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Everything posted by RinHara5aki

  1. RinHara5aki

    [CF] Taokaka Gameplay Thread

    BlazBlue Central Fiction: Taokaka Gameplay Thread Any information you saw or discovered yourself about Tao's gameplay, share with us! ヽ(^‥^=ゞ)
  2. RinHara5aki

    [CF] Video Posting Thread

    Various Character combos Combos 2
  3. RinHara5aki

    [CF] Taokaka Video Thread

    BlazBlue Central Fiction: Taokaka Video Thread Strictly for posting combo or gameplay videos of BBCF Taokaka! Start linking! (´。• ω •。`)
  4. RinHara5aki

    [CF] Taokaka Combo Thread

    BlazBlue Central Fiction: Taokaka Combo Thread Starting the thread for BBCF Taokaka combos! Her combo routes have changed a lot since BBCP so please share your knowledge so other players can get better!! ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿
  5. RinHara5aki

    [CF] Video Posting Thread

    Taokaka combos for you guys.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3lpQ2cD6LE
  6. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    BBCP: Various Taokaka Combos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3rVMrnTHos
  7. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    Randy Savage in Blazblue? PS3: 10/25 BBCP MRE: Coopa (TG) vs. 2GB Combo (NO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VJDTnuY_Mg
  8. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    PS3: 10/25 BBCP MRE: Dacidbro (HZ) vs. Smiles (AZ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1xOP7qJXRs PS3: 10/25 BBCP MRE: Solex (KA) vs. OrionXElite (AZ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAeWPfwyRxE
  9. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    If you're a moe-hunter, you can't block overheads. PS3: 10/25 BBCP MRE: ShelledMenace (JI) vs. 2GB Combo (NO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2JXNM-ikC0
  10. As it says, Mike Engler and Russel from Aksys are willing to answer questions during a short interview tommorow and the day after. Please post below any questions regarding BBCP US release or anything BBCP!
  11. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    SPECIAL!: TheBBVlog Anime Expo Recap
  12. RinHara5aki

    Aksys Interview- TheBBVlog wants your questions!

    So sorry guys this interview for the most part, was a flop. Obviously, he wants to keep the big guns/info for trailers/announcements, so there was very little he could give me. I'm only going to post this here as an unlisted/private video of a unedited interview with Aksys Marketing Manager, Russell Iriye. He had his lips shut very tight, hence there wasn't much reason to do a fully edited interview, but if you guys have any nit pick info out of this, go ahead. BBintfull.mp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhklP4T4jj0&feature=youtu.be I tried guys. Thanks for the questions.
  13. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    I'm only going to post this here and in the interview question thread, this is an unlisted/private video of a unedited interview with Aksys Marketing Manager, Russell Iriye. He had his lips shut very tight, hence there wasn't much reason to do a fully edited interview, but if you guys have any nit pick info out of this, go ahead. BBintfull.mp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhklP4T4jj0&feature=youtu.be
  14. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    Top 4 and 3. Spark gets astralled~ PS3: 7/6 BBCP AX: Spark (HK) vs. Nano (NO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cuX8bbpVWfM PS3: 7/6 BBCP AX: Citrus (TG) vs. CM Sora (JI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpXZaLnnmUI
  15. RinHara5aki

    Aksys Interview- TheBBVlog wants your questions!

    Oh, it was on purpose
  16. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    PS3: 7/5 BBCP AX: Kaigu (AZ) vs. Bohemian Polka (RC) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5NEuc-dYlU
  17. RinHara5aki

    Aksys Interview- TheBBVlog wants your questions!

    Hey Klawz, from what i hear i dont think they will. Thanks for the responses guys. Questions were answered, sort of. Will compile the video soon!
  18. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    American BBCP HD Footage- PS3: 7/5 BBCP AX: StayFree (TK) vs. Bohemian Polka (RC) PS3: 7/5 BBCP AX: Acid Ace (BU) vs. ??? (TS) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67lHLXxwy8Y
  19. RinHara5aki

    Aksys Interview- TheBBVlog wants your questions!

    Definitely noting these down. May reword a couple. Some may not make the interview video response but I'll at least post their answer.
  20. RinHara5aki

    Aksys Interview- TheBBVlog wants your questions!

    Ill put them in. Keep me coming!
  21. RinHara5aki

    [CP] Video Posting Thread

    SPECIAL! BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma E3 Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_d1EzHCXg I'll be in touch with Aksys there for any follow up information tommorow.
  22. RinHara5aki

    [P4A] Video Posting Thread

    P4A Exhibition Match: TastyLumpia (YU) vs. ApologyMan (LA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06UVAKNmqiU
  23. Wish I could come :[ Scott: I think i can use my cheapo ones. Please bring your component splitter, or remind Coopa to bring his component splitter too. I'll see everyone tommorow, probably around 2 :P
  24. RinHara5aki

    [CSE] Bowling Ball General v:3

    Once I get my copy of Extend back, I might post a little here and there.
  25. RinHara5aki

    [CSE] Taokaka Combo Thread

    It may be the same concept as the [2 charge] -> 8d goes back, but [2 charge] -> 9d goes forward. Maybe [4 charge] -> 2 -> 9 moves them forward? Someone test it!