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Everything posted by Phrekwenci

  1. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    Thank you coolest!
  2. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    Dustloop user "coolest" gave us a translation zappa now gets a possession icon above the tension bar -unsummon f.S added 3f to recovery 2S can be gattled into from f.S stagger from counterhit increased by 5f gets larger knockback air throw can connect attacks after on all characters konnichiwa sanbini no mukade fullbody invincibility from 1-13f can otg increases soul count by 1 reigisahou wa koko kara recovery shortened by 2f larger hitbox -dog umareru!! when in dog possession, increases soul by one each hit (limit is 4) dog attack (all) opponent will get knocked back in the direction of the dog's orientation all variations have their properties standardized dog appearance has a 30 frame recovery however, it cannot be hit in this period dog attack (bite) can now be guarded when guarded, increases soul by 1 proration removed attack level reduced to 3 knocks opponent down on the spot dog attack (jump) able to do 6D or 8D during this move followup attack can be done after 6/8/4D rebound(?) when opponent is hit on air, knocks them into ground dog attack (somersault) vertical hitbox slightly slanted blows opponent away diagonally dog attack (rush) when opponent is hit on air, blows them away untechable time from 12 to 20f -ghost has a special gattling combination 'route' where zappa gets free chains *does not apply to the following normals* f.S, 2S, 6S, 5H, 2H, j.S, j.2S, j.H restrictions: 1. can gattle the same normal 3 times 2. from a 2H or j.H, other than themselves, no proration applies to other normals j.S startup faster by 4f damage now 25 j.S (2nd, 3rd hit) startup faster by 4f attack levels turned to 3 j.2S new move f.S smaller hitbox shorter range damage from 15 to 20 f.S (2nd, 3rd hit) startup faster by 4 frames attack levels turned to 3 2.S damage now 18 2.S (2nd) damage now 18, attack level 2, recovery +2 2.S (3rd) damage now 18, attack level 2, recovery +4 6S new 5H(2nd) damage: 25 atk lvl 3 recovery +4 5H(3rd) damage: 25 atk lvl 3 recovery +8 2H (2nd) recovery +4 2H(3rd) recovery +8 6H damage from 25 to 30 haunt mode when using 'sono mama kaette konaide kudasai' during haunt mode, youll get the ghosts you started with, with 2 ghosts haunting the opponent (?) 'yappari kaete kudasai' new move banana can otg reduces guard bar by -5 untechable time now 20f -sword after attacking, sword will now stay on the spot chikazuku to yukimasu and other normals that use sword can be airblocked 2S can be blocked standing if sword is placed higher than default position (when crouching) 85% proration c.S can not be jump canceled j.S 85% proration j.H 90% proration hai, kaerimasu frc-able from 1-2f itasou, tte iuka itai can control speed by holding stick forward or backward ochitoite kudasai gets upper invincibility +2 souls chikazuku to yukimasu +2 souls -raoh when raoh appears, a gauge shows its duration darkness anthem has a new HS version air darkness anthem new air last edogai new last edogai damage reduced from 100 to 80
  3. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    Shinjin: Can I ask that you translate Zappa next, please?
  4. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    Changes for the new loketest are up but in Japanese below. I'm throwing them in Google Translate: * ZAPPA - Possessed Change list 憑依状態アイコン 憑依状態がテンションゲージ上部に表示されるようになりました。 無憑依状態 遠距離立ちS 硬直時間が 3F 増加しました。 しゃがみS 遠距離立ち S へのガトリングコンビネーションルートが追加されました。 カウンターヒット時のよろけ時間が 5F 延長されました。 ヒット時の ノックバック が大きくなりました。 空中投げ 全てのキャラクターに ダウン追い打ち が可能になりました。 こんにちは3匹のムカデ 1~13Fの間が 全身無敵 になりました。 ダウン引き剥がし効果 が付与されました。 ヒット時の霊魂増加数が 3個 → 1個 になりました。 礼儀作法はここから 硬直時間が 2F 短くなりました。攻撃判定が大きくなりました。 産まれる!! 霊魂が 1ヒット あたり 1個 増えるようになりました。(最大数は 4個 です) 犬憑依状態 犬攻撃全般 犬が向いている方向に 相手がノックバック するようになりました。 派生版の性能 が 通常版 と同様の性能になりました。 出現時 犬出現時に 30F の硬直時間が追加されました。 ただし、この間は 犬には喰らい判定 がありません。 犬攻撃 (噛み付き) ガードが可能になりました。 ガードされた時でも 霊魂が1つ増えるようになりました。 基底ダメージ補正 が削除されました。 攻撃Lvが 5 → 3 になりました。 ヒット時に その場にダウン するようになりました。 犬攻撃 (ジャンプ) ジャンプ中に → + D および ↑ + D が出せるようになりました。 追加攻撃 (← + D → D) → + D や ↑ + D や ← + D や → + D の跳ね返り等から出した場合は ← + D を経由しないで出せるようになりました。 空中の相手にヒットした際に 相手を地面に叩きつける ようになりました。 犬攻撃 (サマーソルト) 攻撃判定が 真上 → 少し斜め上 になりました。 ヒット時の吹き飛び方向が 真上 → 少し斜め上 になりました。 犬攻撃 (突進) 空中ヒット時に 相手を前方に吹き飛ばす ようになりました。 ダウン復帰不能時間が 12F → 20F になりました。 38 幽霊憑依状態 ラオウ憑依ゲージ ラオウ憑依中に残り憑依時間を示すゲージが表示されるようになりました。 ガトリングコンビネーションルート ▼一部の通常技を自由に組み合わせて出せる、特殊なガトリングルートが追加されました。 これに該当する通常技、制限は以下の通りです。 【地上技】遠距離S、しゃがみS、→ + S、立ちHS、しゃがみHS 【空中技】ジャンプS、ジャンプ ↓ + S、ジャンプHS 【制限】 ①最初に出した攻撃を含め、計3回まで連続して技を出すことが出来ます。 ②しゃがみHSとジャンプHSからは、同じ技以外の通常技に派生する事は出来ません。 ジャンプS 攻撃判定の発生が 4F 早くなりました。また、攻撃力が 25 になりました。 ジャンプS (2段目、3段目) 攻撃判定の発生が 4F 早くなりました。 ヒット または ガード で攻撃Lvが変化していた仕様を攻撃レベル 3 に統一しました。 ジャンプ ↓ + S 新規の追加技です。 遠距離 S 攻撃判定が少し小さくなりました。 攻撃距離が短くなりました。 攻撃力が 15 → 20 になりました。 遠距離 S (2段目、3段目) 攻撃力が 20 になりました。攻撃Lvが 3 になりました。硬直時間が 4F 増加しました 。 しゃがみS 攻撃力が 18 になりました。 しゃがみS (2段目) 攻撃力が 18 になりました。攻撃Lvが 2になりました。硬直時間が 2F 増加しました。 しゃがみS (3段目) 攻撃力が 18 になりました。攻撃Lvが 2になりました。硬直時間が 4F 増加しました。 → + S 新規の追加技です。 立ちHS (2段目) 攻撃力が25 になりました。 ヒット または ガード で攻撃Lvが変化していた仕様を攻撃レベル 3 に統一しました。 硬直時間が 4F 増加しました。 立ちHS (3段目) 攻撃力が 25 になりました。 ヒット または ガード で攻撃Lvが変化していた仕様を攻撃レベル 3 に統一しました。 硬直時間が 8F 増加しました。 しゃがみ HS (2段目) 硬直時間が 4F 増加しました。 しゃがみ HS (3段目) 硬直時間が 8F 増加しました。 → + HS 攻撃力が 36 → 30 になりました。 不幸モード 不幸モード中に再度「そのまま帰って来ないで下さい」をヒットさせた際に、最初に憑依していた幽霊を帰還させ、二匹目が取り憑くようになりました。 やっぱり帰ってきて下さい 新規の追加技です。 不幸モード中のバナナ ダウン引き剥がし効果 を付与しました。 ガードバランス減少値が -7 → -5 になりました。 ダウン復帰不能時間が 14F → 20F になりました。 剣憑依状態 39 剣攻撃全般 攻撃後に 剣がその場に一定時間停滞 するようになりました。 「近づくと逝きます」とその他の剣を使った通常技が、空中 ガードが可能になりました。 しゃがみ S 地上から出す しゃがみS よりも剣が高い位置だった場合、立ちガードが可能になりました。 遠距離 S ジャンプキャンセルが出来なくなりました。 しゃがみ S 基底ダメージ補正 85% が追加されました。 ジャンプ S 基底ダメージ補正 85% が追加されました。 ジャンプ HS 基底ダメージ補正 90% が追加されました。 はい、通ります フォースロマンキャンセル に対応しました。受付Fは着地後の 1~2F です。 痛そう、っていうか痛い 突進中にレバーを前後に入力することでスピードの調整が可能になりました。 落ちといて下さい 対打撃無敵 → 上半身無敵 になりました。 ヒット時の霊魂の増加数が 1 → 2になりました。 近づくと逝きます ヒット時の霊魂の増加数が 1 → 2になりました。 ラオウ憑依状態 ダークネスアンセム 追加入力にHS版が追加されました。 空中ダークネスアンセム 新規の追加技です。 空中ラストエドガイ 新規の追加技です。 ラストエドガイ ダメージが 100 → 80 になりました。 * ZAPPA - Possessed Change list Possessed state icon Possessed state is now displayed at the top of the tension gauge. Possessed by non-state Standing long-distance S Time has been increased rigidity 3F. S crouching Standing long-distance route to the S combination Gatling has been added. Stagger time when the hit counter has been extended 5F. Knock back when hit is now larger. Air throw Final blow-down is now available to all characters. Hello centipede of three animals Between 1 ~ 13F is now invincible body. Effect has been peeled off down grant. Increase the number of souls at the time of each hit is now three → 1. Manners from here Rigid time has been reduced 2F. Attack roll was greater. Born! ! Soul is now one more per hit. (The maximum is four) possessed state dog General dog attack Opponent will now knock back toward the dog is facing. Performance of the derivative version is now similar performance to normal version. Occurrence Rigidity time of 30F has been added to the dog when appearance. However, during which the dog does not have a judgment devour. Dog attack (bite) It is now possible to guard. Soul is now, even when it is one more guard. Compensation base damage has been removed. Lv attack is now 5 → 3. Now down to the spot when hit. Dog attack (jump) → + D ↑ + D during the jump and is now patience. Additional attack (← + D → D) → +, etc. If you bounce out of the D + and D ↑ + D or ← + D → and is now without going through the Daseru ← + D. Now strikes the opponent to the ground when you hit the opponent in the air. Dog attack (somersault) Attack roll is now on the diagonal just above a little →. Fukitobi direction when the hit is now on the diagonal just above a little →. Dog attack (rush) Now when you hit your opponent blow air forward. Down time of no return is now 12F → 20F. 38 Ghost possessed state Possession gauge Raoh Gauge that indicates the time remaining in possession possession Raoh is now displayed. Gatling Combination root ▼ Daseru any combination of some of the regular technique, a special route Gatling has been added. Usually applicable to this technique, the limit is as follows. S - Jump HS aerial tricks, jump ↓ + S, jump HS S, → + S, HS Standing, squatting technique [s distance above ground, crouching [Limit] You can include a first attack began ①, tricks out continuously until a total of three times. HS and HS from the jump, you can usually derived technique other than the same technique can not be crouching ②. Jump S 4F was faster generation of attack roll. In addition, the attack force is now 25. Jump S (the second stage, third stage) 4F was faster generation of attack roll. Level 3 was unified to attack the specification has changed in the guard or attack hit Lv. Jump ↓ + S Add New technology is. Distance S Attack roll is now slightly smaller. Attack distance has been reduced. Attack power is now 15 → 20. Distance S (the second stage, third stage) Attack power is now 20. Lv attack is now 3. Time has been increased rigidity 4F. S crouching Attack power is now 18. Crouching S (second stage) Attack power is now 18. Lv 2 attack is now. Time has been increased rigidity 2F. Crouching S (third stage) Attack power is now 18. Lv 2 attack is now. Time has been increased rigidity 4F. → + S Add New technology is. Standing HS (second stage) Attack power is now 25. Level 3 was unified to attack the specification has changed in the guard or attack hit Lv. Time has been increased rigidity 4F. Standing HS (tier 3) Attack power is now 25. Level 3 was unified to attack the specification has changed in the guard or attack hit Lv. Time has been increased rigidity 8F. Crouching HS (second stage) Time has been increased rigidity 4F. Crouching HS (third stage) Time has been increased rigidity 8F. → + HS Attack power is now 36 → 30. Unhappy mode When it is hit again "Please do not come back as it is" in the mode, unfortunately, is the feedback had been possessed by the first ghost, now takes two animals possessing eyes. Please come back Yappari Add New technology is. Banana in the mode of misfortune Was granted the peeling effect down. Guard balance decrease in value is now -7 → -5. Down time of no return is now 14F → 20F. State possessed sword 39 General sword attack Ken is now in place to stagnation period of time after the attack. Usually moves with the sword and the other "and we will approach" will air guard is now available. S crouching If the sword was the location is higher than the S out of the ground crouching, standing guard is now available. Distance S Can no longer jump canceled. S crouching 85% base damage correction has been added. Jump S 85% base damage correction has been added. Jump HS 90% base damage correction has been added. Yes, as Corresponding to the Roman force was canceled. F is 1 ~ 2F reception after landing. I mean painful, painful Adjustment of speed is now possible by entering the lever back and forth in a rush. Please put down → upper body invincible invincible now to blow. The increased number of souls when a hit is now 1 → 2. And we will approach The increased number of souls when a hit is now 1 → 2. Possessed state Raoh Darkness Anthem HS version has been added to the additional input. Darkness air anthem Add New technology is. Rasutoedogai air Add New technology is. Rasutoedogai Damage is now 100 → 80.
  5. Phrekwenci

    Long Island Roll Call!

    So, I'm back in Long Island. Plugged my GGXXAC back in but a bit rusty. Haven't played BB in well over a year (when Litchi made sense).
  6. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

  7. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Videos (all versions)

    I found that video yesterday. He's really excellent and I especially like how he's aggressive like me.
  8. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    No vids in the Lokitest, only sketch artists. ;D
  9. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    Here, this should help us out:
  10. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    I just thought of something, complete speculation though: the recovery time of summoning (born/spawn?) increases depending on the number of souls acquired. That would be nice so we aren't sitting ducks if our summon is blocked.
  11. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    We need a court room sketch artist.
  12. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    I just threw the original Japanese characters into Google Translate and looked for other translations. It seems that it also means 'spawned', so maybe it does have to do with summoning?
  13. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    Actually, I just read that new Japanese site and they are reporting this: Possessed sword - Extended dwell time of sword techniques use various sword. (this probably explains the hover 2HS being reported, maybe other sword moves) Sword 2HS - After the operation, so that rigid sword. (don't know what the use of the word rigid is) So this may be something new, but I still need to see it to be sure.
  14. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    I don't know because I haven't seen it yet but this doesn't sound new. They may have removed more return time from the 2HS but Zappa has been able to do something like this since Slash (when they added air combos from the 2HS). If you hit 2HS and then wait for the sword to get to the top of the animation, you can hit it again and keep it up there. This is more visible when you actually hit the opponent with the first 2HS. I could very well be wrong about this being changed in this new version since I haven't seen it yet. I am more concerned about this hitting the dog and making it go to sleep. Even though my play style doesn't stop moving the dog.
  15. Phrekwenci

    Zappa Love+R (the theoretical AC+R thread)

    Yea, he's B-tier but I agree with Oiboi. All of his summons are fine except the sword. I think we should have different follow-ups from 236S instead of leaving us open to attack. Hell, maybe that rumored counter-move from a while back could have been one. But sans a dream character, the changes are fine. Actually, the Raoh changes are dripping with lol. EDIT: I just went and checked the location test thread and they are reporting a few new things. Less of a chance to summon the dog. Dog goes to sleep when attacked. <-HATE Sword 2HS can hover over (I don't think this is a change, I think people just haven't seen it before) EDIT: Someone posted a link to this, here's the translation: Zappa Hello centipede of three animals - Increase rigidity. (no idea what this could mean) Possessed sword - Extended dwell time of sword techniques use various sword. (this probably explains the hover 2HS being reported) Sword 2HS - After the operation, so that rigid sword. (again, don't know what the use of the word rigid is) And we will approach (623HS sword) - Soul accumulates two (two souls for sword uppercut) What, I mean painful sore (63214HS sword) - To accumulate two souls. (two souls for sword swipe) Possessed dog - Possession immediately after the operation is impossible. (this sounds like if you summon and immediately hit D, you can't use the dog) Born - Increase according to the number of soul hits. Speed ​​occur? (no idea)
  16. Phrekwenci

    [AC+R] News & Gameplay Discussion

    We have a new FRC with the flying somersault sword of death move, right before landing.
  17. Phrekwenci

    Zappa: Spreading the Love (Player Locations)

    I remember you! Aww the memorieeeeeees.
  18. Phrekwenci

    Zappa: Spreading the Love (Player Locations)

    I haven't played in years!
  19. Phrekwenci

    Zappa: Spreading the Love (Player Locations)

    So, with the announcement of GGAC re-release, I think I should plug my PS2 in again for a few months. What say you?
  20. Phrekwenci

    [CS1-CS2] Litchi Video Thread

    Probably posted, but it's hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGnBI_SAQfU
  21. Phrekwenci

    [CS1-CS2] Litchi Video Thread

    I don't know if this is in the nico videos but, the combos in the Hakumen match are new to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wVA1MXFsMo
  22. Phrekwenci

    [CS1-CS2] Litchi Video Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhpaLan5H6U Some combos I've never seen before, it's almost like he's making it up as he goes along.
  23. Phrekwenci

    [CS1] Litchi Changelog

    Is there a vid with this, I'm having a hard time following what is going on?
  24. Phrekwenci

    [CS1-CS2] Litchi Video Thread

    He does the combo in the beginning and the end. I think it's neat using 2C with the 5D staff toss.
  25. Phrekwenci

    [CS1-CS2] Litchi Video Thread

    Anyone check out this corner combo yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6ObTfSie6Y