currently having a hard time vs. Jam's 6HS on wake up, its rather quite annoying giving the amount of invulnerability it has even throw invulnerability. Anyone knows a good way to avoid it without eating a crap load of CH combo.