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About Zetsuii

  • Rank
    olive garden = booo
  • Birthday 12/23/1986


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    South Jersey
  1. Zetsuii

    ACCENT CORE Potemkin Matchups

    as with any match, you just hafta play it smart. a good OS will try and zone you, and punish you if you get SH spammy. don't bother 6k feinting if he's been seeing through them - walk up. you gain very good tension just moving forward so just move. superjumping towards them works wonders for me in this matchup since it feels like i'm always half the screen away. hammerfall too, if you can continually move forward with that. its Pot's game once he's in up close, so don't hang back and try and tag him from far away. get in there, block well, and keep in close. once the player realizes he can't really get away from you, then he'll try and attack you, and thats exactly what you want him to do. PB his ass all day after that bro