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About Gilg@me$h

  • Rank
    #11: El Verdugo
  • Birthday 08/17/1989


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  • Location
    Memphis,TN (2175 A.D.)
  1. Gilg@me$h

    GG:AC Official Tier List Thread

    If he doesn't get hit. U are S-Class
  2. Gilg@me$h

    GG:AC Official Tier List Thread

    The guy i played was better than me. Jam has speed over him. Meant nothing, though, once i hit lvl 3. Didn't really need it, though. OS should be A-class IMO. :p
  3. Gilg@me$h

    GG:AC Official Tier List Thread

    Good point. But look at it this way, everyone has some kind of advantage in Guilty Gear. Dnt let the tier list fool you. Potemkin and Eddie could go 10-0 (until they face each other). Hell, the only character i think can't do that is Bridget and Anji. Reason i say that is because Bridget can get his/her ass handed to em. And Anji just doesn't have that power or range to do anything worthwhile (unless u know how to play with him). I think S, A, and some B tier characters can go 10-0, just gotta judge them by their gameplay. A perfect example is my boy Order Sol. I was put in a situation where I had to fight Jam (A-class character according to the tier). Order Sol would be the underdog in this matchup, but he beat her with no problem. Makes u wonder, don't it?