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About Ariscool24

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    Advanced Member
  1. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    I kinda use the 8 as to help me remember the timing of how fast I have to do the inputs. I'm slowly finding out I've been doing it too fast and trying to jump early.
  2. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Another secret I found is making sure you're putting the stick in neutral after j.FDC I get it like 5 out of 10 times now. The notation I keep in mind in my head is..... 5HS~6986>j.FDC>6 This is done extremely fast!
  3. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Make sure you're buffering 66 before doing the motion. It makes it a lot easier. I've been practicing it since I first saw it and I'm 30% on left side and like 5% on the right. I want to master this tech.
  4. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Here is a side switch I found. Don't know if this works on the whole cast yet. https://youtu.be/mw8bG3agNKg
  5. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    So some defensive stuff I've been doing that helps are j'FDC to fake a jump out, (maybe AA them after for trying to catch you) and super jump or 663 hold dive YRC > dash. Warning! These are very situational and will get you blown up if you don't use it correctly. I was wondering if any of you guys have any defensive tech? Correct me if I'm wrong but for the most part we talk about offensive tech.(which makes sense because of I-No's playstyle) I've been focusing a lot on defense lately and it's been helping my win ratio a lot more now. Another thing that I've taken from Japanese players vs Leo is 6P grab OS at a range where Leo has a hard time converting off of combos standing. This is usually almost max range far slash for Leo where they think about berserker slashing. Challenging with 6P grab OS has worked really well in clutch situations where I feel the pressure of Leo is weak. Again if you guys have any defensive tech or overall knowledge to blow up situations let us know.
  6. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    That's me! Preach Mynus!
  7. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    These are too fun ^^ https://youtu.be/C57sobjybNI
  8. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Really? This might be good for the Ariscool special to bait stuff now.
  9. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    1.1 My Body Is Ready
  10. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Sooo................ Back in +R I was able to get j.2363214S as easy as YRC. (That move was my life saver) Now I have trouble getting it out because the overlap of VCL. I know VCL YRC kinda took its place in some setups but I miss the damage in the clutch. IN THE CLUTCH! Anyway, does anyone know a way to not get VCL? I've been trying to find different ways, but I have yet to find one.
  11. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Cute little reset on Ky in corner 2k > 6P > c.S > HCL> 5K > cmd grab or you can end in HCL. I have yet to test this on other characters.
  12. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    Also TheRealbobman & Mynus are my two bibles right now. lol
  13. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    I use j.FDC to escape pressure all the time. Too bad I didn't do it in teams at FR. But yeah, people like to read the jump and jumps have momentum. That simple.
  14. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    I get this by accident lol
  15. Ariscool24

    [Xrd] I-No Gameplay Discussion

    You have to use this very sparingly, because it isn't as consistent.