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Everything posted by ilikeusingdizzy

  1. i bought grimgrimoire about a month ago,i completed the story but do i get anything from doing the extra missions?i was thinking about completing them(abd i will)but right now im trying to finish xenosaga.

  2. hey what was that thread called when kiyo made an ass of himself? edit: "nigga if it involves FG then its full of nigga's and asians. lol marvel." and while were at it,what is FG?

  3. *copied from post #95 in sub-forum Rachel vs Tager* (CH 2c - 2d - 5b - SJ j.b - j.a - j.b -j.c - DJ j.2c in case you don't know it.) I didn't know it,but now I do and have you to thank.^_^

  4. since i heard the balance patch is coming out i figured i might as well main rachel again.

  5. makoto uses tonfa,just like eri.^-^

  6. not your kinda game huh?Well that's a shame. Guilty gear was like the only game I used to play when I first joined.then blazblue came and I started playing that with my friends,but since I had no next-gen systems I started downloading fighting games like efz bigbangbeat and meltyblood.I never expected iamp to become my favorite.ofcourse guilty gear is the game that got me into fighting games in the first place but since we don't play it like we used to iamp's pretty much all i got.

  7. you any good at iamp yourself?

  8. whats this stuff about mu and mokoto not making any difference between fighting and porn games now? i just want to know what you guys were discussing.

  9. did vanguard princess get new characters?

  10. 2A2A5B2B2C3B jBC jBC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C!5C~5C!BC land jBC jBC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C3B jABC jABC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B5B2C3B jABC jAABC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C!5C 5A5B5C! 5A5B2B4B BC jBC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C!5C~5C!C land 5B2B5C~5C BC jBC 6Q or 4Q 6Q or 4Q (Whichever will throw them to the wall) jBC jBC 6Q or 4Q 6Q or 4Q 22A!623C2A5B2B2C4B BCjBC 6Q or 4Q 6Q or 4Q 22A!623C2A5B5C~5C! BC jBC jBC 4Q or 6Q 2A2B5B5C 623C! (2Aor5A)5B5C! 5A5B2B4B BC jBC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B5B5C 623C! 2C3B jABC jABC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C!4B(2hits)~dash! (B or C)land5B2B2C5C~C BC jBC 6Q or 4Q 2A2B2C!4B(2hits)~dash! (B or C)land5B2B5C~C BC jBC 6Q or 4Q

  11. ilikeusingdizzy

    Guilty Gear FAQ Thread - Ask your questions here!

    any news on the next-gen guilty gear(fighter) yet?
  12. so is your main still rachel or have you switched since cs? my main and sub for ct are rachel and carl,since cs nerfed rachel horrifically ill main carl for the time being.

  13. i just wish there were more scrubs.im the worst there so far. whats more is im moocghing off of someone elses connection at the momment so im pretty laggy outside of the west coast.

  14. i saved a couple of your images,im assuming you don't mind.anyway,that fair and square one was great,are they all your work or are you just collecting them?

  15. didn't expect to see such a recent login.

  16. norcal,the fighting game mecca.i do believe youre right.anyone play local iamp matches there?cause i cant do well online since im mooching off some weak wlan connection.

  17. we'll I'm gonna keep using it. there quite a handful of adversaries there.

  18. fucking love you man! thankks for reconencting so soon.

  19. it must have been the guitar that made me think daisuke would be like i-no.

  20. i took a look at daisuke for now,he sounds like the bang shishigami version of i-no(since bang and chipp are both ninja despite that they worked differently in which bang would endure attacks to land his own while chip would attack frequently to interupt his opponent and and follow up with combos). i also like the name devil daze as it not only has a nice ring to it but some sounds like it could be the work of arcsys. you know what with the whole gg,bb,dd thing going on.

  21. well,hell i like yours as well.
