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Posts posted by Kaizen

  1. Microdash GF is best performed by doing 2366P. You're essentially doing a dashing gunflame, not dashing, stopping, then doing Gunflame.



    Found another combo, which is more for practicality than stupid damage like the last one. This one's about getting out of the corner, and putting the opponent in the corner.

    xx 2D BR(1) RC |> dash 2H j.D, j.D |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 5H j.D Kudakero |> 6P, (6H or (5H) BR)


    Shoutouts to Gelsey/@ArtificialSol for recording and posting without me even asking.

    It costs 50 meter, but is very much worth it, and I prefer it over the xx 2D BR(2) RC, airdash j.S j.K, j.D |> dash j.K j.S dj.S j.H VV, because I tend to end up crossing the opponent back up when it carries corner to corner. This puts them in it if you're cornered, it's generally pretty easy.

    Alternate version: xx 2D BR(1) RC |> dash 2H j.D, j.D |> Fafnir, dash c.S 6P 6H (HVV)

    Works on everybody, but Zato, Venom, Ram, Axl, and I-no need some specific variations.

    General Alternate:
    xx 2D BR(1) RC |> dash 5K 2H j.K dj.D, j.D |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 5H j.D Kudakero |> 6P, (6H or BR)

    I-no and Axl specific variations:
    xx 2D BR(1) RC |> dash 5K 2H j.K dj.D, j.D |> dash j.D, delay dj.D Kudakero |> 6P, (6H or BR)

    Zato specific, still works on others:
    xx 2D BR(1) RC |> dash 5K 2H j.D, j.D |> Fafnir, GF, 6P, (6H or BR)

    Ram and Venom: Still testing.

    Against Elphelt, Millia, May, and I-no, you have to delay the dash 2H very slightly. If you buffer the dash for when you land, then you'll end up backdashing. Delaying it just enough allows you to dash. If you don't dash, you'll face towards the corner, but the 2H will autocorrect as the opponents passes over you. Same with even 5K.


  2. I came back to Xrd after taking a brief hiatus, and had an idea after watching Mugen vs Kabegiwa with corner crossup setups. Mugen was occasionally mixing in BB (YRC) post corner crossup setup, but I don't remember off the top of my head what his followup to it was. It simply wasn't doing that much damage, though, so I came up with this (against standing opponents):


    Crossup into corner j.K |> 2H RS, airdash (crossunder) j.D |> Fafnir,
    > BB, dash 2H (jc) j.D Kudakero |> 6P (,) 6H  {253 on Sol}
    > BB, dash j.K j.D Kudakero |> 6P (,) 6H  {281 on Millia}
    > BB, dash 6P c.S 6P (,) 6H  {261 on Zato}
    > Airdash j.S j.K, j.D |> dash j.D Kudakero |> 6P (,) 6H  {240 on Sol}
    > dash 6P, 5H (jc) j.D Kudakero |> 6P (,) 6H  {240 on Sol}
    > dash f.S 5H (hjiad) j.P j.H HVV  {224 on Sol}
    > Airdash j.S j.K, j.D |> Fafnir, dash 5K/c.S 6P (,) 6H  {260 on Zato/Ram. Works on Leo...still testing for compatibility}

    Works on Sol, Ky, Millia, Zato, Venom, Slayer, I-no, Bedman, Ram, Sin, and Leo.

    It's pretty high damage for a corner crossup setup and leads back into it guaranteed, unlike the wonky results I got from [oki GF YRC IAD |> dash under 5K (jc) j.K dj.D, j.D |> j.D dj.D Kudakero...]. It doesn't work on everybody because the RS won't connect against short characters or ones who lean back too far when hit (Faust, Chipp, May, Axl, Pot, Elphelt. It doesn't matter how deep you hit the j.K, 2H > RS won't connect :().

    It has varying ranges of difficulty, in that certain characters require the j.K be as close to the ground as possible, while others it doesn't matter as long as the 2H combos. Certain characters' reeling animations can make the RS fail to combo.

    Lenient: I-no, Bedman, Sin, Leo
    Moderate: Sol, Venom, Slayer
    Difficult: Ky, Millia
    Extremely difficult: Ram (You pretty much need to be right off the ground with j.K)

    What makes this nasty is how you can set it up. Post 6H GF Feint, you can immediately follow with BR YRC. this makes the crossup extremely difficulty to react to.If Sol started the BR from a moderate distance, as the opponent wakes up, Sol will not have crossed up the opponent yet, but he will generally be positioned on the other side within moments of the opponent losing their wakeup invulnerability. This, combined with the ability to negate the crossup by not delaying the 6P > 6H knockdown, makes this a potentially horrifying threat when Sol puts the opponent in the corner.

    Alas, the setup loses to mashing faster anti airs (Sol's 5K will beat it), autocorrected reversals (haven't been able to test this. Also fuck you Leo), and to BS. You can beat BS attempts by doing empty jump 5K/2K > 2H > RS, and it'll lead to the same followups, though obviously prorated (Use 5K if they don't predict the crossup, 2K to beat BS). But this comes with the added benefit of working on the additions of Faust, Axl, Pot, and Elphelt. If that doesn't seem like enough incentive, the characters that the j.K setup fails on will still work if you spend 50% to RC the 2H into Riot Stomp.

    I still think this is pretty insane for a corner crossup, especially since it puts them back in the corner after wallbouncing them on the other end of the screen (as with standard RS crossunder combos, but how many of those start with an ambiguous crossup?)

    I'd like to make a video of this to make it clearer, but I don't have any recording equipment. Fortunately, I've got a little extra income, so I may purchase such a device soonish.

    Have fun.

    EDIT: Something stupid I discovered, but j.K 2D RS works on May. Problem is, since she's already airborne by the time RS connects, she gets launched so high that the best you can follow up with is airdash j.H HVV(1). It's damage, but it doesn't put her back in the corner.



  3. "Seriously guys, humble pie is misleading and annoying as heck around here, especially since we're pretty much preaching to the choir about good competitive gameplay. (Meaning: there's already a forum full of good players here, so why say you're 'not good' when in reality you're better than average casual players?)"


    Somebody is preaching about the mentality of humility is annoying. I took this as "you're better than casual, so stop showing humilty because it's annoying".


    Telling somebody of a competitive mindset to stop being humble because you don't like it is in a similar vein of calling somebody a tryhard with the intent of putting them down.


    If it's good enough for you to be above average, fine. But don't preach to those of us who want to take it as far as we can.

  4. What does this mean for me, someone who can very easily go "well, I know i'm not good honestly, but, I have a lot of fun playing with my friends anyway regardless of who wins"?


    There's no problem with enjoying a game however you see fit. The most enjoyment I'm ever going to personally glean from Starcraft is from filling the stage with Protoss Cannons; I don't care about my APM or build orders, and have other games I already devote more time to than I can probably afford.


    What I have a problem with is being told that, apparently, the way I play games isn't fun. Fun is obviously subjective and I'm not going to expand on this argument when I've seen it over a hundred times. This clearly wasn't anybody's intention here, but when you come from a Smash background, trust me when I say it's a lot more prominent for casual players to outright state "You're better at this game than me, but you take a game seriously, so you're beneath me" (despite having no knowledge of my lifestyle whatsoever). It's turned into a kind of reflex.


    I once had a melee match that came out of me running into the player who had knocked me into losers bracket. My execution in that game is pretty piss-poor, and due to some stupid technicality, I had to beat him in two sets despite him already being in losers bracket with me. The game was so exhausting for me that after I won the set I literally could not stand for several minutes (the fact that we had to stand at the setup for half an hour didn't help). I find that kind of trial an unparalleled enjoyment, and I'm not going to get that from mashing with the majority of my buddies who don't understand the significance of using Faultless Defense, but it is obviously not for everyone.





    Anybody got any nasty pools for EVO? We've got a local Sin player whose first matchup is Nage, so I spent about four hours last night airthrowing him. It probably didn't help.

  5. The day someone online in Netplay says "You're the best [insert character here]-player I have ever seen!" is the day you can admit you're at least "reasonably" good at a character.
    Seriously guys, humble pie is misleading and annoying as heck around here, especially since we're pretty much preaching to the choir about good competitive gameplay. (Meaning: there's already a forum full of good players here, so why say you're 'not good' when in reality you're better than average casual players?)


    "Average Casual Players" in netplay is the worst possible measure of skill imaginable. Using the lowest common denominator as a metric is the best way to ruin any intention of improving. If your goal is to be better than average, then you're not setting your bar very high.


    Let me tell you a story. Way before I started playing Guilty Gear, before I even played fighting games competitively, I did fencing. Did it for four years. Quit for a variety of reasons, and while I never found another physically demanding competitive activity to fill its gap, I gained plenty of insight comparing my current competitive career to back when I was a naive high school kid. My coach was inevitably upset that I left, concerning how he once told my folks that he "didn't want to see my physical talent go to waste". I don't think I ever even told him directly why I was quitting, and I feel terrible about it, but that's besides the point.

    One of my first instructors once told me of the word Kaizen. It is, of course, a Japanese term: indicative of the ideology of "Continuous, unending improvement". Even if the only metric you have is others, when you begin demolishing every opponent who walks into your dinky corner of the world, what's next? You can either stagnate by patting yourself on the back for being "good enough", or you can move up and find that your pond of mediocrity gets swallowed by the ocean of talent in every corner of the world. I had to forcibly overcome an unearned sense of arrogance that came from that naivety, and a steady diet of humility is the perfect remedy to that toxic mentality.


    If it's good enough for you to be above average, fine. But don't preach to those of us who want to take it as far as we can.

  6. If I was a profilic Japanese game developer who travelled overseas to meet his American fans and was asked about sexual fetishes I'd respond the same way : U


    "Man, this place is weird. People like Overture here!"


    Also went, but yeah, as Layer mention, I guess that was all on the Q/A so far, and I thought the panel was supposed to be more on Xrd or something, but it was mostly Q/A. Sorry "Blade", I guess not a single Q from any of your 50 Questions weren't mentioned. (Except for #25 which was already answered a while back.)


    4. Music References

    Somebody asked about Leo's, but I forgot the name of the band. He'd probably answer these one a time if they were asked, but he's not going to explain all of them in a single question, and I doubt he's going to make any sort of public statement or even in-game info about it. He might have forgotten some considering some moves are from 98, but he seems pretty passionate about it, so who knows?


    7. BBxGG when? + 50. Other Mori collaborations?

    "When Mori finishes BlazBlue and I finish Guilty Gear, then we'll make a crossover"

    ...BB's nearing completion, but there's a ways to go for Guilty. It'll be a while.


    8. Overture remake?

    He's stated in another instance (I think it was an interview) that he's interested in at least working on Overture again. Considering I told him I liked it, I also did so with the hope that he might want to try again.


    10. Advice for those pushing themselves to make great art/music/games?

    He gave a typical, humble jpn game dev answer: "I can't give much advice, but if I can do it, so can you."


    17. Daisuke hates Soul Calibur



    18. Would you bridge casual/competitive ideals?

    He's also stated before (no source again, sorry), that part of the reason why he likes making the game more difficult is because it's more rewarding to pull off. That's an entirely different topic in terms of risk/reward, depth, and the like, but gleaning from this answer, the response would likely amount to "no".


    22. Bridget's Brother when? + ALL FUTURE STORY QUESTIONS

    A: He's obviously not going to answer questions like these. This is future story material which is NDA territory. He said the same thing this time, "we can't answer those questions"



    That's what I can give you based on what he's said before.




    Did anyone make sure to tell him about that Option Select?  I mean, that was the prime opportunity to make sure it'd get fixed ASAP.




    They probably know already. I think one of the JPN players discovered it and posted on Twitter.






    I also wanted to ask if he was aware of Minus R, but BDSM questions take precedence

  7. On topic: Hella hyped for Xrd@Evo, despite the stupidity that is the proximity OS. Wish I could have gone, but tried registering too late, and I have somehow been ill for the last four weeks.



    As somebody who came to Guilty out of a Smash background, I could give you pages of reasons why Melee is full of issues from a design and player perspective. But rather, I think I'll just give you a relatively short list of pros and cons.



    -Speed. Incredibly fast paced at higher levels of play. Adds to hype.

    -Freedom of movement. Analog movement control along with airdodging, fast falling, aerial movement, etc. gives the game more freedom than you'd really expect. I don't give a shit if you can triangle jump, Wavedashing is literally triangle jumping before you leave the ground, resulting in the momentum transferring into a slide.

    -Combo game. The entire combo theory revolves around being able to read the opponent mid-combo. Where will he DI? Will he tech? Combos in Melee are few and far inescapable. Most Melee combos involve a lot of reads and usually some resets. Similar in concept to KI: try to escape the combo at the wrong time, get fucked.



    -Discrepancy between standard and high level play. DI (Directional Influence), SDI, L-Cancelling, Short Hopping, Out of Shielding, Wavedashing, etc. is a list of movements and techniques that range from useful to suicide if you're unaware of them. This is the hidden information which you have to dig to understand, because you won't find them in the manual or how-to-play, and the chance that you'll discover them on your own are next to nothing.

    -Combo game: At the same time, some combos in the game are downright stupid easy. Chainthrows (Repeatedly throwing, as Smash allows grabbing opponents both airborne and in hitstun) range from impossible to braindead. Some characters can do huge combos blindfolded, others don't have a combo game. At all.

    -Terrible move design. Moves are unsafe on hit at certain percentages (Luigi rocket, some Smash attacks, Shiek's chain, etc). Some hitboxes make no sense (Jigglypuff's Bair (Back aerial normal) has three times the range of its animation, Kirby's air sideB is a spinning hammer attack, yet only hits laterally, above, and below).

    -Horrible Balance. Nearly a third of the game's matchups are borderline 9-1 or unwinnable. Characters on the bottom rung have multitudes of weaknesses and will almost never be considered viable.

    -Stage design: Just under 80% of the game's stages are banned from tournament play due to making certain types of play insurmountable/introducing stupid levels of chance/noticeably lagging the game's performance. You wanna play Temple? Cool. Somebody will pick Fox, laser you once, and then run away for 8 minutes. Have fun.



    -Mixup scenario is vastly different from normal fightans. No crossup/high-low game is offset by shield decay (your shield shrinks the longer you hold guard, doesn't recover as soon as you let go, letting go of shield has recovery, has guard crush). No auto-turn goes in hand with moves working in either direction.

    -Community. Despite the best of them being great (Cancer Research Funding!), some of the worst are some of the worst. Constant controller throwing, destruction of property, and crying over nothing. A lifetime supply of salt.

    -Hype? Sometimes Hype. Sometimes not hype.


  8. Well the move IS called "Treasure Hunt". Plus you know, though a lady-killer with amazing chiseled abs, Johnny IS still technically a pirate. I believe "stealing valuables" is part of his job description along with "always be ready for adventure", "use as many Rs in everyday speech" and "never run your ship sober". Though I love how cleverly Daisuke uses GG to pay tribute to Queen. It's the little touches that make things interesting.


    Nobody is disputing that Johnny is a pirate. I'm pissed cause he throws it away like a goddamn coin.

  9. This is true, but from experience I've found it impossible to do xx > Fafnir > IK mode > IK from lengthier combos due to what feels like increased decreased tumble time. It may just be my poor execution but I've never been succesful. I'll do standard 2x rep D-loops into Fafnir > IK Mode > IK, and just have the opponent recover before the IK connects, when I can do it fine from stuff like 5D> Homing dash 5H > 2H > BB, Fafnir > IK Mode > IK, or other combos that are shorter.

    This adds to the benefit of working when the opponent is far from 20% HP remaining.


    I've even tried stuff like xx > Kudakero(2) (RC) Bandit Bringer, Fafnir > IK Mode > IK, but after anything past a single rep D-Loop I'm not sure it's possible.


    Do we know if tumble time scales with combo length?



    Another point to add is DI combos out of corner 5D that I've witnessed Karinchu pulling in recent footage.


    5D > Homing Dash 5H > 2H > DI, 5H > GF, BB, BB, dash 6P > 5H (JC) j.D > Kudakero |> dash j.D > Kudakero |> dash 5H > TR, IAD j.S > j.K > j.D > PBB (~250+)


    Early Burst Bait version:

    5D > Backdash 6H > DI, dash 5H > GF, BB, BB, dash 6P > 5H (JC) j.D > Kudakero |> dash j.D > Kudakero |> dash 5H > TR, IAD j.S > j.K > j.D > PBB (~250+)


    If they burst before DI startup or presumably before 6H, burst whiffs > fuck 'em up.

  10. On the subject of IK combos, I've recently been working on some stuff that makes IK combos work when the opponent is between 30% - 40% HP, dependent on defense modifiers. These work with 100 meter, and concern Kudakero(2) (RC) > IK Mode, Fafnir, BBreach.

    It is also easier to land outside of [Fafnir, IK mode, IK], and works after much higher scaling, meaning that you can do more damage beforehand and get it to work as long as the opponent hits the 10% HP mark anywhere up to and including the second hit of Kudakero (even if a combo contains more than one).



    First, this involves a corner BnB which simply uses an early 6P > Gunflame in order to increase damage, which is necessary for the previous discovery of the Millia specific BnB. The reason is for maximizing damage.


    General Version:

    5K/c.S > 6P, Gunflame, 5H (JC) > j.D, j.D |> Fafnir, dash 6P > 5H (JC) > j.D > Kudakero |> 6P > [6H, or (5H) > BR] (~230 on Sol)


    Lighweight Version:

    5K/c.S > 6P, Gunflame, 5H (JC) > j.D, j.D |> delay dash j.D (slight delay, neutral dj.D) > Kudakero |> 6P > [6H, or (5H) > BR] (~228 on Ino)


    Millia Specific Version:

    5K/c.S > 6P, Gunflame, 5H (HJC) > j.D > Kudakero |> 5H (JC) > j.D, j.D |> Fafnir, dash 6P > [6H, or (5H) > BR] (250+)



    Now for the IK version. Note that this can work in essentially any combo where the following conditions are met:

    (A). You have 100 meter by the time after Kudakero connects both hits anywhere near the corner.

    (B). The opponent was between 30-40% before the combo started. It can be less, if necessary, obviously.


    Here's how it works:


    5K/c.S > 6P, Gunflame, 5H (JC) > j.D, j.D |> delay dash j.D, [(j.K (JC) j.D) or for lightweights, optional (delay (NJC) j.D)] > Kudakero(2) (RC) > Fafnir > IK


    Kudakero(2) RC gives you enough time to IK mode immediately after the RC, and then follow up with a Fafnir. Since you're already in IK mode, the IK during Fafnir tumble is incredibly easy and can essentially guarantee a kill near the corner if you start with around 75% tension +/- 5. You can also start with [j.S |> 6P, Gunflame], or a few filler normals into confirms at the start, if necessary, though the damage will scale and make the combo a little less potent.

    This is useful for closing games where the opponent is at an HP that would normally require another knockdown and mixup, and can give you the game.



  11. j.P and j.K link after it if you're high enough, and you can convert to a Dloop if they're airborne, and you have dash momentum or you're close enough to the corner. Otherwise, you just want to do HVV and get the knockdown.


    If they're grounded and you're too high when the j.H recovers to link a grounded normal, you can do the same link, then continue the combo when you land.




    Against grounded opponents:

    j.H, (j.P/j.K) |> 5K c.S 2D BR

    j.H, (j.P/j.K) |> (5K/c.S) 6P, 5H HJIAD [j.K j.D] or [j.P j.H] HVV

    (near corner) j.H, (j.P/j.K) |> (5K/c.S) 6P, 5H HJIAD j.K j.D Break |> 6P, BR/6H/HVV


    Against airborne opponents midscreen:

    j.H, j.K dj.K/H/D HVV

    j.H, j.P HVV


    With dash momentum or near the corner:

    j.H, j.K dj.D, falling j.D |> dash j.D, j.K dj.D Break |> 6P, 6H/BR/HVV

    j.H, j.K (slight delay) dj.D, falling j.D |> dash j.D dj.D, falling j.D |> dash j.D dj.D Break |> 6P, 6H/B/HVV (this combo is kind of tight on timing so you might not want to risk going for the second D.Loop reps)

  12. Double D-loop can be kind of weird. If you have more than three hits before you land the first rep, hitstun decay generally won't allow you to do double Dloop.


    The second rep of Dloop needs to start as late as possible. If you go for the 3rd j.D immediately after landing from the 2nd j.D, they'll probably be too high for the 4th j.D to connect, unless the first rep of Dloop started really low. You want to wait to go for second rep so they're low as possible without recovering from the 2nd j.D's hitstun. This is especially true if the opponent is a lightweight.


    E.G. 5K > 6P > 5H (JC) > j.D, j.D |> (delay) j.D, j.D > j.D > Kudakero |> 6P > (delay) BR.


    You can also put in a dash to help with that delay, as it can help if you've been pushed out too far from the corner after the first rep. Don't be afraid to experiment with j.D's untechable time, it's pretty long for an air normal.


    ([5P/2P/5K/2K/c.S > 6P > 5H > DLoop], or [airdash j.S > j.D |> 2H > Dloop] is generally what you'll be restricted to as a starter).

  13. Character: Slayer

    From: SoCal


    By very good I mean people that are pretty proficient with their characters and that actually know how to play the game. Hit me up if you are looking to get some games in.


    EAN and Shin have both mentioned that I should play against you. I'm also from SoCal and I frequented FFA and Super, though I haven't been as active in the last two years. I dunno if we've ever played before.



    Main: Sol

    Region: SoCal, as mentioned.

  14. I've been fucking around lately with DI GF > BB loops. It does a significant amount of damage because both specials deal base 50, and generally combo into each other at combo counts below 7 or so, depending on the starter/how much RISC gets depleted early. All of these combos are assuming you're doing a full duration DI from or near the start of its activation.



    DI GF (YRC), dash BB |> GF, BB |> delay GF, BB |> slight delay GF, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB. [304 damage on Sol]

    DI GF (YRC), dash j.H > Kudakero |> GF, BB |> BB |> dash 2H, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB. [~240 damage on Sol, works from further away from the corner]

    DI HVV (RC), backdash, Respect > BB >| BB |> GF, BB |> delay GF, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB. [328 damage on Sol]


    In corner:

    DI GF (YRC optional), dash BB |> GF, BB |> delay GF, BB |> slight delay GF, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB. [304 damage on Sol, regardless of YRC]

    DI HVV (RC), Respect > Respect > GF, BB |> GF, BB |> delay GF, BB |> slight delay GF, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB. [333 damage on Sol]

       (double respect isn't a typo. You have a massive amount of time to delay the HVV (RC) into the gunflame. Lighter characters require even more of a delay, so do double respect into a delay GF. You can generally also do GF (feint) to GF, or even GF to GF, since the first one will whiff if you're that deep in the corner).



    DI HVV (RC), run under, Respect > GF, BB |> GF, BB |> delay GF, BB |> slight delay GF, j.D (JC) j.D > PBB [333 damage on Sol]




    -The timing for GF to BB is pretty strict. The (supposed) input buffer makes this a little easier, but you generally want the BB out as soon as GF recovers.


    -DI GF (YRC) works because if you YRC right before the hit makes contact, the YRC starts (6f startup), but GF will hit the opponent during the startup and before the timeslow. This thus ignores the forced prorate associated with RC timeslow, because the projectile hits before the timeslow actually starts.

    Additionally, comboing into the following BB for full damage works because YRC slowdown lasts less time than regular RC. You're getting the same amount of hitstun without having to wait for timeslow to end to get past the forced slowdown proration. A friend of mine noticed this since he plays Ino, and gets high damage nearly 2/3rds a screen away with HCL (YRC). 25 meter for 250+ damage.


    -Dash BB is done by performing 236[6]~[K]. This allows you to get a good burst of distance before throwing out the BB, instead of being overlapped by WT if you simply do 66236K.


    -Delay GF is important, as if they're hit while already airborne, they'll usually be too high for the BB to connect unless you hit them around Sol's gut or waist level.


    -There's another cornered variation involving dash BB launching behind Sol, and I've gotten it to work on some midweights, but haven't tested it enough to get anything conclusive for it.



    Something else stupid to consider is Oki RS (YRC). If you YRC right as you leave the ground, Sol will vault backwards without ever actually going up to the wall, instead flying back down the ground. What's good about this is that you can cancel the momentum with an airdash or double jump. I have used this countless times to bait and punish wakeup throw attempts, and even though it can probably get really predictable, mixing this in with the newly considered "backdash YRC j.S in DI" and "naked YRC low" mixups, I feel this could work as a nice, if gimmicky option.

  15. To people who have been playing Xrd more seriously than I / people who have followed videos since the Japanese release: does this sort of thing happen often in danger time?




    Because I don't quite know how to feel about it. On one hand, it's hilarious...on the other, shouldn't projectile freeze when danger times activates? Seems like an oversight. Apologies if I'm beating a dead horse, because I honestly didn't follow the game at all until the console release.


    You can cancel DT startup into FD, so that Zato player had no excuse for getting hit.


    I'm not saying DT isn't dumb, but there are parts of it that people don't realize. You can only get DT once per round, you can cancel it into FD, the buffer window starts at "1", etc.

  16. Then don't you think we should have some sort of distinction between the two? Considering that BR auto-JI'd in AC (airdash AND double jump) while BB did not, and how both now grant the same movement options on (Y)RC, I'd like to describe it with something rather than "This move grants one airdash if (Y)RC'd in the air, but does not allow you to double jump unless jump installed, and the same is true of all moves that have strike invincibility and go airborne from the ground".


    I'd like to avoid any misnomers or mislabeling of things, such as people getting confused/upset when we talk about fuzzy guards.


    I recall Digital Watches creating a thread for +R meant for the discussion of and definition of terms like oki, abare, etc, but I think it's been long buried.

  17. Does 5HS -> IAD j.K work? I'm like 99.99% sure it doesn't, based on me sitting in training mode trying to do it off a raw 2HS/5HS for 15 minutes. I can get j.P fairly consistently. I think that changing all of Sol's heavies into level 4 attacks instead of level 5 removed that combo?


    Against an airborne opponent? Yes, 5H HJIAD j.K still works. The timing feels as tight as it did for me in AC/+R, as I could never get it consistently before, anyway. You need to cancel the airdash into j.K pretty much immediately after you input it, or that's how it feels to me, anyway.


    I've actually been practicing this for the last few days because it's probably Sol's best meterless damage option for a max distance CH 5H:

    CH 5H (JC) > IAD j.S > j.D |> 5H (HJC) > IAD j.K > j.D > HVV = ~180 damage.

      -This works from starting position, in case you feel ballsy enough to throw out 5H at the start of the round.

    If you're close enough to the corner, you can do j.K > j.D into Break, but I haven't practiced that enough to determine what the best course of action out of it is.


    The changing of levels is a universal system change; Level 4 moves are just Level 5 moves of a different name. What used to be Lvl.1 is now Lvl.0, Lvl.2 is now Lvl.1, and so forth.This might have been a necessity for coding in the Unreal Engine, though I'm not familiar enough with UE's scripting to say for certainty.




    If you just don't dash out of 5D at all, you can still do 5HS > BB > Fafnir > dash 6P > 5HS > j.D > Break > 6P, delay BR.


    If you do 5D > 44 > 6HS with zero frames of delay before 6HS on Slayer, the 6HS won't get the wall slide. You have to delay it a frame.


    Good to note, in case this is ever a necessity. I've been spending more time lately trying to grind down execution rather than determine matchup specifics, but I'll keep that combo in mind.


    I actually forgot to mention this, but yes, you do need to delay the 6H out of 5D backdash slightly, because if you hit on a frame where the opponent is still stuck in wallsplat, even on normal 5D hit, then they'll be able to tech before they slump. I'll add that in above.


    Lastly, remember that you can RC into 5D, and not only does it ignore 5D's prorate, but it also ignores RC forced prorates, making 5D's slightly more useful if you want a damaging combo, and don't feel comfortable with dustloops or want something easier. For damage comparison:


    5D [44] 6H > BB |> Fafnir, dash 6P > delay 5H (JC) > j.D > Break |> 6P > delay BR = 167 damage




    [CH 5H] OR [5H RC] > 5D > same combo = ~210 damage!

  18. In corner:

    5D [6] ~ 6H BB Fafnir 6P~2H jD Break HVVK 165 damage on Sol


    Start the combo with 5HS 2HS BB. Much more consistent and more damage.


    There's a bit of wonkiness with comboing with Sol's corner 5D. Using a homing dash out of 5D into xx > BB isn't always the best option, because some characters slump so low that the BB whiffs in the corner (I-no, some other lightweights), while Slayer, and potentially others' wallstick hitboxes are so high that dash c.S and 5H will whiff unless you artificially delay it. In fact, if the 5D is a counter hit, the opponent is stuck in the wallsplat and won't even slide before they can recover! Hitting them during this will activate slump, but they'll be at a higher point before the wallslide starts, meaning that 6H > Bandit Bringer doesn't work on 5D counter hit.


    Your best option is actually to backdash out of the 5D and then do 6H > BB. This will work on normal hit against everybody, specifically the characters whose slump makes BB whiff after Homing dash. You'll need to delay the 6H slightly in order to ensure that it hits the opponent during wallslide, and not wallsplat.

    If it's on Counter Hit, you have enough time to dash in and [5H > 2H] or [c.S > 5H], but if it's against Slayer, you need to use either [5K > 5H] or [6P > 5H]. 6P>5H needs Sol to be as close to the corner as possible.


    Anyway, here's some data for comparison


    5D [6 / 44],  6H > BB |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 2H (JC) > j.D > Break |> HVVK = 165

    5D [6],  5H > 2H > BB |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 2H (JC) > j.D > Break |> HVVK = 166

    5D [6 / 44],  6H > BB |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 2H (JC) > j.D > Break |> 6P, delay BR = 167

    5D [6] 5H > 2H > BB |> Fafnir, dash 6P, 2H (JC) > j.D > Break |> 6P, delay BR = 168


    Here are some optimized combos I've been working on.


    5D [44],  6H > BB |> Fafnir, dash Gunflame, dash c.S (JC) > j.D > Break |> 6P, delay BR = 175

    [NOTE: dash gunflame is best input by doing 2366P, and to get 6P BR to connect, you have to delay the BR as long as possible so the first hit connects. Works against most of the cast, but Elphelt and potentially other lightweights can tech before the dash c.S]


    5D [44],  6H > BB |> Fafnir, Bandit Bringer, dash 2H (JC) > j.D > Break |> 6P, delay BR = 177

    [This is similar to the above combo, but has the unfortunate distinction of being frame perfect and character specific. Difficult combo only worth going for if you can link Fafnir to BB, but you're generally better off going for the above].

  19. I believe I'm delaying the j.P input ever so slightly after inputting the air dash when I get it.

    also if you don't mind, I put your recent answer to dustloop problems in the first post, since it comes up quite often and that's a good explanation for the common problems.

    Thanks, I got it out, but even the timing for j.K is tighter, I'm finding it more reliable because of the range and damage. Though I'm trying something out and the distance to make it work is kinda wonky.


    (from midscreen/starting position) [f.S RC]/CH 5H(JC) > IAD j.S > j.D |> 5H (HJC) > IAD j.K > j.D > Break/Kudakero > whatever.


    The problem is though it seems like I'm close to the corner, the Break/Kudakero isn't connecting after the second j.D, unless I push them forwards a bit at the start (it could be character specific, I'm currently testing against I-no because I'm testing other things)



    Another question: What motion are you doing for tk.DI? I'm trying to do it for the ambiguous high-low, but when I do 2142147H, I get a backdash, and when I do 2147214H, The input comes out too late for the mixup to work.



    Lastly, I don't mind at all. I was planning on adding it to the wiki after some editing, anyway.



    How does JI work with sol just curios to find out more info

    Sol has multiple forms of JI the same as everybody else.


    1. Input a jump during a jump cancellable normal, then gatling/special cancel into another move before the jump comes out. E.G. c.S > 8 > 5H (HJC)

    2. Perform a combo with a jump in without expending your double jump, then combo into something. E.G.  j.S |> 2H (HJC)

    3. TK a special input, but hit the button before jump startup. E.G. 2147 S (RC), double jump

    4. RC an auto JI'd move. However, the rules for this seems to have changed for Xrd.

      -Performing an Auto JI'd move on the ground and RC'ing it allows you only to airdash after the arc

      -However, performing an Auto JI'd move in the air and RC'ing gives you both a double jump, and an airdash.

      4+. If you jump install through another means prior to using and RC'ing a grounded, auto JI'd normal, you'll be able to double jump like any other JI.


    Sol's auto JI'd specials include Bandit Revolver, Bandit Bringer, Riot Stomp (this move is an exception to point 4, you can still dj out of an RC/YRC).

    You must manually JI Volcanic Viper and Grand Viper.



    If you're asking what Sol's capable of with JI, well, I'm sure you've seen some of the possibilities:


    Tk'ing a DP can afford you a safer recover if you RC it on block, 6239 S/H (blocked) (RC), airdash/air backdash

    5K/c.S > 5HS/2HS > Bandit Revolver (RC) > Airdash j.S > j.K > delay j.D |> dash j.K > j.S (JC) > j.S > j.H > sVV > Tataki Otoshi

    5K/c.S > 5HS/2HS (JI) > Grand Viper (RC) > air backdash |> Bandit Bringer, Fafnir, dash 6P > delay Gun Flame > c.S > Bandit Revolver


    Lots of good stuff
