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Everything posted by Poultrygeist

  1. Not xenophobia, just unfortunate circumstance. Xenophobia would be "nobody is allowed to vote unless they are pure Japanese." The reality is that you can vote ONLY if you play the arcade version, which only exists in Japan. So theoretically if you are American and you are in Japan, if you've won enough world dollars from playing the game, you can vote. It's actually brilliant for two reasons. 1.People who rage quit GG because their character wasn't in Xrd will now show up and learn the game so they can get them there faster. 2.The poll can't be sabotaged with stupid joke votes like the Smash Bros character ballot probably is. Either way, get ready for Robo Ky when Dogura bodies enough people on his own to get enough world dollars to single handedly carry the guy to the top lol.
  2. That is extremely unlikely. Considering the arcade release only exists in Japan, and you need in game currency to even vote in the first place...
  3. This poll is outdated. The last time they polled across the entire Arcsys library, Sol was the most popular male in GG and Dizzy the most popular female. There's also the fact that only people with players guild cards will be able to vote, and Bridget is a bit more rare than most characters to see in actual play. Not saying nobody uses him, but he certainly isn't as well represented as some of the others.
  4. That's a moot point considering that arcade Xrd is over a year old unless you count 1.1 as its own entity. If they wanted to keep the balance I really don't see why they didn't just wait to make a new game. I guess people are that thirsty for new content.
  5. I understand. I won't dispute that leaving the balance alone for such a young game is the right thing to do, just that I don't like it in this case. Recognizing it as a personal problem and not an objective one is what I'm trying to do here.
  6. I wish I could share that enthusiasm, Revelator to me so far has just been one massive disappointment : / I guess I feel happy for the guys who only care about getting their characters back, but to me the fact that they didn't adjust the gameplay just makes me sad. I don't know if saying that is considered trolling or not.
  7. Did Bedman just successfully backdash out of Fafnir at point blank? Shouldn't it have caught him out of that? Surely they didn't cut the range down on the move, there's no way...no balance changes and all.
  8. I absolutely agree with this. We have a wiki, if you want DL to be an "information resource" then just close the forum entirely. Let the users talk their shit out, everyone's experience is different.
  9. Because question and answers, and generally trading tech with other players of your character. Every single fighting game forum on the internet does this as well, see also SRK, TYM, Smashboards, I dunno about Dreamcancel I haven't been there in ages. Yes, exactly. I personally dread having to sift through mountains of pages to catch up with new tech, so anything valuable NEEDS to be on the wiki. But at the same time removing the char specific forums would be an awful idea since not only do you rob players of an organized outlet to discuss their character, but you also ensure that inevitably the main discussion boards are going to be cluttered due to every character getting their own threads and posts. Just look at the UNIEL/Arcana/VSav subforums. It's functional sure but it's a mess. I know some people have advocated Skype groups over character forums, but I personally despise that idea. Knowledge should always be made public, especially in games like these where it's super important.
  10. Isn't that what the Wiki is for? In fact, isn't it said word for word that it gathers all necessary information to begin playing the character without making you browse through many pages of forum threads?
  11. Source EDIT: Nvm here it is (http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2015/aug/15/jam-announced-guilty-gear-xrd-revelator-releases-august-25th-arcades/#c842646) He's an Eventhubs writer, NOT an Arcsys employee.
  12. People expect a console announcement when the arcade version hasn't even come out yet? Do yall really not know how this works by now? The announcement is going to be X2 getting yet another revision, Accent Core +RR, and this time they're going to retroactively add danger time and an edition select so you can play vanilla X2, Reload, Slash, AC or + characters. Oh yeah.
  13. IBing a random super isn't quite the same as IBing Zato pressure though.
  14. dis gon b gud. I'll be sure to watch later.
  15. Poultrygeist

    The "Picking a Main" thread

    Ragna is by no means a boring shoto in Extend I promise you, he's extremely cool even if you hate shotos. Then again I don't so I'm bias as hell.
  16. "In-Birth" is in all likelihood just an extremely poor translation of "Inverse."
  17. Poultrygeist

    The "Picking a Main" thread

    I guess you could say Celica is psuedo-shoto although her DP is not a true one.
  18. Poultrygeist

    The "Picking a Main" thread

    Venom or Bedman maybe? They aren't the exact same thing but you may find some similarities.
  19. Poultrygeist

    The "Picking a Main" thread

    YOOOO what? I don't agree with that at all, since his basic midscreen bnb requires a hell of a finnicky microdash to land 236D. I guess you could play without it but TBH he probably needs everything he can get. I need help myself actually, I have no idea who I want to play in Xrd anymore. I used to play Bedman but it was more for his character than how he plays since I find him to be more awkward than anything else. I switched to Faust because he beats Bedman's bad matchups and because I enjoyed him in the old games, but his Xrd version really isn't doing it for me. None of the old characters are really doing it for me either, in terms of fun factor I found them more fulfilling in the old games. I have no idea who I should switch to.
  20. Change for the sake of change to justify an update is very bad (as is time tested by this very developer), but I'm part of the camp that thinks Xrd needed it. 1.1 was such a massive step up from 1.0, why not continue going in that direction? Just strikes me as a serious waste of potential. 1.0 Xrd was a solid game, 1.1 Xrd is a good game, so why not strive for a great game?
  21. Poultrygeist

    BB Matchup Directory

    I thought that too, but then I saw that everyone else did it too. For instance, Monarch has a Lambda vs Noel thread and Luna has a Noel vs Lambda thread. Unless they got deleted after I wasn't looking.
  22. Poultrygeist

    BB Matchup Directory

    I'm doing Relius now, I guess I'll do Hazama later.
  23. Poultrygeist

    BB Matchup Directory

    I can do Relius if that's alright, unless you'd rather DP or someone with actual authority handled it.
  24. Time release specifically? Not simply updated later on like Tekken 7 characters?