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About KrazySh0t

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    Yes Id love a Cookie
  • Birthday 02/28/1985

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  1. 107448 173486-hd.jpg Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good. Spanning six levels, it's a forced-scrolling platformer where the Prince runs from left to right and you have to jump obstacles. You can jump, wall climb, run across ceilings and attack with a sword. You can also rewind time when you kick it and do so as often as you wish, the idea being that the time it takes to complete the game is the actual challenge. You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this. Flash Games for Teen - Games for Kids.

  2. KrazySh0t

    What got -you- into BlazBlue?

    I resurrected my love of fighting games a couple months before BB:CT came out on consoles, found mention of it on SRK and looked up info. The rest is history.
  3. Dude I gotta admit, I haven't played alot of BB:CS. However msg me for games anyways.

  4. WHATS UP!!! LONG TIME NO SEE!!! Anyways just to give you and everyone else a heads up, I'm returning to the community after alot of crap with my hand almost completely healed through rehab and hopfully getting my PS3 fixed sometime this week!! Hope to see you and everyone else ingame soon!!

  5. I've modified one of mu's challenge combos and started using it online also mu's challenge 7 is one of her standard corner combos. These challenges are alot more helpful then the crappy sf4/ssf4 challenges were. I'd do them then go read srk for their actual bnbs. The sjc's are a little annoying (especially when you are sjc a 2 or 3 move), but with a little practice its not to bad, I've even started doing sjc's with tsubaki after her 6cc in matches. Also I think the reason the sjc's are there is because when you do them, your character is in a better position in the air to jc again. Sure you can do alot of the sjc combos with a regular jc but if the combo requires another jc then you may fall out of position from your opponent to continue the combo, whereas a sjc will put you slightly above your opponent making the followup jc a bit easier to do. That's at least what I noticed.
  6. KrazySh0t

    [CS1] Mu-12 General Discussion Thread

    The only characters in this game who wouldn't be tourny legal are the unlimited versions.
  7. KrazySh0t

    The Losing Streak Mentality

    hmmm... Losing is part of the game. Reason I was so happy about buying CT on opening day was cause I was getting in on the ground level of a new fighting series and wouldn't have to spend as much time catching up and learning mechanics (like trying to learn GG now). Sure I still lost a bunch, but you gotta build the foundation of your game before you can start to learn the good stuff, and that involves losing against people. Playing the computer doesn't help, cause its the same for any fighting game, find the move on your main that the computer can't block (which may or may not be a punishable move) and spam it till you win. Right now when CS comes out I'm going to have to relearn the game cause I've switched to playing with a stick in fighting games and while SF4/SSF4 is easy (cause its so damn slow) BB is fast. I'm aware this will come with a bunch of losses and I'm prepared for that. I just know that with practice, I'll get better and it'll be all good in the end. p.s. It also helps that I know some people in my area who like to play fighting games
  8. KrazySh0t

    New Mortal Kombat

    I'm keeping my eye on this, I'm liking that they brought back 2d fighting, the whole 3d thing pissed me off. Game is looking alot better then mk:da mk:a mk:d and Mkvdc (especially the last one). Not going to get my hopes too high though.
  9. KrazySh0t

    Tekken 6

    So is the lag like playing kof12 online? I just bought it on friday and while I own t5DR on the ps3 I didn't give it alot of playtime. Haven't had much playtime with it and most of the time spent on it was against my friends who are pretty good at Tekken. Thinking about maining Raven and/or Lili.
  10. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    You could interpret that many different ways. But I really don't want to discuss it anymore, everything is all interpretation at this point.
  11. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    These are some valid points, but I don't feel like they discredit my theory. For instance instead of "smelting" noel as you put, they could have just been adding the murakumo sync programming. This all boils down to a "we'll see" thing and maybe BB:CS will explain more. There isn't enough given information about her past and the past of the BB universe as a whole to come up with a solid history. Keep in mind that timeline that was posted has ALOT of gaps and even the info that is filled in, isn't that informative. It doesn't matter which theory you go with, yours or mine, they both present and leave questions that cannot be answered at this time.
  12. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    Exactly, either of our two theories are the most likely events, but there is still also a chance that ASW can throw us a curve ball and make it something COMPLETELY different lol.
  13. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    Well since all the endings except the true ending ultimately result in Kagutsuchi blowing up shortly after the events of the story mode you played, the answer to your question is just 1 (yes even the ones that don't show it happening the city blows up).
  14. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    That makes sense up until you consider this. With the addition of Lamda-11 who looks exactly like Nu (from what I understand), why is it that during the production of these Murakumo units did the NOL alter the design choice when making 12 from what 11 looked like, then went BACK to the previous version when making 13? I mean think about it. Noel has blonde hair, normal skin tone and normal eyes, while lamda and nu both have white hair, white skin tone and red eyes (basically they are albinos). Also furthermore Hazama implied (if not outright admitting it) that Noel has the true Grimoire. Wouldn't the makers of mu-12 notice something as powerful as that when making her? But I guess thats what BB:CS is for to fill in these questions
  15. KrazySh0t

    BlazBlue Setting Material Collection Information

    My theory is that Noel=Saya who has been brainwashed by Hazama and given programming to sync with murokomo (is that how its spelt?) unit. I also believe that programming was disrupted during the explosion at Ikaruga hence the reason she appeared as a lost child to the Vermillion family who subsequently adopted her. I feel that the true ending further shows merit to this theory since she seems to show sibling love towards Ragna after saving his life (another oddity coming from someone who should never have met him prior to that occurance) when she cries in his chest and tells him not to do anything like that anymore.