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Status Updates posted by Darlos9D

  1. Oh. Wow. Damn, you sure got me. See, I was under the mistaken assumption that the reason you posted something to my account is because you wanted me to read it and therefore wanted me to personally consider it on some level. But... I guess not? This sure is a conversation we just had. Which is now over.

  2. Thinking I give a shit about your opinion is also fucking retarded.

  3. Oh, well, I'm on PSN. So I can't really help there. Sorry. I do try to run a good room though!

  4. You mean BB player rooms? Yeah, sometimes. I've been mucking about on ranked recently though. Why do you ask?

  5. My brain doesn't make connections between boards! Though I guess I should know better. Somebody with a Rachel avatar more than likely hangs out on Dustloop.

  6. congratulations, your avatar caught me completely off-guard. I lol'd

  7. I'm glad. I wasn't actually too terribly angry, I wrote it more to just be entertaining. I see that I succeeded.

  8. omg. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage here, start here. Just start hitting links and I'll see you again in 10 years.

  9. No, I'm sure it wasn't me. I'd come up as [OCR]Darlos9D in TF2. Plus I haven't played in forever, lol

  10. I love classification systems. This is why I'm in love with TVTropes: I can classify anything with tropes. DnD Alignments is just a small subset. That said, a lot of people try to pidgeonhole alignments TOO hard. This is why paladins tend to suck.

  11. Want a handjob while we're at it? Why in gods name are you taking my title seriously?
