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About ansem

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  1. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    I don't understand why they're nerfing a character with a high learning curve and difficulty of use. A character like Carl should not be low tier. What's the point in trying him out and trying to learn how to use him effectively if he sucks, he has the lowest health, limited movement, 4 primers and now he deals less damage and Ada dies quicker. That's no fun at all. I rarely see any Carl players online and in tourneys, theres a chance we might not see any at all. Some of you guys say that he might still be mid tier but I kinda doubt that since characters like Makoto, Hakumen, Rachel, Hazama, Mu, Lambda, Arakune, and Tager are good at hurting Nirvana and rushing Carl down.
  2. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Ada needs more health.
  3. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    So they nerf his damage, took out some of his defensive options, remove some of his combo loops, and made Ada die quicker. All for what? a new 3d and super armor on a useless command grab? They gave him too many nerfs and other characters are looking way stronger in comparison. So from the looks of it Carl is gonna be low tier, but that's just my opinion for now. Hopefully things will change for the better.
  4. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Is carl still a rushdown character
  5. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Since 3c is techable they should at least make it faster and have a bit more range.
  6. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Is J.C knocking down a good thing:?:
  7. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    I disagree.
  8. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Replace it with a ground version of con brio, that would be gdlk:cool:
  9. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    They probably took out super armor for anima because it makes it too hard for characters to get past the puppet, especially Tager. Since anima can lead to 5k combos that probably why they remove the super armor. They should at least make it like a command grab so it wont be so useless.
  10. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Darn I was really looking forward to using this move This is unnecessary just keep the move as a unblockable anti air I don't understand why they wanna change this move unnecessary unnecessary
  11. ansem

    BBCS LokeTest 3: Oct. 16th, 2010 Discussion

    I like the way this loketest turned out, i'm very satisfied with it.
  12. ansem

    [CT-CS2] Carl Clover Loke Test

    Yes, now it's not useless anymore.
  13. ansem

    GG:AC Official Tier List Thread

    When is the next tier list update?
  14. Me love you long time.

  15. Me love you long time
