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Status Updates posted by HavQ

  1. Taking a short break from Dustloop. I'll be back in a few weeks. ..Oh, and feel free to add me on MSN/PSN.

  2. Sorry, I just have to say that your name is an anagram for mansex. :v: Couldn't resist mentioning..:vbang:

  3. HavQ

    I'm honored! :keke:

  4. At your service! :kitty: Looking forward to any and all future BB matches! Oh, and welcome to Dustloop, seems you're already very active!

  5. Pleased to make your acquaintance! :keke: Great to see another Umbrella supporter here too, haha.

  6. Ah, 'ello z'ere! :kitty: Pleased to make thy acquaintance!

  7. Ah, en toki ole jenkki vaikka siellä opiskellutkin. :keke: Harmi ettet Nyrkkeihin oo osallistunut, olivat mahtavia kun niitä vielä pidettiin. Ehkä jonain vuonna tulee ilmoitus uudesta, vaikka esim. BB:n ja Tekkenin tulo kahdelle konsolille voi asiaa vaikeuttaakin. Mutta juu, melkonen harmi ettet ole kauaa pelannut näitä, paljon kokemuksia ja muistoja itse saanut. Toivottavasti itsekin olet jo "sopeutunut", vaikka onhan vuosi melko pitkä aika. :grin: Vaikka en ole mikään suuri IRC-käyttäjä, voisi joskus noita kokeilla. Jos sulla sattuu olemaan PS3, voihan sitä aina onlinessakin pelata, tänä vuonna tulossa törkeästi hyviä tappelupelejä!

  8. No, I will be coming to Finland if I can't play you online! ..No, wait. :psyduck: Nah, I'll probably just stay up all night long and play BB, so yeah. Looking forward to some epic action! :cool: Edit: 20 days! :gonk:

  9. Nnnnoooooo!! :gonk: Be afraid, foolish mortal, for I have my eye on you! See? O_.

  10. Why thank you, sir! :) I've been in international relationships thanks to the schools I've went to since I was a kid, so I've just kinda developed a good grammar. I really appreciate your comment!

  11. Yup, I know Arctic Charge well and have taken part in the last three Rautanyrkki tournies. Shame they haven't been held in ages.. My activity on the forums died along with the annual event, haha. You're not Finnish too, are ya?

  12. Arakune is terrible, you say.. :I:

  13. Big thanks for the add, sir! ..Or should I say, Professor? :v:

  14. Thanks for the add, haha! :D
